- Kraj:
- : Język.:polski
- : Utworzony.: 19-12-17
- : Ostatnie Logowanie.: 19-12-17
: Opis.: About Bluff Manufacturing Providing USA made Mezzanines, Dock, Warehouse, Storage and Safety Equipment Near and Far. Bluff Manufacturing has become a leading provider of steel and aluminum boards and plates, portable yard ramps and warehouse safety equipment to companies throughout North America. Bluff Manufacturing is a leading provider of steel and aluminum boards and plates, portable yard ramps warehouse safety equipment and steel structures to companies throughout North, South and Central America. Our long-standing commitment to the highest quality and outstanding customer service has helped to sell our “dock solutions products” to companies both small and large, including Ford, FedEx, General Motors, Kraft and Exxon. Bluff Manufacturing began as a local company in 1968 manufacturing its ramps in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. The company expanded to serve the Southwest region and eventually the entire U.S. along with Canada, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. We attribute our continued growth and success to fundamental principles: Engineering and manufacturing products to meet customer needs Providing fast delivery via distribution centers located throughout the U.S. Establishing the highest industry standards (click here to learn about our ANSI certification) Recipient of the MHEDA 2016 Most Valuable Supplier Award Innovative Products One of the ways we have grown is by constant improvement of our product. Our manufacturing facility in Fort Worth, Texas processes a massive tonnage of raw materials, both steel and aluminum, to produce our wide range of products: Steel and Aluminum Dock Boards and Plates Portable Yard Ramps Rail Boards Dock Levelers Safety Products Mezzanines Stairways Ladders Slab Handling Products : BASIC INFORMATION: : Business type: : Main products: : Annual turnover: : Established: : Certificates: : Location: : Owner: : Number of employees: : The largest sales areas: : CE product certificates: : Sales department: : Contact: Send message. Qa. (Write in your native language.)
: Data Publikacji.: 07-03-25
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