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5 necessary preparations for nail care:
Nail care is one of the most important elements in the interests of our beautiful and well-groomed appearance. Elegant nails say a lot about a man, they also testify to his culture and personality. Nails do not have to be done at the beautician's to make them look amazing. Just spend a little time to achieve a surprising effect. However, the most important thing is regularity, you will need the right accessories. What is the must for nail care? Check what you must buy to take care of your nails!
1. Start by preparing your hands and nails:
The first step is to properly prepare your hands and nails for treatments. Thoroughly clean the hands and nails, then do a hand massage. In this way, we clean them and soften the nails and cuticles, which is necessary before proceeding with the next treatments. We can use an aromatic peeling. A bowl of water, soap and a special olive will be used for this, which can be easily found in every store and easily ordered online.
2. Give your nails the right shape:
Another very important task is to properly shorten nails, smooth them and shape them. This stage will not be without specialist manicure tools. We need a solid file, a good nail polish, as well as decent pliers that will not hurt our nails, but will give them the expected shape and shorten to the desired dimensions. In online stores you will find a lot of professional nail clippers.
3. Get rid of unsightly skins:
Immediately after cutting nails, we also need to smooth the cuticles. Special cuticle scissors are needed for this. With their help we will fully achieve the effect of well-groomed hands. This is the last stage with the use of cosmetic instruments. We can apply care products on nails prepared in this way.
4. Strengthen your nails:
A very important step is to use a conditioner that will strengthen the nails and make them shiny, fresh and tidy. There are many different types of nutrients on the market. They are usually transparent and adapted to different types of nails. We choose a conditioner that will deal with our problems, e.g. weakened nail plate. Nutrients are strengthening and nourishing nails, they can also be used as a base for nail polish.
At this stage you can finish your manicure. However, if you want to have elegant or colorful nails, you will need varnish in the right color.
5. Final effect: choose a color:
The last and most inspiring stage is giving nails color. We will use a variety of varnishes, decorations and a top coat to extend the durability of painted nails. Online stores can be a great inspiration for us in our search for the perfect color. They will also help you buy the desired accessories and varnish immediately without leaving your home!
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