Is beer healthy? What does beer contain? Rheinheitsgebot. , i.e. the principle of purity of the beer composition:
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Is beer healthy? What does beer contain? Rheinheitsgebot. , i.e. the principle of purity of the beer composition:
Before we get to the nutritional characteristics, it is worth remembering that beer is a drink that was created, even over 4000 years before Christ in Mesopotamia. The story is that it all really started by accident with a barley bowl forgotten outside: the aftermath of rain and sun meant that the contents of the bowl transformed into a mixture that tasted pretty good.
Six millennia later, the technique has been refined and today we find beer in many varieties and qualities, but to understand whether it is good or not, it is worth starting with the ingredients that characterize it.
Is beer healthy?
When creating, for example, a classic lager beer, the composition is usually as follows:
85% water
3/9% alcohol
3/8% of the dry extract in which we find elements such as sugars, nitrogen substances, B vitamins, salts and acids. All malt and hop ingredients.
The presence of potassium and B vitamins, in particular B6, allows beer to support the body in its action to neutralize the negative effects of homocysteine, and thus indirectly prevent cardiovascular diseases:
In addition, beer also contains two ingredients that reconcile sleep: they are nicotinic acid and lactoflavin, and therefore responsible for the effect of "drowsiness", which often occurs after drinking half a liter. However, the presence of flavonoids may stimulate the growth of calcitonin, a hormone useful in preventing bone weakness in menopausal women.
Gluten free beer:
The sharp increase in health problems associated with mild or acute gluten intolerance, as in the case of celiac disease, has led many breweries, foreign and Italian, to study a line of beers dedicated to those who, despite problems with taking gluten, do not want to give up good beer.
As is well known, gluten is a substance present in many cereals, among which barley and wheat, and "classic" beer contains gluten exceeding the limit tolerated by intolerances and allergy sufferers (20 mg / liter).
Is beer healthy:
How many calories does the beer have?
From a caloric point of view, 100 ml of beer generally contains 30 to 60 kcal, which not only depend on the alcohol component, but also on dextrins and proteins present in beer. In fact, there are always about 0.2 g of amino acids in 100 ml of product: the biological value of this protein component is not significant, but eight essential oils are contained. The more important is the amount of carbohydrates, which is from 2 to 5 grams, always for the same total dose of the product.
Another common phenomenon associated with beer is that drinking this drink causes obesity. This is a scientific question: in fact, although calorie intake is not particularly high, the presence of ethyl alcohol and some partially complex carbohydrates, maltodextrins, causes the drink to stimulate insulin production, a hormone that regulates stress and more. In fact, excess insulin in itself causes you to become fat, and the effect is enhanced by the fact that fatty acids with ethanol are largely not converted into energy, but directly into fat.
The so-called "beer belly" that can result from it is also a risk factor for other metabolic pathologies such as type 2 diabetes, but also in severe cases of chronic hypertriglyceridaemia.
Non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy:
Experts even agree that there is no evidence that drinking beer promotes more milk production. On the contrary, drinking alcohol during pregnancy can harm the health of the fetus, and harmful effects can be seen even after birth, while breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that alcohol taken by a pregnant woman passes directly from the bloodstream through the placenta, so the baby will have the same blood alcohol concentration as the mother.
To calmly undergo pregnancy, it is better to choose non-alcoholic beer, which should be taken in moderation, always paying attention to the label. This seemingly harmless drink also contains a minimum amount of alcohol (which according to Polish law must be less than 1.2%).
The ideal solution would therefore be to choose a completely non-alcoholic beer option, but always without exaggeration, because - although for some women waiting is a cure for nausea - like all effervescent drinks, it swells in the stomach, supporting fluid retention.
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