- Kraj:
- : Język.:english
- : Utworzony.: 07-01-18
- : Ostatnie Logowanie.: 07-01-18
: Opis.: Our Story Headquartered in the Pacific Northwest, The Mine is a premier destination for fine furnishings unlike any other in the online retail space. And now, we're the first to introduce a truly personalized customer experience - Personal Concierge - that provides one-on-one assistance to those seeking the ultimate in comfort shopping from concept to completion. We partner with cutting-edge designers as well as world-class leaders in innovative customer care to create a unique experience for every visitor. The Mine makes it easy to get the home you crave. Our mission is to provide every customer with a personal shopping experience powered by design inspiration, professional in-home services and a killer selection of unique fine furnishings. : BASIC INFORMATION: : Business type: : Main products: : Annual turnover: : Established: : Certificates: : Location: : Owner: : Number of employees: : The largest sales areas: : CE product certificates: : Sales department: : Contact: Send a message. Qa. (Write it in your native speech.)
: Data Publikacji.: 26-03-25
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