During the spectacular building boom on the Gold Coast in the 1970’s Peter Wildman recognized a need for a plastic surface mounted light fitting for high-rise balconies to replace the metal base fittings which were corroding badly. The…
Windsor, Ontario - Canada
The project is part of the university’s master redevelopment to enrich the student and community experience, positioning the school to be more competitive. The Master Plan includes improved landscaping and…
SGi Lighting Inc.’s roots stem from over 20 years of servicing original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in Canada and the United States; Lighting Design; and Interior Design. The executives at SGi Lighting Inc. boast 20 years of cross border business…
One of our many professional lighting experts provide a free, no obligation audit of your property. Find out directly what type of technology is right for your property.
We will provide you with a clear and customized…
New Pierlite Dark downlights range with shielded light source and precise cut off reflectors reduces glare and improves visual comfort. This luminaire is suited to the same environments as its traditional halogen and HID counterparts where unobtrusive…
Creating Lighting - Developing The Future
EYE Lighting is a proven supplier of industrial and commercial lighting solutions in Australia and New Zealand since 1974. A team of experienced lighting professionals are available to assist with efficient…
Zdjęcie najstarszego domu w Hamburgu w Niemczech z 1898 r. Został zbudowany w 1524 r. i pomimo protestów mieszkańców został zburzony 8 grudnia 1910 r.
Foto des ältesten Hauses Hamburgs aus dem Jahr 1898. Es wurde 1524 erbaut und am 8. Dezember 1910…
Średniowieczny zamek Loket, Czechy, XII wiek.
Zdjęcie: Thomas Pipek
Medieval Loket Castle, Czech Republic, 12th century.
Photo: Thomas Pipek
Средневековый замок Локет, Чехия, 12 век.
Фото: Томас Пипек
Mittelalterliche Burg Loket,…
Bibliopegia antropodermiczna to praktyka oprawy ksiąg z ludzkiej skóry. Chociaż uważa się, że takie księgi (lub raczej rękopisy, ponieważ są pisane ręcznie) istniały od średniowiecza, pierwsze wiarygodne wzmianki na ten temat pochodzą z XVII wieku.
Beautiful geometry.
Florence. Italy.
Sammezzano Castle is an Italian palazzo in Tuscany with the architectural style of the Moorish Revival. It is located in Leccio, the village of Reggello, in the province of Florence.
The original palazzo was built…