
0 : Odsłon:

Christian rulers of Lehia underestimated, lied to, slandered, hidden and killed by the Roman church and the German court - (continued).

Middle Ages

VIII. Ruler 121 - King of Lehia Bolesław III the Bold (1058-1079), see "Christian Kings of Lehia" pp. 153-162.


1/ was born in 1041 as the son of King Kazimierz I Karol I

      Russian princess Maria Dobroniega,

2/ was crowned immediately after his father's death at the age of 17

      in Gniezno, for the sake of good, interest, unity and the future


3/ having a strong Lehite army after his father, at the beginning of his time

      undertook conquests in order to restore the former

      subordination of countries: Kievan Rus, Rus

      Novgorod, Hungary, Parthia, Bohemia, Moravia, Prussia, Pomerania,

      that lasted for years,

4/ also did not pay tribute to the Czechs for Silesia and tribute

      to the Germans, not considering themselves their vassal,

5/ was a great king and a brilliant commander who, according to one

      of the investigators "sweeping opponents off the battlefields",

6/ some expeditions lasted long years and caused problems

      family and custom among knights, such as betrayals of wives and

      takeover of estates by administrators, and later

      silently leaving the king and the army by the knights who

      have received such messages. After returning from the expedition, the king

      ruthlessly punished knights for desertion and their wives for betrayal

      and rebel-rapists,

7/ supported Pope Gregory VII in his conflict with Germany

      King Henry IV for investiture, which was supposed to weaken him and

      militarily supported the uprising of the Saxons and their prince Rudolph,

      pretender to the German throne,

8/ Pope Gregory VII cursed King Henry IV, who

      he had to go to the Italian Canossa to humble himself and humiliate himself

      before the pope,

9/ Unfortunately, Bolesław Śmiały did not use this period

      the weakening and internal conflicts of Germany, the rebellion of the opposition

      and did not attack the German lands and did not pay homage to them, a

      also did not take back the plundered ancestral lands on the Elbe i


10/ King Henry IV was aware of the art of war

        King Bolesław III and panicked, he feared his invasion

        to German lands, which he will not meet, therefore

        decided to prepare a clever, cruel counterstrike in

        form of rebellion in Lehia by disgruntled Prince Junior

        Władysław Herman and nobles from

        of the German fifth column, and also include the Duke of Bohemia

        Wratislav II, Chancellor Jaromir and church agents

        the abbot of Weltenburg, Henry, and the monk Otto, who

        reached the conspiracy group and obtained their consent,

11/ Władysław Herman showed interest in dropping from

        the throne of Lehia of his brother Bolesław III and organized a group

        conspirators from some secular and clerical feudal lords

        of German descent, dating from the Crusades in 1040 and

        1047, which included, among others, a magnate

        Setegius, later Sieciech, Bishop of Cracow Stanisław,

        Magnus later comes in Wrocław,

12/ as part of the territorial reform of the church, the king divided it

        the largest diocese of Krakow by Stanisław into several

        smaller independents, which infuriated him, and moreover after

        after completing the reconstruction of the cathedral in Gniezno, he created there,

        archbishopric headed by Bogumił, which resulted in

        decline in its importance. This provoked attacks from the bishop

        Stanislaus on the king, admonishing him and threatening to lose his throne,

        and finally betraying the ruler and casting a curse on him, do

        which he had no right, because he was not an archbishop,

13/ King Bolesław III had the bishop arrested and imprisoned and appointed him

        royal court with archbishop Bogumił and others

        bishops, who found Bishop Stanisław guilty

        betrayal of the king, who on this basis passed sentence, condemning

        him to cut members of the so-called truncatio membrorum, a

        public execution was carried out on April 11, 1079,

14/ soon the troops of the Czech prince arrived at Kraków

        Wratislav II and the brother of the traitor Władysław Herman from

        feudal rebels,

15/ after the execution of Bishop Stanisław, the people of Lesser Poland resigned from

        rulers and refused to defend Krakow, announcing

        opening the gates to the besiegers,

16/ in this situation, King Bolesław III the Bold left the city with his

        by mail and went to Hungary for armed reinforcements to be with them

        return to Lehia and suppress the rebellion of the traitor Władysław Herman

        and the hostile German "fifth column",

17/ unfortunately, the Hungarian king Władysław I, mainly for fear of

        confrontation with the German king, the Czech prince and

        Prince Władysław Herman, refused to help and

        decided to secretly kill King Bolesław III, which happened

        by poisoning in 1081 and received in return from the pope

        the nickname "saint" and also he ceased to be Lehia's vassal.

18/ King Bolesław III the Bold died at the age of 40 (1041-1081),

        after 21 years of reign (1058-1079).

Author's comment:

Several issues related to the reign of King Bolesław III the Bold should be emphasized, namely:

first of all - the erroneous and impractical opinion of a young, inexperienced, combative king that you can conduct long-term military expeditions with impunity (chronicles say about one expedition lasting up to 5 years), without damage to the morale of knights and their families and contrary to human nature?

secondly - it was the German "fifth column" that showed what it could do to dismantle the Kingdom of Lehia and banish its king!

thirdly - it was the betrayal of King Władysław Herman's younger brother that led to the fall of the kingdom and the takeover of power in Kraków not by him, but by Wratislav II, later awarded the title of King of Lehia?

fourthly - it was the greed, arrogance and arrogance of the traitor bishop Stanisław that caused his death, inevitable after such a verdict of his judges-co-hierarchs with archbishop Bogumił at the helm?

fifthly - after the execution of Bishop Stanisław, King Bolesław III the Bold did not foresee such a rebellion of his subjects, the Slavic people and the inhabitants of Krakow?

sixth - the betrayal of the Hungarian prince Władysław I and the murder of our king were dictated only by his interest in maintaining power and receiving a possible reward as above!?


Janusz Bieszk

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