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Skin care:
Make-up removal.
The cosmetics used during make-up removal depend on the type of skin. Liquid, light consistency works best for combination / oily skin, e.g. micellar fluids. It is also recommended to wash your face (avoiding the eye area!) With aleppo soap, which cleans and narrows the pores.
Dry, irritated and sensitive skin comes with soothing lotions, lotions and oils. The product can be applied directly or a cotton swab can be used for this. It is important that cosmetics in their composition do not have alcohol (at a concentration above 5%, damages the hydrolipid layer of the epidermis), which does not favorably affect the skin, drying it.
Make-up removal is best started by washing your eyes and lips, and then the whole face, neck and cleavage. Konjak sponge, which we use for washing the face, has also become popular, where 97% of the composition is water and 3% is vegetable fiber. Then you can use a tonic to restore the skin's natural pH, or spray the face with hydrolate. It is important to prepare the skin for the adoption of active ingredients by applying them to wet skin.
Facial skin care.
Serum or essence are cosmetics that have a light texture and a concentrated group of active ingredients. Thanks to them, the skin accepts what it needs faster. You can apply these products by lightly patting them, denting them or performing an additional face, neck and cleavage massage upwards. Most often, the serum is used under the cream to enhance its effect.
Eye cream must be applied very gently because the skin under the eyes is the thinnest skin and requires careful attention and care. Apply the cosmetic with your fingertip or perform a light massage with circular movements from the inside to the outside. Choose fragrance-free products with pleasant light formulas.
The day cream should be light, moisturizing above all if we use matting foundations. Adapted to the skin type. Hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for the proper level of hydration and firmness, which can be added to the day and night cream is also of great use.
The night cream should be more full-bodied and slightly denser than the day cream. It has a higher content of active substances, which helps the skin to regenerate at night.
Hair care.
It is best to use shampoos without SLS, SLES, silicones and parabens. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a strong detergent that has a cleansing effect, responsible for foaming the cosmetic, which contributes to dry skin, dandruff, allergic reactions, as well as atopic dermatitis.
When washing hair, use warm water, but not hot! If the water temperature is too high, the skin pores are not closed, the hair is greasy faster and will be stale.
Apply the conditioner from the middle of the hair, where they begin to split and frizz. Once a week, you can use vinegar rinse, which has a cleansing effect, closes the cuticle, after which they are shiny and full of glow, as well as do a peeling of the scalp, adding a spoonful of sugar to the shampoo, the hair will gain volume.
Body care.
As a rule, a shower is better for the skin of the body than a bath, after which the skin tends to dehydrate. The best for washing will be lukewarm water, not hot.
Before we leave the shower, we must remember to rinse the whole body really well, to remove all traces of washing products. Then quickly dry the skin, gently touching with a towel. Do not wipe the skin dry or rub it intensively. After gently drying the skin with a towel, apply a suitable cream, lotion or lotion that will moisturize the skin effectively. This will restore the hydrolipid film that covers the entire epidermis. It is also important to do a full body peeling at least once a week, especially before depilation, to remove dead skin. The skin will be smoother and it will accept the cosmetic faster. Also for body care it is advisable to use cosmetics with natural ingredients.
Cosmetics delivery price list. (Click)
Retail price: EUR
Polska. 32-200 Miechów.
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