0 : Odsłon:
CODE Jakub 20111111
1. A *- . Life is sacred.
2. Á *--*- . Never trust a promise, especially their own, are certainly not strangers, definitely.
3. Ą *-*- . Kill your enemy, first taught him to love.
4. B -*** . Check if your group sacrificed and leaves a single one.
5. C -*-* . Be independent, even in a group.
6. Ć ---- . Do not beg.
7. D -** . Check the access to water.
8. E * . Your Honor assigns your thoughts.
9. Ę **-** . Your ultimate goal determines your daily goals.
10. F **-* . Write down your family history.
11. G --* . Memory makes you strong. Find it in memory.
12. H **** . If you believe only the death, then you are to an animal.
13. I ** . Build up instead of destroying, multiply rather than divide.
14. J *--- . Old truths, new understanding.
15. K -*- . Your children will be smarter than you. Carry see.
16. L *-* . A sieve is not a meal.
17. Ł *-**- . A fogged mind sees nothing.
18. M -- . Stay of plenty, as most hungry in your group.
19. Ń --*-- . Follow the commands not blind, if you're willing to die in case of defeat as a punishment, and in case of success for the grace .
20. N -* . APAGE cry to the demon wants to take your own, personal names, shadow, soul, spirit, light body, breath, tongue, and energy.
21. O --- . Who was your teacher earlier?
22. Ó ---* . Death hates the commensalism.
23. P *--* . Remember, what is the drive to survive and what the price.
24. Q --*- . External fire cleans your inner fire, and is ready for this.
25. R *-* . As a bird you need an eye, a claw and a wind in yourself to have.
26. S *** . Old soul smile through tears cleansing, catharsis.
27. Ś ***-*** . Stay on earth to feel the pain in the feet.
28. T - . Are you good on it?
29. U **- . Nodded not, think so.
30. Ü **-- . If you remember yourself from the birth, you do not know yourself really.
31. V ***- . Silence is not in a hurry, slow down no one, and loves no one.
32. W *-- . Kangaroo is not a superman, although it has a great bag, has two penises, and can box.
33. X -**- . A razor blade on a bread is best to hide under the butter.
34. Y -*-- . You have chosen your parents well.
35. Z --* . Singing has bright souls.
36. Ź --**-* . Despisers of those who advise you to do something.
37. Ż --**- . In whose arms you want to die?
38. A1 *- *---- . Learn. The moon will be your sister oarswoman.
39. Á1 *--*- *---- . Search for happiness even as it sits in your heart. Do you know about?
40. Ą1 *-*- *---- . Carp bored carols.
41. B1 -*** *---- . Humility is the mother of robots, and a grain is a universe.
42. C1 -*-* *---- . Honey glued eyes together, and every look reveals the truth.
43. Ć1 ---- *---- . Nothing is as it seems. And you're not bad.
44. D1 -** *---- . The number of kings who experience their successors, there is no reason to be confident.
45. E1 * *---- . In the stars, there is no justice.
46. Ę1 **-** *---- . The biggest honorable battle is peace.
47. F1 **-* *---- . Eternity can suddenly surprise you, lurking around the corner, along with the space.
48. G1 --* *---- . Put your feet on the ground heavily.
49. H1 **** *---- . When death is no longer safe and sure, the Soul immortality is lost and makes life after death does not make sense.
50. I1 ** *---- . Now or never. The Never push on tomorrow.
51. J1 *--- *---- . Dance increases the soul.
52. K1 -*- *---- . I see deep around the event horizon, and I greet you welcome.
53. L1 *-** *---- . Crossing the expanse, think about other areas and on their own home.
54. Ł1 *-**- *---- . The fundamental change does not lead to chaos. Neither you nor the world is perfect.
55. M1 -- *---- . The envy not copy. Only the original is honest. Improved people do not.
56. Ń1 --*-- *---- . What do you want?
57. N1 -* *---- . Do you love? Can you love?
58. O1 --- *---- . There are also bald barbers. They are the best.
59. Ó1 ---* *---- . Fortunately, the tear of the by truth affected liar.
60. P1 *--* *---- . Chopped nose feels most smells, and what..?
61. Q1 --*- *---- . The age begins with a return to childhood. The child did not intend to return there.
62. R1 *-* *---- . Nothing is more false than the opinion that one-eyed man among the blind would be a king.
63. S1 *** *---- . Each end only closes the circle.
64. Ś1 ***-*** *---- . I hate it, as a matter of course to be considered.
65. T1 - *---- . Your word is broken, than your body will broken.
66. U1 **- *---- . The shell spoofs the egg.
67. Ü1 **-- *---- . We must go forward even if a step back is necessary.
68. V1 ***- *---- . Do you love someone, or even just yourself in this person?
69. W1 *-- *---- . Passion is no substitute for the desire.
70. X1 -**- *---- . Hierarchy is the prerequisite for a group.
71. Y1 -*-- *---- . Mother is magic, Father is Law, the Grandfather is history, the Ancestor is myth.
72. Z1 --** *---- . Any perceived world is a prime number. Germ is the universe. Meal is not a sieve.
73. Ź1 --**-* *---- . Combine thoughts into a spiral to reach the top. The myth has the power.
74. Ż1 --**- *---- . Human energy is not from the animals energy.
75. A2 *- **--- . You are beauty and the jewel of life. The responsibility is your goal.
76. Á2 *--*- **--- . Our strength lies in children.
77. Ą2 *-*- **--- . Crying does not help the sun.
78. B2 -*** **--- . A kiss is sweet.
79. C2 -*-* **--- . Be a master of life, because it was already quite masters of death.
Kuba Nowak wrote down this in the New Year 31 December 2011 Anno Domini.
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