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How to choose a women's coat for your figure:

Every elegant woman's wardrobe should have space for a well-tailored and perfectly selected coat. This part of the wardrobe works both for larger outlets and in everyday, looser styles. However, the key to success is choosing the right coat for your figure. We advise on how to look for the perfect women's coat.

Not every cut is for you:
When summer ends and autumn begins, it is time to remove the outerwear from the wardrobe, which are designed to protect us from wind and cold. This moment of transition between seasons may not be so unpleasant if we have a beautiful coat that you want to wear. However, searching for the perfect coat can not be guided only by its appearance.

New trends always come with the new season. Then a lot of different models of coats appear in stores, which are promoted by colorful fashion magazines. Unfortunately, there are few women who look like models on magazine covers that look good on all models of coats. For this reason, it is worth knowing which styles suit your figure, and which ones are better left to ladies from newspapers.

Although many fashionable coats can be found in stores, choosing the perfect coat is not easy. When making decisions, you should not be guided only by its appearance, or suggest that the fashion is currently fashionable. The coat model must be chosen according to your own silhouette to emphasize its strengths and hide the shortcomings.

How to choose a coat?
The first criterion that you need to consider when looking for the perfect coat is its length. Lower people should put on coats of length in front of or to the knees, because they do not optically shorten the figure, and those with a cut-off under the bust can even add a figure a few centimeters. Small ladies should opt for coats in the style of the 60s. With a short, round collar. Tall and slim people can afford longer coats, because in their case they will emphasize height. However, it's worth focusing on a model with pockets, an interesting collar or large buttons, so that it doesn't excessively lengthen the figure.

Women who own impressive breasts should, in turn, put on single-breasted coats that will not enlarge it optically, with a deep neckline that nicely cut and optically reduce its size. For balance, the bottom of the coat should be flared, and the waist fitted and additionally highlighted with a belt. Ladies with smaller breasts and those with a pear shape can decide on double-breasted coats. Here, models with a large collar that will improve the overall proportions of the figure will work best.

Ladies who do not have a narrow waist will look beautiful in a coat with a simple cut, it will be good if it is decorated with a small pattern, with vertical seams. This model optically slims the figure and hides abdominal shortcomings. When it comes to its best length, it should end at the most attractive place on the legs.

It is also worth paying attention to the shape of your hips, because with a narrow coat with a flared bottom, creases, stitches and pockets, it is best to choose a coat with an A-line coat which is camouflaged what a woman would prefer to hide.

These are just a few of the most important tips for choosing a coat for your figure. It is worth to follow them when searching for a new coat to find the perfect piece of clothing that will make you look not only fashionable, but also elegant.

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