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The Angels by their Interpretation On All Zodiac Signs:
A lot of religious texts and spiritual philosophies suggest that an orderly plan governs our birth at a set time and location and to specific parents. And therefore the dates which we are born on are not a coincidence.
When we are given an opportunity for a new birth, we are given the opportunity to select the star sign we feel is most suitable for learning the life lessons and our growth.
It is no accident that there are 12 signs in the zodiac. Each of the twelve signs represents a stage in the cycle of solar energy as it is embodied in the life of mankind on our planet.
Each of the 12 zodiac signs is linked with 12 constellations and the Angels of the zodiac oversee all the people born under these signs. The Angels of the Zodiac can help us to understand our astrological birth sign and our life path and soul purpose.
We have two types of Angels: Guardian Angels and Archangels.
Our personal guardian angels are here to help us only, whereas the archangels are here to serve everyone. They have particular qualities and are associated with particular signs but anyone can call upon them for help in that particular area.
We can ask for help from our guardian angels or archangels by communicating with them in meditation or prayer, they are all around us but we need to seek their help and give them permission to intervene in our life situations.
Let’s find out more about the Archangels associated with each of these signs.
Aries: Archangel Ariel – “The Lioness of God”
Archangel Ariel
Archangel Ariel is associated with the sign of “Aries” and is also referred to as the healing angel of nature. Its role is to help us connect and be in sync with all forms of nature: physical and metaphysical.
If you want to manifest earthly desires like making a career in ecology or environment or get more insight into secrets of nature, call on to Archangel Ariel to assist you.
Taurus: Archangel Chamuel – “He Who Sees God”
Archangel Chamuel
Archangel Chamuel is associated with the sign “Taurus” and assists in bringing inner peace and harmony in relationships.
If you are seeking to of find inner peace or manifest universal love or you want to enhance your relationships at home and work, then call on to Archangel Chamuel to assist you.
It is also referred to as “finding angel”, if you have misplaced or lost something, you can ask Archangel Chamuel to assisting you in finding the lost item.
Gemini: Archangel Zadkiel – “The Righteousness of God”
Archangel Zadkiel
Archangel Zadkiel is associated with the sign of “Gemini “and is referred to as “angel of forgiveness”.
Whenever you feel that you cannot move ahead from past hurts or have trouble forgiving someone, ask for Archangel Zadkiel to assist you in developing compassion and forgiveness.
Cancer: Archangel Gabriel – “Strength of God”
Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel is associated with the sign of “Cancer” and its role is to provide you with the “strength of God”. If you feel you need assistance in choosing the right words for delivering an important message, you can turn to Archangel Gabriel for assistance.
Archangel Gabriel also assists in protecting our inner child and can help in improving parenting skills.
Leo: Archangel Raziel – “The Secrets of God”
Archangel Raziel
Archangel Raziel is associated with the sign of “Leo” and its role is to assist in revealing the “secrets of God” and divine knowledge of your soul.
It helps to bring knowledge regarding your soul purpose and life path .Its energy can be felt in synchronicities or day to day happenings that guide you.
If you have recurring thoughts or dreams or synchronicities that you want to decipher, you can ask Archangel Raziel to assist you.
Virgo: Archangel Metatron – “Lesser YHVH”
Archangel Metatron
Archangel Metatron is associated with the sign of “Virgo” and is also referred to as “Metraton’s Cube”.
Metraton helps in clearing low energies and healing. It also aids people who are new to spirituality.
If you want to understand the mysteries of Universe and want to seek guidance on spiritual path, you can ask Archangel Metatron to assist you.
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