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Welcome to Bench Craft Leather Inc., your choice for Canadian made leather fashion belt products. We do not sell directly from this website. However our belts suspenders and cuff-links are available across Canada. These products are available at independent men's clothing stores across the country. The big cities as well as the towns in Canada are likely to have a fine men's store that carries belts made here in our factory. We don't currently have a "where to buy" function on our site but a quick search in your area will give you some options.
Our team of skilled craftspeople has given Bench Craft a name synonymous with quality for leather goods made in Canada. Fine leather belts to rugged casual belts for men is our specialty. Our large collection includes belts for all levels of current fashions. We manufacture and assemble using a mixture of old world hand craftsmanship as well as some automated production processes. Hence the name Bench Craft Leather.
We utilize the finest genuine top grain, full grain and corrected grain leathers sourced from the best tanneries along with buckles from the finest manufacturers in the world to produce a wide range of beautiful belt designs in a variety of colours, textures and styles. As the premier leather belt manufacturer in Canada, Bench Craft offers over one hundred styles in our collection.
Belt line includes:
Casual belts
Dress belts
Dress casual belts
Designer fashion belts
Uniform belts
Work wear belts
Our original Murakami belt designs, with highly detailed construction, along with our commitment to quality and service have awarded us a solid reputation, and the ability to distribute our leather belts in some of the finest menswear stores in Canada. Bench Craft Leather also specializes in men’s high fashion suspenders, cufflinks, belt buckles and other fine men’s accessories.
Bench Craft Leather Inc. is more than just leather belts. Our special products division manufactures high calibre leather gear for Law Enforcement and Emergency Services personnel. Bench Craft Leather Inc. is a key supplier to Police, Fire Departments and the Military for these items and more. Examples of these are on this site as well but are not available online.
RCMP leather equipment
Police leather equipment
Duty and Uniform belts
Badge wallets
ID wallets
Magazine holders
Ammunitions pouches
Handcuff Cases
Bench Craft Leather Inc. is also your source for high quality CUSTOM MANUFACTURED LEATHER PRODUCTS and CUSTOM LOGO LEATHER PRODUCTS.
Our highly regarded custom logo leather products utilize the highest quality leathers with high quality logo die stamping. Bench Craft Leather Inc. offers its own wide range of custom logo leather goods for corporate and promotional distribution. Custom manufactured items include a wide variety of beverage holders including tequila shooter belts, tequila holsters and beer holsters as well as leather guitar straps, leather notebooks and men’s and women’s logo leather belts.
Bench Craft Leather’s TOOL BELT division manufactures Canadian made custom leather tool pouches and cases and specialized tool holders for tradesmen and women.
For high quality Canadian manufactured leather belts, fashion accessories and more, contact Bench Craft Leather Inc.
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: Contact: Send a message. Qa. (Write it in your native speech.)
Canada. 1572 Victoria Street North Kitchener. Ontario.
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මත්ද්රව්යවලට ඇබ්බැහි වීමේ යාන්ත්රණය:
Treatment ෂධ ප්රතිකාර. මත්ද්රව්යවලට ඇබ්බැහි වීම දිගු කලක් තිස්සේ බරපතල ගැටළුවක් වී තිබේ. නීතිමය ඉහළ මට්ටමක පැවතීම සහ මාර්ගගත විකුණුම් හේතුවෙන් සෑම කෙනෙකුටම පාහේ drugs ෂධ ලබා ගැනීමට අවස්ථාව තිබේ. මත්ද්රව්යවලට ඇබ්බැහි වීම වෙනත් ඇබ්බැහිවීම් මෙන් නතර කළ…
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