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Raytheon UK set to receive and integrate UK's first laser weapon system in October
by Staff Writers
London, UK (SPX) Sep 20, 2023
Raytheon UK is set to receive its first high-energy laser weapon system to be tested and integrated in the United Kingdom, marking a significant advancement in the understanding of how such systems can be fielded. Raytheon UK is the British unit of RTX's (NYSE: RTX) Raytheon business.
Designed to stop aerial threats such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), this 15-kilowatt laser is the latest development in the UK Ministry of Defence's Land Demonstrator programme. Raytheon UK was contracted in 2021 to develop and install the laser system on a UK Wolfhound armored vehicle.
"The arrival of this transformative technology is an important milestone in our collaboration with the MoD on using directed energy to address a variety of threats, from drones and UAVs to more complex missile systems," said Julie Finlayson-Odell, managing director of weapons and sensors at Raytheon UK.
"This system is a culmination of decades of investment, research and innovation and its arrival reflects our continued commitment to help fulfil a key strategic objective of the UK's Integrated Review, which is to understand how directed energy weapons can safely and effectively operate alongside other elements of the UK's armed forces."
The high-energy laser weapon system has performed as designed in multiple field tests, including in difficult weather conditions with extreme heat, cold, rain, sleet and snow. During four days of live-fire exercises earlier this year in the United States, the system successfully acquired, tracked, targeted and destroyed dozens of drone targets in short-range attack, swarm attack and long-range threat scenarios.
Raytheon's high-energy laser weapon system is compact, portable, can be installed on a variety of platforms, and it easily connects to other air defence systems. With deep, rechargeable magazine and minimal logistics, this laser weapon is an affordable and viable option to protect military and critical infrastructure, and rapidly defeat threats. The system offers a nearly infinite number of shots and precision accuracy with very low collateral damage, making it an affordable alternative to traditional munitions.
Raytheon UK is building on the success of U.S. investment, where a total of eight high-energy laser weapons have been delivered to the U.S. military. These systems have defeated more than 400 targets over 25,000 operational hours.
Raytheon has developed the enabling technologies, as well as complete and customizable systems, that enable military and civilian customers to defeat complex UAS threats in any environment. The company has developed integrated, high-performing sensors and cost-effective kinetic and non-kinetic effectors to defeat threats more efficiently. This provides the ability to select the right effectors against a range of threats.
The delivery of the first system to the UK comes as Raytheon UK officially opens its new, advanced laser integration centre in Livingston, Scotland. The centre, first announced in July 2022, focuses on the testing, fielding and maintenance of Raytheon's defensive laser weapons and is a regional hub established to ensure that laser weapons can be quickly fielded, maintained and repaired.
Lockheed Martin, the American aerospace titan, is breaking its power records in laser technology by escalating to a groundbreaking 500-kilowatt (kW) class laser. This development outstrips its previously highest achievement of a 300 kW-class laser, developed under a Department of Defense (DoD) contract. The new 500 kW-class laser system is a significant step in the High Energy Laser Scaling Initiative (HELSI), funded through a fresh contract from the DoD's Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD R&E).
The current phase of HELSI is bent on enhancing the laser's power while preserving high beam quality. It also aims for optimal efficiency, size, weight, and volume for the continuous-wave high energy laser sources. Demonstrating this prowess will minimize risk associated with the DoD's acquisition and implementation of high-power laser weapon systems for all six branches of the military.
Rick Cordaro, Vice President of Mission Systems and Weapons at Lockheed Martin, lauded the mutual investment in high energy lasers. He highlighted the DoD's commitment to backing America's warfighters and Lockheed Martin's anticipatory measures in augmenting its production infrastructure. According to Cordaro, the objective is to meet the DoD's call for laser weapons that bolster protection layers, offer lower engagement costs, swift light delivery, precise response, and curtailed logistics requirements.
Cordaro stated, "The 500-kW laser will incorporate our successes from the 300-kW system and lessons learned from legacy programs to further prove the capability to defend against a range of threats."
Lockheed Martin, a veteran weapon system integrator, has shown its dedication towards the maturity of its directed energy technology. They have also amplified their production capacity to manufacture laser weapon systems at scale. This OUSD (R&E) HELSI milestone signifies Lockheed Martin's commitment to advanced technology development, aimed at empowering speed and agility in Joint All-Domain Operations.
The planned 500 kW-class laser will be tactically configured to bolster military platforms. It will make use of Lockheed Martin's tried and tested spectral beam combined architecture. Moreover, the system will be designed per the DoD's Modular Open System Approach standards to guarantee system interoperability and multi-mission integration.
With over 40 years of practice in electromagnetic energy's research, design, development, and capture, Lockheed Martin continues to push the envelope. The company is leveraging its wealth of experience to advance power levels in a bid to furnish innovative security solutions for the 21st century.
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