Nostradamus predict on 3797 AD: NASA conducts «End Of The World» experiments and nobody knows about it
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NASA conducts «End Of The World» experiments and nobody knows about it
Although the end of the world is nowhere to be seen, it is never too late to prepare, right? This is what NASA's first planetary defense officer, Lindley Johnson, thinks. Johnson has been preparing for the creation of the planet Armagedon for a long time and has been helping NASA to develop the right technology for this task since 2003. Read on to see why no one knows about the NASA experiment "the end of the world".
Of this world
While most people are worried about their daily problems, Lindley Johnson is worried about the end of the world. His personal mission is to protect the planet from potential threats from space. That's why Johnson is leading NASA's team of scientists investigating the New York extermination model in case anything happens to the Big Apple. After serving in the Air Force for over twenty years, Johnson had the skills and experience to join the league of extraordinary astronauts at NASA.
As the premier of the space agency Planetary Defense Officer, Johnson uses analysis to determine the trajectories of hypothetical space rocks rushing towards Earth. Despite the fact that most meteorites traveling towards Earth are relatively small, there is always a possibility of greater danger. Fortunately, scientists speculated that if the giant asteroid ever started caring for Earth, it would most likely end up in the center of the ocean. Johnson is not happy with the usual happiness that will save us from potential annihilation. Fortunately, we have NASA and Lindley Johnson on our side!
Rocket Man
For years, Lindley's crew at NASA has been working hard on theoretical scenarios for huge asteroids hitting the metropolitan areas of our planet. Even though more than a thousand years pass between intergalactic events, Johnson prepares its team for readiness at any time. Of course, NASA doesn't see the desire to demolish New York through a dishonest crater. The space agency just wants to know how big the damage would be if such a disaster were to happen.
Meanwhile, Johnson and his colleagues are constantly conducting virtual simulations to demonstrate exactly where the asteroid would hit if it hit Earth. While it may not be possible to avoid a space collision at some point, Earth has many technologies to help prevent a potential global crisis. In addition, NASA now has much more purchasing power on its side. In fact, Lindley and his team received a huge grant from Congress to increase their funding in 2015. Now, Johnson’s planetary defense squad had $ 50 million a year to play instead of just $ 5 million a year.
Fly me to the moon
Lindley Johnson continues to lead the space team in the fight against interplanetary threats, using scientific data and the latest technologies. NASA did not make this public, but reportedly registered over 2,000 asteroids that could potentially harm our planetary system. Because blowing up a humongotic asteroid can be too difficult, Lindley needs to find a NASA-approved solution.
So far, one of the best ways to prevent an apocalypse of extinction is to change the direction of the android approaching using kinetic impactors. As an unmanned spacecraft, kinetic impactors could hypothetically fire at an android very quickly, causing it to be diverted away from Earth. Though Lindley doesn't think landing on a striking asteroid is a particularly good idea in case anything happens, NASA is still considering this strategy as another option. In the meantime, NASA has expanded its collection of orbital telescopes to be on the safe side.
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