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Women's sports pants and high heels, that is brick success.
Until recently, women's sweatpants were associated only with sport, and now they are the must have of the season, also in elegant stylisations. For several years on the fashion catwalks we can watch connections in which women's tracksuits and high heels complement each other perfectly. Initially, only the stars of the red carpet decided to use sweatpants in their stylisations. This trend, however, quickly spread and we can repeatedly observe it in women we meet in the city, who willingly break stereotypes and play with creativity in their image. This eclecticism in fashion is a counterpoint connection. Women's tracksuits can be an extraordinary element of elegant styling. Many people can be skeptical about this idea, but with a little creativity and a sense of style, you can complete a stylization with them that is in no way inferior to the classic little black dress. The collection has many universal models that can be an ideal basis for classic styling. The perfect choice will be sports tracksuits with decorative stripes on the sides that break the dominant sporty note. Models with straight, smooth legs can replace classic racket pants. When choosing tracksuits for elegant styling, pay attention to the texture of the material. A good choice will be a smooth material that will add class and timelessness. They will be incredibly elegant, and at the same time much more comfortable than ordinary pants through a comfortable elastic waist and a pleasant material structure. They will blend in perfectly with the heels, which will create an extremely effective look. If our stylization is calm and subdued, we can bet on more extravagant accessories. For styling, where women's tracksuits play the main role and stand out in the foreground, it is worth combining with delicate and light jewelry so that the outfit does not get too heavy, and maintains lightness, freshness and timelessness. Smooth, elegant tops, such as a white shirt made of velvet material or classic black turtleneck, are perfect for a sports bottom. This stylization works well both for work in the office, during a business dinner and on a date.
Haremki ideal for boho lovers.
The boho style is famous for playing with color and textures. It should be wild, ethnic, but at the same time cozy and coherent. Elements of boho styling are often very expressive in themselves, but the final effect is well thought out and complete. So why not try to smuggle tracksuits for boho styling? Ladies who prefer boho style should pay attention to interesting proposals of sweatpants and harem pants that are in the collection. The colors that attract nature and harmonize with the idea of boho style work best. We can bet on safe beiges, browns, ashes or take a chance and choose intense, bottle green, autumn burgundy or yellow mustard. Models that have a wide belt and additional decorative bindings perfectly emphasize the character of boho styling. They blend well with classic tops and t-shirts.
Leggings for sports fans
Women who love physical activity and play sports will definitely be pleased by the wide selection of leggings that are on the catalog line. Leggings are a body-fitting cut that makes them ideal for activities such as dancing, fitness and gym training. Their flexibility does not limit movement, which is conducive to playing all kinds of sports. Sweatpants will work better than leggings for lighter and less intense activities that do not require unlimited freedom of movement.
The offer includes leggings with elastic band and ones with a drawstring sewn in at the waist for an even better fit at the waist. Some of them are additionally decorated with fluorescent prints, which works like reflections and will be a great plus for fans of running after sunset for a good sleep. Women's sports leggings not only look great and have a very fashionable look, but also are very comfortable and functional. There is a perception that sports leggings are only suitable for slim, athletic women, but here size does not matter, because every woman can look good in them. Ladies of small sizes will feel at ease in most models. Ladies with shapely silhouettes should aim at models with a higher state, which will visually lengthen and slim the legs, thereby improving the proportions of the figure. Any size can look good in leggings. Women's leggings are such a universal model that they will fit in any combination. We can put on a regular t-shirt and sweatshirt or try a bolder top - for example, a sports crop top or oversize sweatshirt.
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