- Kraj:
- : Język.:english
- : Utworzony.: 08-01-18
- : Ostatnie Logowanie.: 08-01-18
: Opis.: WHO IS LIGHTFORCE The extraordinary story of LIGHTFORCE began over 35 years ago with our founder Dr Raymond Dennis (Ray) in the country town of Cleve in South Australia. After searching the retail market for a high quality and robust spotlight to use on his property and finding nothing suitable, he decided to build one himself … and the rest, as they say is history. Being a man of vision and foresight, Ray recognised the potential demand for the lightweight, portable and hand-held spotlight which lay before him. It was a system powerful enough to use for professional purposes yet priced within the grasp of the enthusiast and sportsman. Enter LIGHTFORCE. Ray soon produced his first commercially manufactured lighting system. Based on original designs, his lighting systems found such favour among professionals and sporting enthusiasts alike that production was increased and new improvements were incorporated. This brought greater diversity to the range, ensuring the growing success and popularity of the brand. LIGHTFORCE is now based in Adelaide, South Australia and employs over 70 trained staff. Our fabrication plant has grown into a sophisticated manufacturing facility and LIGHTFORCE has a formidable reputation as a global leader in innovative design and excellence in the manufacture of high performance and durable lighting systems. Ongoing development has opened up new markets and our award winning range of modular accessories has helped increase demand to the point where we now export to over 50 countries worldwide. With more than 30 years experience, LIGHTFORCE is now a global leader in portable professional lighting systems as well as driving lights, rifle-scope optics and lighting accessories. Unlike our competitors, we are undertaking pioneering work in the use of modern composite and eco-friendly materials. This not only gives us a clear competitive advantage, but has also earned us a number of prestigious Australian and international design awards. We continue to see growth in customer loyalty and confidence right around the world. : BASIC INFORMATION: : Business type: : Main products: : Annual turnover: : Established: : Certificates: : Location: : Owner: : Number of employees: : The largest sales areas: : CE product certificates: : Sales department: : Contact: Send a message. Qa. (Write it in your native speech.)
: Data Publikacji.: 24-01-25
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