0 : Odsłon:
Technical care
The technical care can be performed by the user.
Keep your electrical tool clean and dry.
Avoid big variations in temperature while storing (condensation).
Vacuum the surface of your machine and air-clean the louvers with dry, oil-free compressed air. By the application of ceramic abrasives a regular maintenance of the machine is necessary.
Recharge your accumulators periodically.
If for a longer period of time, Lithium-ion accumulators should be stored only partially charged (2 green LEDs).
Store NiCd/NiMH accumulators for a longer period of time only if fully charged.
Recharging is neccessary at least every 3 months, due to self-discharging.
Further Informations -> FAQ
You can find further machine-specific informations in the owner's manual.
More questions
We gladly answer your questions on technical care, maintainance and repair of FEIN products :
The maintainance may only be performed by electrically skilled persons.
Typically, a maintainance contains external and internal cleaning, testing and renewal of wearing parts (e.g. bearings, greases, sealings). A testing of functionality and reliability has to be performed, according to EN VDE 0701/0703.
The frequency of the maintainance depends on the ambient conditions, e.g. dust, air humidity, operation time etc.
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