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Hyaluronic acid or collagen? Which procedure should you choose:
Hyaluronic acid and collagen are substances naturally produced by the body. It should be emphasized that after the age of 25, their production decreases, which is why aging processes and the skin becomes flabby, sagging and furrows and wrinkles appear. To counteract them, aesthetic medicine allows you to slow down these processes by injecting hyaluronic acid or collagen. Which one should you choose? What are the differences in these treatments?
Aesthetic medicine - type I collagen treatment
Collagen is the main building block of the skin and with age it loses about 1.5% per year. Reducing collagen production makes the skin weaker, less elastic, and the first wrinkles appear, which also negatively affect the face oval. Loss of collagen is a fact, but we are not powerless against nature. Aesthetic medicine allows you to perform treatments using collagen type I, the most common in the body, which effectively delays the aging process of the skin. People who want to increase skin firmness, moisturize it and improve its color should opt for a therapy consisting of several treatments. The specialist chooses a specific number based on the condition of the skin. After the treatment, the effects of skin revitalization, reduction or removal of wrinkles and furrows and improvement of skin elasticity can be seen after 14 days. It is worth emphasizing that this procedure is safe and non-invasive.
Hyaluronic acid treatments - which one to choose?
Among the treatments improving the appearance of the skin and among others removing wrinkles, it is also worth remembering about hyaluronic acid treatments. It is a substance that, like collagen, is naturally present in the body and also similarly decreases with age. Under the influence of hyaluronic acid loss, the skin slackens and wrinkles appear. Therefore, to supplement it and thus remove the signs of skin aging and slow down these processes, it is worth using mesotherapy.
This aesthetic medicine treatment is performed in series of 6 treatments, every 6 months it effectively hydrates the skin and stimulates its renewal processes.
Another type of surgery is platelet rich plasma mesotherapy, which involves injecting hyaluronic acid. As a result, the skin becomes moisturized, properly nourished and wrinkle-free thanks to the reconstruction of its structure. In addition, another type of treatment that uses preparations with hyaluronic acid are treatments that reduce furrows and wrinkles using fillers, fillers, which can be temporary or permanent.
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