- Kraj:
- : Język.:english
- : Utworzony.: 22-12-17
- : Ostatnie Logowanie.: 23-12-17
: Opis.: Pivot Stove & Heating's exclusive range of products include our ESSE range of cookers, Pacific Energy Range of Wood Heaters Yunca Wood Heaters, Pyroclassic Wood Heaters as well as our range of accessories, available Australia Wide Our range of products are available Through own Company Stores Through our Local Pivot Showrooms in Canberra and Perth Through any of our approved Pivot Partners right around Australia When buying a Pivot product, you know you can get the full support of Pivot's range of products and full back up support throughout Australia I have a vision for Pivot : a vision for the way consumers will change the way they think about heating and the fuel they use : a vision on a change of the way consumers will buy heaters based on efficiency and the emissions their heater impacts on our world.. not on brand of the heater, but based on the emission impact their purchase will make on our world I believe in making the world better.. One person at a time : and if everyone made a decision in using less waste – or using a heating source that can reduce fuel usage and emissions .. This WILL have more impact than a blue chip company reducing their carbon emission by 1% in 2080 !!!! I am focused to find the best and most efficient heaters there are : Gasification Wood Heaters and Boilers, Pellet Fires and wood heaters with the lowest emissions and that HAVE over 80% efficiency Over the last 10 years I have sourced heaters that out perform "Branded" models - heaters that burn 3, 4 and 5 Ton a year less wood - Heaters that burn so clean, all you see is water vapor from the chimneys Our vision is more alive than ever - we have new wood heaters that out perform, heat more effectively and offer less emission than ever before And by doing this , we give the choice to the consumer.... a choice to make educated discussions to buy the right heater for their home, and to make a difference This way is our way : our vision : our passion and to make an impact in the world ... you have to be different... you have to make choices that make the difference and you need to have the right information to make these choices : BASIC INFORMATION: : Business type: : Main products: : Annual turnover: : Established: : Certificates: : Location: : Owner: : Number of employees: : The largest sales areas: : CE product certificates: : Sales department: : Contact: Send a message. Qa. (Write it in your native speech.)
: Data Publikacji.: 10-03-25
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