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Women's tracksuits - necessity or obsolete?

Women's sweatpants have always been very popular. For many years, sweat pants have ceased to be an element of the wardrobe, which is intended only for a visit to the gym. Over time, styles, models change, but love for them remains the same. Tracksuits are perfect not only for sports or casual styles, but also for elegant outfits, which can often be seen on the streets of large cities. However, there are still unbelievers that they associate with tracksuits only with a fitness club. The Diverse collection offers a whole spectrum of models. The offer includes tracksuits that perfectly fit into the latest fashion trends, as well as models that captivate with their simplicity and timelessness. Interesting cuts and the highest quality materials make them sure to satisfy the most demanding customers. How to wear them to look good? Are the tracksuits suitable only for sports stylizations? Get to know our tips!

Women's tracksuits and figure - what to look for?

Tracksuits have the same rules as any other type of pants, so here too, when choosing a model for our construction, the same universal principles operate. Ladies who are larger in size and have an apple-shaped figure can opt for high-waisted styles that allow you to cover up any imperfections in the figure and make the silhouette look much slimmer. High waist tracksuits will also be a good solution for people with short stature, because they will optically lengthen their legs and thus give them height. People with a pear figure with narrow shoulders, small bust and shapely hips should opt for a model with wider at the bottom of the legs, which will well balance the proportions of the whole figure. Ladies with an hourglass-shaped figure will look best in tracksuits with low waist and straight legs that will optically slim the figure.

Remember that sweatpants should not be completely tight, unlike leggings. When choosing a model and size, it is worth paying attention to the pants being quite loose and comfortable to wear, but also not to go to the other extreme and not choose ones that will be too wide, which will significantly distort the proportions and appearance of our figure. Diverse offers a wide range of styles, among which each of us, regardless of size or type of figure, will find their dream model.

Does the material matter?

The material of our tracksuits should depend on their main purpose. Cotton is a natural fiber that has very good air permeability, which allows the skin to breathe. It provides great comfort and convenience. Fibers such as viscose and polyester affect the elasticity and fit of clothing to the body, which is important for active people. Diverse offers models for which the correct proportions of fibers used have been sewn in such a way as to obtain the best quality fabric that will combine all of these elements. Sports pants that are intended to serve mainly during physical activity consist mainly of polyester or viscose to best fit the body during exercise. Pants, which are intended for everyday use in the composition, contain cotton and small admixtures of other fibers, so that the material is pleasant to wear, which is a priority. The high content of cotton, together with elastane and polyester ensures that they not only look great, but also do not pilling and maintain a flawless condition even after a long time of use.

What about color?

Tracksuits don't have to be gray or black. The choice is only from your concept. Models in subdued colors, like the mentioned black or gray, provide a good foundation that is the basis for creating unique stylizations. This gives you many possibilities, because on the basis of one pants you can build an infinite number of outfits for various occasions. You can opt for a vivid color, which will be the main element, the most eye-catching, and all the rest of the stylization will be only its complement. Bet on autumn, melancholic colors or crazy and choose a model in an intense, neon shade that will undoubtedly impress passers-by. In your wardrobe it is always worth having a classic model that gives you a lot of room for maneuver in inventing new styles and one that defends itself regardless of the chosen accessories. In the Diverse collection you will find women's tracksuits in solid colors, but also with various types of decorations or with original, unique patterns and textures.

Sweatpants in casual styles:

In the Diverse catalog line we will find women's cotton tracksuits with an oversized cut, which will perfectly fit into casual outfits. You can choose models in classic and subdued colors and in more unusual ones that can play in our stylization.

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