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Our History Defines Us
Established in 1909 as the Robert Goss Company
Established in 1909 as the Robert Goss Company, the business served as a blacksmith and machine shop. Charles Altstatt was employed as a foreman and in 1932 became owner. He pioneered the legacy of Altstatt family ownership with his strong German work ethic. Requests for coil springs and his insightful craftsmanship to produce them, lead to the specialty that nurtured the current Western Spring Manufacturing.
Early years of Charles then Ray stoking the coal boiler for heat and bending wire on lathes driven by overhead line shafts guided the business through the 40’s and 50’s. Later, perseverance and ingenuity guide the business forward as the original 443 Wall St. location in downtown St. Paul served the company into the new millennium. Our overdue move to the industrial park of suburban Hugo provides the stage for new growth. Currently, the third and fourth generations of Altstatt’s carry the commitment of quality and service to the spring and wire forming industry.
Allow us to continue building our reputation of helping individuals, start-ups and businesses large and small, with providing your coiled or formed wire parts.
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: Contact: Send a message. Qa. (Write it in your native speech.)
USA. 13153 Fenway Blvd. N. Hugo, MN 55038.
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