- Kraj:
- : Język.:english
- : Utworzony.: 25-12-17
- : Ostatnie Logowanie.: 25-12-17
: Opis.: The Brampton Brick story begins in 1871 when James Packham opened thePackham Brick Works on the east side of Brampton, south of Queen St. and the railway tracks. In 1905, with a capital stock of $50,000, the company was incorporated as Brampton Pressed Brick Company Ltd. To capitalize on an abundance of local raw materials, the company relocated to Main St. North. At the crack of the twentieth century, the engineers and work force achieved an impressive output - 2 million bricks a year. In 1905, a Four Mould Boyd Brick Press machine was used to press brick. This press was 6' in height, occupied a floor space of 8'x9', and weighed about 10 tons. Brampton Brick - The Next Generation In 1949, the Packhams sold their company to the families who still controlled it near the close of the twentieth century. Actively involved at that time were Allan and Manny Kerbel, Morris Kruger, and Sam Rosenbaum, who owned a European brick-plant. The company relied on one of the most faithful technologies of the day - the horse - to transport raw materials. Eventually, the horse was replaced with carts, forklifts, and a hoist. The newly named Brampton Brick Limited tripled output from the Packham era and manufactured 6,000,000 bricks per year. To meet market demand, in 1960, Brampton Brick replaced pressed brick equipment with extrusion technology. With this new, efficient process, output soared to 26 million bricks per year. Brampton Brick - At the Dawn of the 21st Century To fulfill its bold plan of becoming a world-leader in brick-making, in 1986, Brampton Brick went public. The market responded enthusiastically. A capital injection of $32 million financed one of the most advanced brick making facilities in the world, producing 200 million modular brick equivalent top-quality bricks per year. In 2001, the plant capacity was further expanded by another 100 million brick equivalents to yield a total of 300 million a year, making Brampton Brick North America's single largest brick manufacturing facility under one roof. In 2008, a second state of the art manufacturing facility was built in Farmersburg, IN producing 100 million modular bricks. To achieve maximum efficiencies, the manufacturing process utilizes robotic loaders, instead of conventional hand-loading. The industry's most skilled and highly trained workers supervise the entire manufacturing process. Building Better Communities Brampton Brick products transform neighborhoods, towns and communities. After all, nothing makes a vital first - and lasting impression like genuine clay brick. Throughout its long history, and into the future, the Brampton Brick team is passionate about building a better brick - a clay brick. Brampton Brick has fostered many enduring partnerships - with architects, builders, masons, suppliers, and employees.The sum of these relationships is why the company proudly says: The perfect partnership starts with Brampton Brick : BASIC INFORMATION: : Business type: : Main products: : Annual turnover: : Established: : Certificates: : Location: : Owner: : Number of employees: : The largest sales areas: : CE product certificates: : Sales department: : Contact: Send a message. Qa. (Write it in your native speech.)
: Data Publikacji.: 13-03-25
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