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Baikalin - what is it and how does it lead to longevity?
Baikalin is a substance obtained from Baikal skullcap - a health-promoting herb used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Scientists have recently discovered its surprising and unusual property. They revealed that baicin was able to extend telomeres, the fragments of DNA that regulate the lifespan of cells. The extension of telomeres, in turn, has a chance to have a real impact on our longevity.
Biological clock
Every day some of our cells die. By about 40 years of age, dying cells are replaced by new cells produced by division. Consequently, the number of cells in organs does not decrease significantly. Therefore, the internal organs of people until the age of 40-50 years do not shrink and are comparable to the organs of younger people.
On average, after the age of 40, dying cells are less and less often replaced by dividing neighboring cells. Why is this happening? Our cells can only divide about 50 times. This limit is due to the length of the telomere, the piece of DNA that gets shorter with each division. When the telomere becomes too short, the cell goes into a state of senescence. Then he loses the ability to divide, and can only continue like this, even years, until his death.
Over time, the process of gradual reduction of internal organs takes place. In older people, we find that their livers, hearts, spleens and other organs are of the correct shape, but smaller than they should be.
This is due to the slow decline in the number of cells in these organs.
When there are fewer cells, the amount of energy and substances provided by organs also drops. Therefore, people who have reached the age of 80 or 90 are weaker and have lower immunity compared to those in their 40s or 60s.
This problem stands in the way of achieving true longevity.
250 Years of Life - the story of Li Qing-Yun
In the course of my research on longevity, I have consulted historical sources many times. The description of Li Qing-Yun's Chinese life attracted my attention.
Here is an excerpt from Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming's book, "Changing Muscles / Tendons Marrow / Brain Washing":
Li Qing-Yun was born in 1678. (17 Qing Kang Xi) in Sichuan Province, later moved to Kai Xian, the seat of the Chen family (Chen Jia Chang). He died in 1928 CE at the age of 250. At the age of 71, he enlisted in the army of the provincial chief, Yue Zhong-Qi. Most of his wives died early, so he had to marry 14 times in his life.
Li was an herbalist, a Qigong expert, and spent most of his time in the mountains. In 1927, General Yang Sen visited Li at his residence in Wan Xian, Sichan Province, where the photo shown here was taken. Li died a year later after returning from his trip.
After his death, General Yang Sen researched Li's life history in order to verify the truth of the legends circulating about him. He described it all in a report titled, "Fact-Based Report on a 250-Year-Old Man Who Has Succeeded in Life," published by Chinese and Foreign Literatur Storehause (Zhong Wai Wen Ku), Taipei, Taiwan.
In the report, he describes Li as a man 7 feet tall, with good eyesight and a springy step, and very long and curly nails.
All the information available to us shows that this story is true. Thus, in the legacy of Li Qing-Yuna, we are assured that a person can live more than 200 years and maybe more, if only he or she knows how to do it. Therefore, we are deeply convinced that if we dedicate ourselves to study and research, we will bring the time when everyone will live for at least 200 years. "
Li Qing-Yun was a famous herbalist who intuitively, successfully using various herbs, reached the age of 250 years. From the descriptions that have survived about him, it should be concluded that for over 150 years he constantly looked the same, he was a healthy, strong old man, full of physical and intellectual strength.
Doctor Pokrywka promotes the use of baicalein and recommends breaks between the periods of taking the herbal preparation:
He promotes his algorithm for long life as the Four Pillars of True Longevity
Taking baicalin intermittently may allow us to live even longer than Li Qing-Yun. This is due to the fact that today we know how this substance affects the lifespan of cells. Li Qing-Yun, he could only rely on his intuition. Not knowing the mechanism of action of baicalin, he could take too long breaks in its intake, which could lead to the death of certain parts of the cells, slowly reducing its biological potential.
By taking baicalin without too long breaks, we have a chance to avoid this danger.
Stop aging
If we start taking baicalin at the age of 40-60, we have reason to believe that the number of cells in our internal organs will not decrease.
For a significant elongation effect life, in accordance with the recommendations of the Third Pillar of the Longevity Academy, i.e. Reasonable Supplementation, you should use baicalin capsules permanently.
This means taking baicalin for the rest of your life, from the moment you entered one of the dosing regimens.
Baicalin - dosage
The first regimen of taking baicalin is recommended for people without special ailments, for healthy people who only want to protect their internal organs from reducing the number of cells that make up their body.
According to the first scheme:
For 6 consecutive days, in the morning and in the evening, 50 mg each, i.e. a total of 12 capsules.
A break of about 10 weeks (two and a half months).
Again, for 6 days, two capsules a day.
About 10 weeks off, and so on, endlessly.
With this form, it is recommended to take baicalin during the seasons of the year according to the Chinese calendar. This means: six days from December 20-30 - for winter, six days from March 1 to March 10 - in spring, six days from May 10 to May 20 - summer and six days from March 20 to 30 July - for late summer and six days from October 1 to 10 - autumn. In this dosing regimen, one pack of 60 capsules will last a full year.
The second regimen of taking Baikalin is recommended for people suffering from illnesses for which Baikalin treatment is prescribed, and it includes symptoms of the so-called heat. The indications are described below.
According to the scheme of the second:
2 capsules a day for 2 months.
About 6 months break.
2 months of admission again.
Another 6 month break, and so on endlessly.
In this scheme, for an 8-month cycle, 2 packages, i.e. 120 capsules, are used. Two months of taking baicaline may be too long in a specific case, when the symptoms that justify taking it longer than 6 days have already subsided. When, let's assume, after 3 or 5 weeks, the above-mentioned ailments, then we stop taking the capsules every day and we treat ourselves as in the scheme no. 1 for healthy people. So we take a 10 week break and take baicaline again for 6 days.
It is known that the constant intake of any substance, especially in the case of potent drugs and herbs, is not appropriate. Baikal skullcap, as well as its baicalin extract, apart from the telomere elongation effect, which is interesting for us, has, among other things, a strong cooling effect on the body.
For longevity, which can only be achieved in good, balanced health, the chilling property of baicalin is unnecessary, and in the case of symptoms of hypothermia or cold, even harmful.
If for important health reasons it is indispensable to use baicalin in people who are cold, it is administered in parallel with herbs that neutralize its cooling effect. For this reason, I have developed a recipe in which the chilling effect of 50 mg of baicalin is neutralized with a dose of specially selected herbs with a warming effect. This formula can be found under the name of Baikalin +.
Due to its cooling effect, we warn you against long-term, uninterrupted intake of baicalin without consulting an experienced doctor or herbalist.
When using baicale to achieve longevity, the use of ten-week breaks after six-day use in the first regimen or six-month breaks in the second regimen, according to experts, will extinguish almost all the effects of this product, both chilling and activating telomerase.
Breaks in the use of baicale are indispensable, because the occurrence and longer duration of even minor therapeutic or side effects when using this agent, in an optimistic variant for hundreds of years, may be significant in terms of health. The occurrence of such actions could significantly disrupt the program of achieving longevity.
Until now, for hundreds of years, baicin has been used to combat various ailments (characterized by what the Chinese call "heat", and for us, the more understandable term will be inflammation and active degeneration, including cancer and allergies).
Baicalin - application
Prolongation of telomeres and thus a chance for longevity is not the only health-promoting property of Baikalin. The indications for its use so far include:
antiallergic and anti-asthmatic effect
anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic effect
choleretic and anti-hepatotoxic effect (preventing liver poisoning)
antiatherosclerotic and anticoagulant effect (with a tendency for thrombophlebitis)
circulatory, cardiac and hypotensive effects (improving circulation and lowering hypertension)
antioxidant, anti-radical effect (reducing oxidative stress)
sedative, anticonvulsant and anxiolytic (sedative, anxiolytic, antiepileptic)
antitumor and cytotoxic activity (in suspected cancer and in detected neoplasms)
antiviral activity (in chronic infections and immunodeficiency)
antibacterial effect
antifungal activity
cosmetic effect of Radix Scutellariae (with spots on the skin)
The baicalin dosages of the above indications are well mastered by herbalists; the length of time to take this herbal extract is determined by the therapist on an individual basis, but the usual average dose used is about 100 milligrams of baicalin per day for a period of two months.
On the other hand, the effect of baicalin, causing the activation of telomerase in cells in a state of senescence, has been discovered quite recently, so there are no officially developed and commonly reported schemes for the use of this herbal preparation for this purpose.
Therefore, after analyzing the multidirectional effects of baicalin on the human system and after consulting experienced doctors in herbal medicine, we established the above two schemes for the use of baicalin to activate telomerase for adults.
These regimens in the same person may be used interchangeably periodically.
Since the telomerase activating effect of baicalin has been clearly proven only in senescent cells (we do not know anything about its telomerase activating effect in non-senescent cells), we can expect the following scenario:
An adult, periodically taking baicalin (that is, without significant breaks, over 6 months), will age, in appearance ("physiologically"), to a healthy 80.90-year-old man. The difference will be in its biological potential, invariably corresponding to the biological potential at the time of starting baicalin intake.
Thanks to Baikalin, this condition will be permanent, allowing you to achieve true longevity.
What is senescence?
The state of senescence is the last biological cycle of a specific cell, before its apoptosis, that is, before orderly death, sometimes even for many years. This condition occurs in any organism, at any age, when a specific cell performs all mitotic divisions (allowed by its telomere length, renewing cell structures).
Let me remind you that a cell has about fifty divisions throughout its life, due to the length of its telomere. After the last division, it enters the state of senescence. Being in this state, sometimes even for many years, it gradually deteriorates. This is due to the free radical damage caused by the hydroxyl radicals resulting from the metabolism and activity of the mitochondria.
Once in this state, the cell can no longer count on renewing its structures through mitosis because the limit of mitotic divisions is limited by the length of the telomere.
If a senescent cell is treated with telomerase-activating baicalin and the result is five telomere fragments (as observed in tissue studies), the cell will be able to restore cellular structure by performing as many as 5 additional mitoses.
Mitosis, in the cells of organisms living on Earth (in hydrogen-free conditions for thousands of years), take place on average every two years. Thus, baicalin will extend the life of this cell by about 10 years.
After this time, this particular cell will re-enter a state of senescence, and after re-treatment with Baikaline, it has a chance to extend its life for another 10 years, and so on.
Cells which, thanks to Baikalin, have a "fragmented" telomere extend their life by about 10 years.
Other cells that have entered a state of senescence since the last dose of baicalin need another dose of baicalin because waiting 10 years for it will most likely die by then. Due to the ongoing process of entering the state of senescence, you should consume baicalin constantly, but with the intervals suggested in the above-discussed application schemes.
It is this state, the state of a person who has been for a long time, for about 150 years, 10 years before his death, that we see in the description of Li Qing-Yun's life.
Data on the Baikal skullcap:
Baikal skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensisi)
Baikal skullcap (Lamiaceae family) can be found growing naturally in China, Japan, Mongolia, Siberia, and Zabajikal. It has been used there for many years in folk herbal medicine. It is not tall, about half a meter high, has pretty, purple flowers, which makes it an ornamental plant. This perennial perennial feels best in the sun, in relatively dry, sandy areas, although thanks to its durability it can withstand temperatures down to -15 ° C. It grows at altitudes of up to 8,000 m above sea level. The root is most often used due to the richest source of bioactive ingredients. In order for them to be in the right concentration, the plant must grow 4 years. Harvest takes place in the fall. This useful herb is used for 2000 years in eastern medicine. In Traditional Chinese Medicine it is considered one of the basic and most important herbs, but it was also used by Mongols and Siberians.
Sliced Baikal skullcap root with a slightly orange (high flavonoid content) root color characteristic of this variety.
500gram is enough for 3 months.
Rich in bioactive substances and flavonoids
Many uses - drinking decoction, tincture, infusion. The basic ingredient of many preparations.
Application, or how to use:
Root micronization offers many possibilities of applications and facilitates storage, and also ensures better absorption by increasing the active surface of the particles. Thanks to this, it is possible to prepare absorbable water and alcohol extracts from the Baikal skullcap. Decoction: 2-3 g of the root (about a teaspoon) pour 200 ml of water, simmer for 5 minutes over low heat and set aside for half an hour. Strain and drink 2 times a day. Another way is to sprinkle the roots with alcohol before pouring water to increase the release of active ingredients. Tincture: pour 1 part of the roots with 5 parts of 40-45% alcohol and macerate for 2 weeks (shake the dish daily to mix the ingredients). Then use 5 ml (teaspoon) 2 times a day in a little water for dilution. Oil: sprinkle 1 part of roots with spirit, pour 3 parts of grape oil at a temperature of about 80 ° C. Then set aside in a dark place for 14 days and strain. Use 10 ml (a large spoon) of oil twice a day orally or externally on the skin. It can also be used to make home cosmetics. Composition: 100% sliced roots of Baikal skullcap.
Baicalin - properties This plant contains the original flavones - baicalein, baicalein, vogonin and vogonoside, which have anti-inflammatory, antiviral and anticancer properties. Other active substances are essential oils, iridoids, tannins and organic acids, which are characterized by a high antioxidant potential, which determines the extraordinary health-promoting properties of baicalin. As an excellent source of flavonoids, this plant can stop the growth of tumors, killing cancer cells spontaneously and inhibiting the formation of a network of new blood vessels around the tumor. It is especially recommended for lymphocytic leukemia, myeloma and lymphoma.
In traditional Chinese medicine, it is used to treat lung and prostate cancer. With age of the ventricles, Baikalin - properties and side effects. How to use Bajakalin? They die in the body, and the process of replacing them with others is slower and slower. Telomeres are responsible for this, i.e. fragments of chromosomes that shorten during each cell division. The shorter they are, the older the body is, increasing e.g. the risk of cancer. Baicalin is believed to inhibit the processes of telomere shortening, which is supposed to effectively inhibit the aging process.
Baikal thyroid has also been shown to normalize blood lipid levels, lowering cholesterol, thus protecting the body against atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke and hypertension. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, it can also be helpful in the treatment of gum disease, chronic inflammation of the oral mucosa, as well as in reducing skin irritation, eliminating the resulting acne. Thanks to compounds such as exons, baicalein and baicalein, this plant supports the work of the liver, accelerating the treatment of related diseases (eg hepatitis).
Baicalin - side effects:
There were no side effects when taking preparations with Baikal thyroid. However, due to the lack of research, it should not be taken by pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children and adolescents under 18 years of age. How is baicalin used? There are supplements on the market in the form of tablets containing Baikal skullcap extract, as well as dried - cut plant root, from which you can prepare an infusion. On the basis of baicale, you can also make a tincture, which will also be an effective remedy. The use of the raw material depends primarily on the nature of the disease.
It should be remembered that its consumption should be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. It has been shown that due to the content of active substances, baicalein can delay the aging process of the body, reduce the risk of cancer and help in the treatment of inflammation.
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適合特殊場合的完美服裝: 我們每個人都這樣做:要舉行婚禮,洗禮,某種儀式,我們必須著裝得體,但當然沒事做。我們去商店,買的不是我們想要的東西。我們真的不知道我們想要什麼: 有一種非常簡單,合理且無可置疑的方法,通過這種方法,我們可以確定在特殊場合通用的粗略服裝應該是什麼樣。 您選擇到目前為止認為最適合您的服裝(樣式)作為參考,並且正在尋找其上的變化或與之非常相似的版本。 首先,您需要找到在某些特殊情況下可以同時滿足以下兩個簡單條件的現有服裝: 你感覺很棒 你看起來很棒…
Świątynia Izydy była znana wśród starożytnych jako centrum wielkiego uzdrowienia.
Świątynia Izydy była znana wśród starożytnych jako centrum wielkiego uzdrowienia. Jej podstawa została zbudowana z różowego granitu, który zawiera 20-60% kwarcu, co sprawia, że jest w pewnym sensie radioaktywny, aby wysyłać i odbierać fale. Ściany…