Mózg ma miliardy neuronów, a każdy pojedynczy neuron łączy się (średnio) z tysiącami innych.
Komunikacja odbywa się między nimi za pośrednictwem małych prądów elektrycznych, które przemieszczają się wzdłuż neuronów i przez ogromne sieci obwodów mózgowych.…
Skąd pochodził Noe?
„Lecz znalazł łaskę w oczach Jod-Chawa”. - Rodzaju 6:8
Tak więc, wśród całej tej degeneracji w nas, boskość widzi jeden element warty ocalenia: Noego.
Ale tu ciekawostka, hebrajskie imię נח Noe składa się z dwóch liter.
Oannes z Morza o ogromnym intelekcie.
Historia, w której Enki mówi sumeryjskiemu Noemu „Uta-Napishtim”, aby zbudował arkę, jest podobna do biblijnej wersji wielkiego potopu. Berossus opisuje Enki/Oannesa jako „Pana Świętego Oka” i „Boga Mądrości”. Mówi…
In addition to all kinds of occult sciences, the Königsberg-13 laboratory (Krolewiec, Kaliningrad) was involved in the study of such seemingly banal things as ... checkers (pawns).
The movement of air currents in the narrow medieval streets of Konigsberg…
Sometimes nails indicate serious diseases
-Painting nails: Very pale nails are often attributed to aging, but they can also be a sign of the following diseases: anemia, congestive heart failure, diabetes, liver problems, malnutrition.
-White nails: If…
The human body in the form of numbers:
37.2 trillion cells
200 different types of cells
100 billion skin cells
100 billion nerve cells (neurons) in the brain
60,000 thoughts a day
60 million sensory receptors
The 127 million retinal cells that make it…
Pine cones are considered one of the natural and sacred geometric symbols in the world.
The seeds in pine fruit are also based on the Fibonacci spiral pattern. Each cone consists of a pair of screws, each rotating in the opposite direction. The number of…
Hit the wood three times!
In the past, in many parts of the world, people believed that God lived in a tree, and that the tree was of great value to them. For this reason, they made their idols of wood, and when they encountered a problem, they touched…
During a brutal study at Harvard in the 1950s, Dr.Kurt Richter placed rats in a pool of water to see how long they could walk on the water.
On average, they give up and sink in 15 minutes.
But just before giving up on exhaustion, scientists grabbed them,…
A team of NASA scientists in Antarctica has found evidence that could belong to a parallel universe. - where the laws of physics work quite the opposite.
The new discovery was discovered by a particle detector called "Polar Impulse Transient Antenna" that…