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What is important when buying a small apartment?
The three most important points in choosing an apartment: location, location and location again!
Buying an apartment is an exciting experience. For many people this is the most important decision in their lives. Joy, however, should not overshadow caution. When buying your own four corners, pay attention to some extremely important things. Area, location, additional amenities - and finally the price - are some determinants that determine whether the choice of the apartment is right. What else do you need to pay attention to?
Purchase of a small apartment - what to follow?
Today, many people dream of buying a small apartment. It is conditioned by several factors, but above all by a more favorable price. In addition, many couples no longer start such large families as they used to, deciding to have one or two children. Therefore, they do not need much space to ensure a comfortable life.
A small apartment is associated with visibly lower maintenance costs. At the same time, it is less energy-consuming, easier to heat and requires much less cleaning. In addition, the aroma of coffee spreads faster indoors. For some, this may be one of the most convincing arguments.
That is why buying a small apartment is so popular, and many developers are moving in this direction to propose the most advantageous solutions. So if you want to become the proud owner of such a place, pay attention to several factors.
Location - it largely affects the comfort of life. School, store, health center, hospital - these key facilities should not be far away. In addition, public transport is equally important. People who have a car should also have a convenient place to park.
The environment - neat and tidy is one of the conditions of your comfort. If you still have a garden at your disposal, this is a really good deal.
Developer - first look at the land and mortgage register. This is where you can check if the developer has the right to the land, whether he has received the building permit and whether he is reliable.
Price - as is known, this is one of the factors that is decisive. Never choose the cheapest option, because it is usually synonymous with poorer quality. Of course, you don't have to invest in the most expensive apartment. You need to explore the market in the area.
Contract - read carefully each sentence of this document. It must contain information regarding not only the property, but also the terms of its sale.
Receipt of a small apartment, what to look for?
The coveted moment is coming, you can pick up a new apartment. There are a few things to check at this time.
Everything should be in accordance with the contract. Including size, layout of rooms, dry walls and ceilings. In addition, pay attention to:
ventilation efficiency,
socket layout
door and window tightness,
slope of window sills and balcony.
If everything is correct, you can calmly develop your small apartment and enjoy the best purchase in your life.
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