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Perfect clothing for a special occasion:
Each of us did this: a wedding is coming up, baptisms, some kind of ceremony, we have to dress properly, but of course there is nothing to do. We go to the store, we buy what is and not what we want. We don't really know what we want:
There is one very simple, rational and indisputable method by which we can determine what our rough universal outfit should look like for special occasions.
You choose as a reference the outfit that you think is the best for you so far (pattern) and you are looking for variations on it or a version very similar to it.
First of all, you need to find your existing outfit that was with you on some special occasion and which simultaneously met these two simple conditions:
You felt great in it
You looked great in it
I feel great in a given outfit, when it is comfortable, it does not restrict my movements and when I do not have to think about whether changing the position, I do not reveal the underwear, the material of the clothes does not wrinkle, nothing rises, ceases to be under control. I do not feel well in such too revealing, uncontrolled clothes. I feel great when I wear clothes that no one else has at the same party. I feel great when I'm not dressed up too much - I prefer to dress a little less officially than to dress up too much, but I like to be dressed in the "point" the most.
I look great when I have clothes in my favorite colors. I look great when my legs are exposed, but rather covered shoulders and neckline (generally). I look great when things are a little loose and not completely fitted.
Let's look at the features of my dress:
length above the knee
three-quarter sleeve
boat neckline
looseness on the stomach
large pattern
delicate trapezoidal cut
non-creasing material
The dress becomes my reference point when buying new clothes. What does it mean?
I am looking for the features of this dress on other clothes (probably dresses, although I do not rule out that a blouse and skirt set can provide similar comfort).
Dress No. 1 is the easiest to decipher, because it is simply a twin of my pattern. It just has a different pattern and color, but the cut is exactly the same. It would be worn identically, but thanks to the sequins on the front, I would feel best in this dress in the evening.
Dress No. 2 is a sexier version of my pattern, but in similar colors, in a more dynamic shape and sleeveless. She is so minimalistic to her pain and seems to be in good shape. I would feel more elegant in it.
Dress No. 3 is wider than my pattern, but because it is without a pattern and has a kind of stiffer material, it seems more serious and elegant. The length, color, sleeves do not change. I could choose more expressive accessories for her than for my dress.
Dress No. 4 is more built-up under the neck, has longer sleeves and a looser cut than my pattern, but again - length, color, looseness on the stomach - all this is correct. This dress, despite the fact that it covers what you need, seems very sexy to me. It would look great with high heels.
Dress No. 5 refers to my pattern with a contrasting pattern, length and cut. It has no sleeves, which gives the impression that it is a completely summer dress, perfect for some outdoor party.
Dress No. 6 is a very light reference to the pattern, because this dress is completely loose. It only has similar colors and length, but somehow retains the character of the original dress. I could put the same shoes and purse in it as for the reference point and go in the same places
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