Founded in Chicago in 1946 as a military and truck parts facility, Midwest Truck and Auto Parts is accelerating into the future as your go-to source for the best quality replacement and aftermarket truck parts. Today, Midwest stocks superior new and…
Dana's operating philosophy is based on a set of principles that translate globally; examples include continuous improvement, customer satisfaction, innovation and technology, and quality. The sum of these cultural values is one team – “One Dana” –…
Gleeman Truck Parts was founded by (the late) Terry Gleeson in the early 1950’s when he began his infant parts business with the help of father-in-law Stan Manton, operating out of Stan’s garage behind his house in Kogarah in the southern Sydney suburbs.…
Who we are
Offroad Trucks Australia (OTA) is the leading importer and distributor for TATRA Trucks – heavy duty off road vehicles produced in the Czech Republic.
We’re proud to be aligned with TATRA as their exclusive partner Australasia wide for 20…
Fortpro is a division of World Truck Parts, with headquarters in the United States.
We are a world-wide leader in the research, development, and distribution of a broad range of truck parts.
We strive to be the benchmark in American truck parts and are…
Cumberland Truck Equipment Co. (CTE) is a closely held Corporation with headquarters located in Carlisle, PA. The Company was founded in 1986, and originated as a Heavy Duty Truck Dealership in Camp Hill, PA.
The Company now operates 12 facilities,…
About Us
Stone Truck Parts was founded in 2003 by Keith McLemore and Don Purcell. Together, Keith and Don have over 60 years of heavy duty aftermarket experience. They believe now as they did back in 2003 that there is a need for a locally-owned and…
SKUBA Polska jest jedną ze spółek litewskiego giganta – SKUBA UAB, który na samej tylko Litwie skupia 14 oddziałów. Spółka posiada również swoje filie w Finlandii, Estonii, Rumunii, Bułgarii, Czechach, na Łotwie, Węgrzech, Słowacji, Chorwacji, Słowenii,…
Profesjonalne, kompleksowe i innowacyjne rozwiązania służące podnoszeniu poziomu bezpieczeństwa transportu osób i rzeczy.
Sprzedaż produktów stale rozszerzającej się oferty obejmująca obecnie ponad 60 krajów z całego świata.
ota, spółka notowana na GPW, przez wiele lat czołowy polski dystrybutor części zamiennych do samochodów osobowych, ciężarowych i dostawczych, a także sprzętu i narzędzi dla warsztatów od 13 czerwca 2017 r. znajduje się w upadłości likwidacyjnej.