- Kraj:
- : Język.:english
- : Utworzony.: 23-02-18
- : Ostatnie Logowanie.: 23-02-18
: Opis.: Herb Leistner and Al Hertz began manufacturing and distributing t-nuts, leg brackets, headboard brackets, etc., to the furniture industry in 1956. In 1959 Al began selling bulk nails manufactured by Ergon Nail Co. Al showed Herb, the machine for making bulk nails and an idea resulted: The manufacture of T-Nails glued together in strips in one continuous operation, to be fired from a gun, …. A modest beginning. Herb and Al became partners and founded Falcon Fasteners Reg’d in 1960. Equipped with an ancient nail making machine that produced only standard bulk nails, Walter Leistner (Herb’s younger brother) was given the challenge to successfully modify this machine to make and collate T-nails. Finding a gun that could drive the finished product was the next problem. Al wrote to a friend in Chicago for help and was sent the yellow pages of the Chicago phone directory that dealt with nails and staples. Falcon let its’ fingers do the walking and immediately sent out letters in search of the gun needed. Paslode responded; they had a staple gun, which could be modified for Falcon’s purposes. Falcon and Paslode agreed that Falcon would manufacture and distribute its own T-Nails, as well as Paslode’s T-Nailer in Canada. By 1963, Falcon Fasteners Reg’d had adopted the name of Paslode Canada Reg’d for all Canadian sales. Falcon’s product expanded to include strip nails, coil nails, angle brads, 16 & 18 gauge brads, as well as finished and t-head nails. After many years of growth and improvements, the maturity of our industry made clear the need for Falcon and Paslode to separate. In 1992, Paslode Canada was sold to I.T.W. Paslode and once again Falcon became a totally independent manufacturer. : BASIC INFORMATION: : Business type: : Main products: : Annual turnover: : Established: : Certificates: : Location: : Owner: : Number of employees: : The largest sales areas: : CE product certificates: : Sales department: : Contact: Send a message. Qa. (Write it in your native language.)
: Data Publikacji.: 11-03-25
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