Chicago Nut & Bolt is your number one source for all your custom fastener needs. We have been in the custom fastener business for almost 20 years, and are the leader in high quality fastener products. Including custom fasteners,…
Lewis Bolt and Nut Company
Lewis Bolt and Nut Company
Lewis Bolt and Nut Company
As imports and overcapacity impacted the United States fastener industry, Lewis opted not to invest in major capital expenditures and continued to serve a broad range of…
For more than 60 years, the Armour Screw Company has been providing fasteners that are used in dozens of the world's best products. During that time, our in-house designers and engineers have helped customers build high quality products while saving…
Founded in 1972, Bryce Fastener, Inc. designs and manufactures custom bolts, custom nuts and custom designed screws for security applications. Bryce specialty fasteners help customers in industries such as electronics, solar, retail, financial,…
Welcome to the Nut & Bolt website. We are a Western Canadian company with four locations to serve you. Our Edmonton location was incorporated in 1965, followed by Nisku in 1975. We have proudly served our customers from these two locations for over 35…
TSP is a Supply Chain Management provider, specializing in engineered fasteners for Oil and Gas Service Manufacturing and other OEMs. We’ve been in the fastener distribution business nearly 75 years and have the knowledge and experience to meet…
With both domestic manufacturing and global sourcing abilities, our thoroughness is unmatched.
Come to the source.
SINCE 1927
Decker’s reputation has stood for quality and service. Our…
Company Profile
Industrial Nut Corp. History In the changing landscape of the global fastener market, you have to look long and hard to find a company that has survived for 100 years. In the year 2008, Industrial Nut Corp., long recognized as a leader in…
Zakład Produkcyjny ArtMet powstał w 1973 roku na bazie zakładu blacharskiego,
który od 1948 roku prowadził Jakub Jaguszewski - ojciec obecnego właściciela.
Od 1995 roku znak towarowy ArtMet podlega ochronie zgodnie ze Świadectwem
Ochronnym Urzędu…
ZPHU TRÓJKA s.c. - jest to firma, która istnieje od 1995 roku. Jej siedziba mieści się w Borku Szlacheckim przy trasie DK44 Skawina - Oświęcim, 10km od Krakowa. Od czasu swego powstania zakład jest systematycznie rozbudowywany i modernizowany.