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CVS Controls LTD. is an internationally recognized manufacturer and supplier of high quality products for the process control industry:
Control Valves and Trim
Pressure Controllers
Chemical Injection Pumps
CVS Controls Ltd. is an industry leader in the manufacturing of Control Valves and associated instrumentation products. We are dedicated to meet and exceed the challenging needs the industries require. Our solid growth has come from ensuring that our products are completely interchangeable with the industry’s leading brands, and manufactured to strict quality control standards.
Applications serviced by CVS Controls LTD. include Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, HVAC, Mining and Pulp & Paper.
CVS Controls LTD. is a certified and registered ISO 9001:2008 manufacturing facility with our head office located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. An additional sales office is located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Affiliate offices are located in Houston, Texas-USA, Mexico City-Mexico, and Shanghai-China.
Mission Statement
CVS Controls LTD. meets and exceeds our customer’s needs and expectations through the highest quality of products, performance, reliability, services and safety while maintaining competitive pricing.
Quality Assurance Statement
CVS is dedicated to continually improve the efficiency and the effectiveness of our quality management system. Our product is confirmed by a rigid quality control program which utilizes the most up to date methods of testing and inspection.
We are continually working towards improving documented procedures and to ensure processes are in place to consistently review our performance in meeting these quality objectives.
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: Contact: Send a message. Qa. (Write it in your native speech.)
Canada. 3900 - 101 Street Edmonton, Alberta.
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