
0 : Odsłon:

4SEASONS stop half step DIET 0: :4PORYROKU zatrzymaj się wpół kroku DIETA0: 4JAHRESZEITEN Halt an Halbschritt DIÄT0:
4 СЕЗОНА останавливаются на полпути ДИЕТЫ 0: 4 SAISONS, arrêtez vous à la moitié du DIETE 0: 4 ESTACIONES detienen a mitad de camino a través DIETA0:


Four Seasons Diet:
The diet has a choice of diets for beginners and advanced ones.
You should choose the season and the type of diet that suits you best. Descriptions and links below:

General diet:
1. List of herbs
2. Preparation and method of application
3. Nutritional diet
4. Fitness and daily movement, introductory phase

Extended diet:
1. List of herbs
2. Preparation and method of application
3. Supplementing iodine absorbed by the body
4. Supplementing magnesium absorbed by the body
5. Nutritional diet for advanced
6. Fitness and daily movement, advanced phase
7. Prohibitions

Special diet:
1. List of herbs
2. Preparation and method of application
3. Supplementing iodine absorbed by the body
4. Supplementing magnesium absorbed by the body
5. Nutritional diet for advanced
6. Fitness and daily movement, advanced phase
7. Prohibitions
8. Balance and control

Superconsciousness-Controlled Diet:
1. List of herbs
2. Preparation and method of application
3. Supplementing iodine absorbed by the body
4. Supplementing magnesium absorbed by the body
5. Nutritional diet for advanced
6. Fitness and daily movement, advanced phase
7. Prohibitions
8. Balance and control
9. Capillaries
10. Membranes
11. Directing the flow of fluids in the body
12. A recipe for calming the body down to achieve a balance of power
13. Superconsciousness of the organism in balance
14. Increase in anti-cancer areas
15. Revitalizing and stimulating energy cells
16. Revitalizing and activating the nervous system

Four Seasons Diet:

Body control and health improvement using the 4 seasons method, so divided into:

 Spring Diet: =>
  *:  General diet:
  **: Extended diet:
  *****: Special diet:
  *************:  Superconsciousness-Controlled Diet:

 Summer Diet: =>
 *: General diet:
  **: Extended diet:
  *****: Special diet:
  *************: Superconsciousness-Controlled Diet:

 Autumn Diet: =>
 *: General diet:
  **: Extended diet:
  *****: Special diet:
  *************: Superconsciousness-Controlled Diet:

 Winter diet: =>
   *: General diet:
  **: Extended diet:
  *****: Special diet:
  *************: Superconsciousness-Controlled Diet:

Here, after familiarizing yourself with my video lectures, you can buy a Diet that interests you.


 (Video available at www.kuby.pl in the following languages:
Polish, Spanish, English, German, French, Russian;
while text descriptions are available in 91 languages. You can read them in the appropriate chapters at www.kuby.pl).

After purchasing the chosen Diet, a link to activate the chosen Diet will be sent to the provided e-mail. Please make it the same email that you will use to log in to the Diet. (it cannot be a bogus or automatic e-mail). The name or avatar can be made up, but it must be the same used later when logging in to the Diet, and you must remember it.

Please remember this is important!
Diet will be activated for these data.
 Also files to be downloaded to pc will be activated on this data.

The Four Seasons Diet does not serve a quick weight loss effect, but a conscious improvement of the health and control of the body, without the yo-yo effect, without poisoning the body with subsequent poisons and with the excretion of previously acquired poisons and garbage from the body. It is a diet that rejuvenates and maintains the vitality and vigor of a healthy body, paying attention to high blood pressure, cancer, bone breakdown, lungs, eyesight, and of course issues related to the digestive system.

 This diet is not about eating the wonder pill with no-known substances, nor about starving yourself and forbidding yourself from delicious foods, but about matching herbs and unprocessed foods to build a conscious image of your health and needs.

The excess of contradictory information in today's world does not allow for matching the contradictory elements of nutrition, hardly anyone understands what connects and supports with what, and what opposes and causes a negative effect.

Expensive all sorts of specifics are offered, of course their individual performance can be good, but together, it's a disaster.

That is why my diet is focused on the interaction of the used elements combined with movement exercises, because movement is the number one miracle drug, and although it is obvious, doctors still prescribe only pills. So they eliminate temporary pain, temporary excess water, temporary stress, and the like. They do not go into the causes of the phenomenon.

Kodycyl and Appendix, additions, extra recipes:
Additionally, you can enrich your Diet with appendixes selected at your discretion. They will be added from time to time to this page of your choice:

Codicyl: 1: kidney cleaning
Codicyl: 2: cleaning the intestines
Codicyl: 3:
Codicyl: 4:

Clicking on the link leads directly to the subpage with the description and the possibility of purchasing.

Video and descriptions of the basics of using my diet:

4PORYROKU zatrzymaj się wpół kroku DIETA1: polski: =>

4JAHRESZEITEN Halt an Halbschritt DIÄT1: deutsch: =>
4SEASONS stop half step DIET 1: english: français: español: русский: =>

: https://arrowstheory.tumblr.com/ => : video, audio and text, full series of descriptions.


: Wyślij Wiadomość.

QR code Przetłumacz ten tekst na 91 języków
Procedura tłumaczenia na 91 języków została rozpoczęta. Masz wystarczającą ilość środków w wirtualnym portfelu: PULA . Uwaga! Proces tłumaczenia może trwać nawet kilkadziesiąt minut. Automat uzupełnia tylko puste tłumaczenia a omija tłumaczenia wcześniej dokonane. Nieprawidłowy użytkownik. Twój tekst jest właśnie tłumaczony. Twój tekst został już przetłumaczony wcześniej Nieprawidłowy tekst. Nie udało się pobrać ceny tłumaczenia. Niewystarczające środki. Przepraszamy - obecnie system nie działa. Spróbuj ponownie później Proszę się najpierw zalogować. Tłumaczenie zakończone - odśwież stronę.

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