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Australian Bearings was established in 1992. From humble beginnings rapid growth has seen the company develop into one of the largest independent bearing companies in Australia. Australian Bearings has carved itself a niche in the Australian marketplace as an importer of hard to obtain items. Australian Bearings is a wholesale company selling predominantly to companies within Australia, however our comprehensive stock range has for some time attracted customers from overseas. In turn this has lead to the development of our export division.
Other notable achievements include:
2001 Australian Bearings was successful in gaining Australian distributorships for both Torrington-Fafnir and KRW.
2003 Became national distributor for Rollway.
2004 ARB & RBC were added to complete our stock range.
2005 Acquired sole Australian distribution for ASAHI.
2005 Opened our New Zealand operations,.
2006 Acquired Shorlube bush distributorship.
2007 Became authorized distributor for Timken taper roller product.
2007 Opened our Dandenong branch to provide specialized service for the South eastern suburbs of Melbourne and Gippsland.
2008 Became exclusive distributor for Italian brand Beco, specializing in High temp and stainless steel bearings.
2010 Launched new website & Customer Portal.
2010 Became authorized Koyo distributor specializing in needle roller product.
Already large stockholdings have subsequently increased, to the point where we now have over 24,000 line items totalling in excess of ten million Australian dollars.
This growth has seen three changes in location. Our latest head office relocation in December 2003 was to an 18,500 square foot factory with purpose built offices for our sales and administration team.
For a formal tour and presentation or even just to drop in for a chat please contact Max Shelton or Anthony Bockmann.
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: Contact: Send a message. Qa. (Write it in your native language.)
Australia. 4-5 Brex Crt. Reservoir Victoria.
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