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mRNA-1273: Coronavirus vaccine ready for clinical testing: 27.02.2020.
Coronavirus vaccine ready for clinical testing
The Biotechnology company Moderna, from Cambridge, Mass., Announced that its vaccine, mRNA-1273, for the rapidly spreading Covid-19 virus will soon go to Phase 1 clinical trials in the US. The first batch of the new vaccine has already been sent to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
mRNA-1273 was developed by Moderna in collaboration with researchers from the NIAID Vacccine Research Center (VCR). The batch production was financed by Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Inovations (CEPI). The safety and immunogenicity study, which is due to start on March 6, will include 45 healthy men and women aged 18-55. Participants will receive the vaccine in doses of 25, 100 or 250 micrograms (more about the study here). Anthony Fauci, director of NIAID, said in a statement for The Wall Street Journal that the research will most likely start before the end of April. However, it will take from one to 18 months before the vaccine goes into general use.
Juan Andres, Chief Technical Operations and Quality Officer at Moderna, comments - I want to thank the entire Moderna team for their extraordinary effort, which is a response to the global health crisis. Cooperation with NIAID and CEPI allowed the delivery of a clinical batch within 42 days of sequence identification. According to the axios.com portal, if the situation in China deteriorates, there is a risk of shortages in deliveries to the US of about 150 prescription drugs (including antibiotics, generics, drugs that have no substitutes). According to the portal, these drugs were placed on the risk list at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Although the FDA does not comment on these reports, it emphasizes that further spread of the coronavirus may indeed affect the supply chain.
The current global balance of coronavirus is over 79 thousand. infected, over 2.6 thousand deaths, the overwhelming majority in China. Outbreaks have also been confirmed in Italy, South Korea and Iran. The vaccine for a new type of coronavirus, in collaboration with the US government, is also working, among others Johnson & Johnson, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals and Sanofi.

moderna, curevac, covid-19, coronavirus, vaccine:


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