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The Diesel Riddle: The Diesel Engine: A Drive for More Justice:
The diesel riddle gives an insight into the dramatic invention of the diesel engine at the end of the 19th century and brings Rudolf Diesel's moving fate to life.
Today his invention is the backbone of the global economy: The diesel engine that Rudolf Diesel developed at the end of the 19th century not only drives trucks, cars, tractors or ocean-going ships, but also power plants that produce electricity and heat all over the world . But the success of his invention ultimately brought the idealistic inventor himself no luck.
He often works beyond his limits and risks his health: The young engineer Rudolf Diesel made it his life's work at the end of the 19th century to develop a new type of engine. The steam engine has proven itself at the time. But it consumes tons of expensive coal. That is why only wealthy steam engines can pay. It simply takes the work away from the artisans and drives them into poverty.

One machine for everyone
The young engineer Rudolf Diesel wants to change the situation. He wants to build a new type of engine that many can afford. His idea is to build an engine that is small and handy. In addition, with unprecedented performance and with a significantly lower consumption of expensive fuel. Other inventors have tried to replace the steam engine with gas and gasoline engines. However, such motors can only be used to a limited extent and cost enormous sums.

Diesel expert Viktor Glass tells an anecdote about Diesel's "black mistress" - what diesel engines were called at that time. Rudolf Diesel's engine was supposed to work on a new principle: auto-ignition. Air is heated to several hundred degrees simply by compressing it. If fuel is then injected, it ignites on its own. Diesel came up with the idea through a common compression lighter. Air is compressed so quickly and firmly in a glass flask with easily combustible scale that the scale glows due to the heat of the pressure. Diesel hopes to be able to ignite any fuel at a much higher pressure - and reduce fuel consumption.

Enormous hurdles
Many consider the young engineer to be a non-realistic dreamer. Nobody can imagine that a material can withstand the enormous pressure that Diesel's diesel engine needs. It is also unclear how the fuel should be injected.

At that time, pumps and precise valves were not available for injecting the fuel into the combustion chamber in a metered manner. The process is still the key moment in the development of a diesel engine: the timing of the injection must be precisely calculated to the thousandth of a second, as must the amount of fuel that is only a few drops for the auto diesel.

First operational model
It is difficult for him to find an investor. It is only when Diesel wants to reduce the pressure in the engine to a fraction of its last calculation that it receives an approval from the Augsburg machine factory. After all, the Friedrich Krupp company also made a financial contribution, and Diesel was finally able to develop its test engine in 1893. But the planned half-year development period turns into four years with many setbacks: the first functional model was completed in 1897. It has an output of 20 hp.
The triumphal march of the new engine began at the beginning of the 20th century. His concept is constantly being improved and adapted. Diesel tirelessly travels the world to sell licenses for its engine. The industrialists fight for the contracts, the inventor quickly becomes a millionaire. But years of patent processes not only destroy Diesel's health, it also goes downhill economically - as a businessman, the ingenious inventor has no talent.

Mysterious disappearance
Finally, through his invention, Rudolf Diesel becomes the focus of politics. The emperor is said to have read his book on the engine. But Diesel refuses requests from the Imperial Navy. He lets him know that he is not making his engine available for war purposes. This triggers displeasure.

But the engineer is increasingly troubled by financial problems. Although the outbreak of the First World War heralds, Diesel is preparing a business meeting in the rival country Great Britain. On September 29, 1913, he boarded the Dresden steamer to later attend a meeting in London for the inauguration of a new factory for diesel engines. He appears to be in a good mood, but is never seen again after going to his cabin in the evening.

Victim of a murder plot?
On October 10, the crew of a Dutch pilot boat found the body of a man in the water. A few days later, Eugen Diesel identified his father's body. The exact circumstances of death are never clarified. His survivors question the theory that the inventor killed himself in the face of impending financial ruin - even if there are signs of suicide.

In fact, there is a suspicion that the inventor fell victim to a plot to murder. One of the theses says that Diesel was murdered in the face of the approaching First World War. Because he sold licenses for his engine to the two rival powers France and England - which displeased the German military. Another thesis assumes that diesel was removed on behalf of the oil industry because he was currently working on a biodiesel variant. Because it was also his goal to become independent of oil. To date, the mystery surrounding Rudolf Diesel's myterious circumstances has not been solved.

: Wyślij Wiadomość.

QR code Przetłumacz ten tekst na 91 języków
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