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4 Proven Home Remedies for Thicker Hair: Avocado, Eggs, Olive Oil, Castor Oil
Hair loss is a common problem that affects millions of people. In fact, according to the American Hair Loss Association, male pattern baldness accounts for more than 95 percent of hair loss in men, affecting two-thirds of American men at the age of thirty-five. Even women experience hair loss, and researchers have found that less than 45 percent of women spend their lives with all of their hair.
Hair loss can be caused by many things, including excessive physical and / or emotional stress, a hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiency, contamination, allergies, the use of hair care products, and genetics.
Leaving statistics and logistics aside, hair is an important asset to have. It serves as a source of thermal insulation when you're in cold environments, and even helps cool your body when sweat evaporates from your hair. Hair also protects our heads from the ultraviolet rays of the sun.
Beyond that, hair is something we can use to express ourselves. We can curl it, braid it, color it, design it and cut it to our liking as an external expression of our inner being. And when he's gone, he often carries with him a sense of self and self-confidence. This phenomenon has been scientifically proven, as hair is actually an extension of the nervous system.
It goes without saying that hair plays an important role in the way we look, feel, and even our overall health. This is why we have brought you four proven home remedies to thicken your mane.
1. Eggs
Your hair needs protein because it is an essential component for all the cells of the body. Eggs contain a lot of protein. In fact, a large egg contains six grams of protein. Eggs also contain omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, vitamins A and C, which strengthen hair follicles. That is why several hair professionals recommend an egg treatment 1-2 times per week.
2. Olive oil
Olive oil has long been used for hair care. In fact, researchers have found that it has had many ancient uses, including curing illnesses and making skin and hair look healthier.
These historical figures may have been based on something, since the primary chemical elements contained in olive oil are oleic acid, palmitic acid and squalene, which are emollients that soften things.
While research on the exact effectiveness of olive oil is sparse, some research on coconut oil shows that oils like these can have positive moisturizing effects on hair. This is probably the reason why there are many hair care products on the market that contain olive oil and other similar oils.
To use, simply massage your hair and scalp with hot olive oil and let it sit for 30-40 minutes. Then wash with a mild shampoo to remove residual oil. You can also use it overnight and shampoo it the next morning.
3. Avocado
Like eggs, avocados contain vitamins C, E, K, and B-6, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids. It is also a wonderful vegan alternative to eggs. The fat inside the avocado also serves as an oily substance that can restore lost oils while strengthening hair.
An excellent recipe for an avocado treatment is to mix an avocado, a banana and a tablespoon of olive oil. Massage the combination into the scalp and let it rest for 30 min. Rinse with a mild shampoo and perform this treatment once a week.
4. Castor oil
Castor oil comes from the castor plant. It actually comes from the seeds (beans) that the plant produces. The seed, and therefore the oil, is rich in ricinoleic acid. This is a type of fatty acid that reduces inflammation. It is this benefit of the oil that, when applied to the scalp, improves the health of the hair follicles, promotes hair growth and protects against hair loss.
Some additional benefits are the properties of the oil that soften the hair and give it a healthy shine.
To use it, simply massage your scalp in a circular motion, then run it through your hair and then cover it with a towel for 30 minutes. Rinse it off with a mild shampoo and repeat once a week.
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