Health and reasons why you should drink more coffee: dopamine, anti-cancer effects, diabetes, heart disease, caffeine
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Health and reasons why you should drink more coffee: dopamine, anti-cancer effects, diabetes, heart disease, caffeine
Most people drink at least one cup of coffee a day, and many feel that they can't face the morning situation without it. Wouldn't it be great if your beloved drink was also good for your health?
Your daily cup of coffee can do more for you than provide the necessary stimulus for these early hour hours. The health impact of coffee has long been a contentious issue, advocates touting its antioxidant activity and ability to stimulate the brain, and critics describe disadvantages such as insomnia, indigestion, increased heart rate and blood pressure. However, the latest wave of scientific evidence brings a lot of good news to deep lovers.
When it comes to coffee consumption, most of them identify themselves as caffeine consumers. But it turned out that there are about a thousand substances in coffee, and many of them are responsible for the beneficial effects of coffee, not just caffeine.
You may be surprised to learn that regular coffee consumption is associated with better cardiovascular health, weight loss and diabetes control. The stimulant effect of caffeine in coffee also acts as a mild antidepressant in the body.
Whether you want to take a sip of coffee because of its potential benefits that can help you live longer and speed up your metabolism - or love it for its ability to improve well-being - there are endless reasons to love this morning drink. Here are seven main reasons why we think so.
1. Coffee makes you smarter
Coffee not only does not fall asleep, but can also make you smarter! Coffee will not give you extra magical IQ points. But the stimulant can make the brain more efficient. It contains a chemical called caffeine, yes, I know so, but did you know that caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant? When you drink coffee, caffeine travels to the brain, where it is responsible for improving neural activation and increasing energy metabolism throughout the brain.
Coffee contains biochemical substances that inhibit certain receptors in the brain and increase dopamine levels. An increase in dopamine allows your body to increase the amount of necessary chemical that can increase motivation and thirst.
Many controlled studies have examined the effects of caffeine on the brain, showing that caffeine can temporarily improve mood, response time, memory, alertness and overall brain function.
Regardless of whether it is something at work or in personal life, it does not solve any problems until you have coffee in hand. Drinking coffee will stimulate your brain to action, making it easier to understand things.
2. Helps to burn fat
Drinking one or two cups of coffee a day can be good for you if you're trying to lose weight and stomach fat.
Studies have shown that a cup of coffee (containing 100 mg of caffeine) helps increase metabolism and burn fat faster, which has a positive effect on weight loss. Caffeine does this by stimulating the nervous system, causing it to send signals to fat cells to break down fat. This helped previously obese adults burn up to 79 kcal more a day and had an anti-obesity effect.
It has also been shown to improve athletic performance and endurance during exercise. Caffeine allows the athlete to train longer and harder. Improved endurance and fatigue resistance have also been shown. Drinking coffee for at least an hour to at least 30 minutes before exercising seems to give the best results.
Only these two reasons are impressive enough to drink more coffee, especially before going to the gym!
3. Reduces the risk of cancer
Cancer is one of the main causes of death in the world. It is characterized by uncontrolled cell growth in the body. Coffee seems to be a natural protection against several types of cancer.
Antioxidants in coffee help protect cells from DNA damage that can lead to different types of cancers. Consuming more coffee a day is associated with preventing cancer of the liver, prostate, endometrium, colon and melanoma.
According to studies on the carcinogenic effects of coffee, it has been shown that by increasing the consumption of coffee to 2 cups a day, the risk of developing certain cancers can be reduced by 50%.
This is combined with immediate health benefits for your heart, making coffee is potentially just as beneficial as those water bottles that your doctor suggests during the day.
Everything is always recommended in moderation, so replacing all drinks in the diet with coffee will not prevent all diseases, and drinking too much can cause nervousness and sleep problems until caffeine stops working.
4. Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes
Diabetes, a huge health problem affecting over 400 million people worldwide, affects 8% of adults over the age of 18. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by high blood sugar because of insulin resistance.
A review of the effects of coffee on people with type 2 diabetes has shown that drinking coffee helps normalize blood glucose levels. Affects glucose tolerance, insulin resistance and glucose absorption. Coffee also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are useful in treating diabetes.
Total daily consumption of at least three cups of coffee can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by approximately 42%.
If you are worried about diabetes, you can start to include coffee in your diet regularly to increase your chances of preventing diabetes. But remember to limit the amount of sugar added or replace it with healthier sweeteners.
5. Mood improvement and depression reduction
If drinking a cup or two coffees makes you feel good mentally, there is a reason! In fact, coffee acts as a mild antidepressant by stimulating neurotransmitters, making them feel good in the brain.
Depression is a chronic, severe mood disorder that affects twice as many women as men. It causes severe symptoms that affect how you think, feel, and cope with daily activities, such as sleeping, eating or working.
About 20% of women suffer from depression during their lifetime. Each cup of coffee consumed daily helps reduce the risk of depression by 8%. Researchers found that drinking one to five cups of coffee a day had a significant impact on preventing depression.
Coffee not only helps by acting as a mild antidepressant, but also helps prevent mood swings, making you feel happier. Caffeine in a cup helps control your mood through neurotransmitters in the brain, releasing dopamine and serotonin, which give you an amazing feeling of life.
6. Is able to protect you against heart disease and stroke
Coffee is said to increase blood pressure, cholesterol and increase the risk of heart attack and arrhythmias. However, more recent and careful research suggests that coffee probably does not increase the risk of heart disease; in some cases it may even be beneficial.
People who drink moderate amounts of coffee each day have an 11% lower risk of heart failure than those who don't. Drinking 1 or 2 cups of coffee a day up to 6 times a week can reduce the risk of various types of cardiovascular disease.
Of course, drinking coffee will not completely eliminate your chances of developing heart disease or stroke (you need a good diet, lifestyle and good genes). But if just adding coffee to your diet helps reduce the risk, why not give it a try?
7. Helps you live longer
Many people still think that coffee is unhealthy. This is not surprising, because conventional wisdom often disagrees with what research says. But coffee can help you live longer.
According to researchers, drinking just two cups of coffee a day can increase life expectancy by up to two years. Coffee drinkers are less exposed to many common and deadly diseases, as well as suicides. In fact, one cup per day is associated with a 12% risk reduction, while two or three cups have reduced the risk by 18%.
After all, you answered the question: Is coffee good for you? YES!
Drinking coffee every day is not only a delicacy, but also healthy for you! For all these great reasons, you can stop feeling guilty for indulgence and celebrate the benefits of drinking coffee today!
So drink and collect all the benefits of drinking coffee!
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