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The Beowulf epic is one of the most famous poems from ancient England. The legend of heroism and monsters hides the story of the Anglo-Saxons who emigrated to Britain and founded the first kingdoms there.
It is an unknown Christian poet who wrote Beowulf's exploits somewhere in Anglo-Saxon England between the 7th and 9th centuries. The work is now considered one of the most important and influential works in English literature. The story combines all elements of a modern action fabric.
The Beowulf epic has only survived through a single manuscript - it is treasured in the National Library in London.
Fight against the bloodthirsty troll Grendel:
The story of Beowulf and his legendary deeds begins in Denmark in the 6th century, in the realm of the legendary King Hrothgar, a descendant of the Germanic god Odin. He had a magnificent festival hall built, called "Heorot". It is the seat of government, courtroom and festival hall for the community. The joyous celebrations of the Danes awaken the displeasure of a bloodthirsty troll who lives in the nearby marshlands. The monster has held the country firmly under control for twelve years. It kills all warriors who dare to enter the hall. Nobody dares to stand up to him. Until Beowulf arrives, the young, confident warrior of the Geatas, the Gauten people. He wants to help King Hrothgar and free his kingdom from the terrible monster.
The Beowulf epic is written at a time of upheaval. From the 5th century, Anglelns, Saxons and Jute migrated to Britain as part of the migration of peoples. They come from Scandinavia and northern Germany. After the Romans left the country, there was a kind of power vacuum there for a long time. The newcomers - later called Anglo-Saxons - soon founded their own kingdoms. Even if they open up to the Christian faith at some point, they remain connected to their pagan culture and myths for a long time. The Beowulf epic tells of it.
Life and belief in Anglo-Saxon England
Beyond its literary significance, the work provides insights into Old Germanic and early English life. In Denmark and Great Britain, the documentation traces the Anglo-Saxon history, shows spectacular archaeological finds and reports on current findings. In Leijre, Denmark, archaeologists have found the remains of an old royal hall, which in many ways corresponds to the description of the legendary Heorot Hall in Beowulf. Spectacular grave goods and buried treasures have been discovered in England, reminiscent of descriptions of funeral rituals in the epic.
Why is it so difficult to determine when Beowulf was created?
There is only one event in the whole poem that allows a clear historical dating. It is a robbery that took place under Beowulf's King Hygelac. As far as we can date, the robbery must have happened around AD 520. So this is the earliest dating option. The only surviving manuscript is dated around AD 1000. So we have at least five centuries to consider. Scientists have tried to locate the poem in each of these five centuries, each with very different reasons. That is why there are big differences of opinion about the dating of the poem.
What is the meaning of the "Heorot" hall in the poem?
Within the Anglo-Saxon culture, the hall is the place of warmth and security, eating, drinking and sleeping, happiness and human discourse. The outside world, on the other hand, is scary and very dark. When Grendel suddenly bursts into the hall from outside, this is a dramatic climax and traumatic moment, because suddenly this outside world penetrates the protected space.
How is Grendel described? What kind of monster is he?
He comes from the dark, is a shadow-walker. It is described with many human attributes. He is also an exile. There is a lot of sympathy for the exiles in Anglo-Saxon poetry, because if you are driven out by a group of warriors or by the court, you immediately become a very suspicious figure. The questions arise: Why doesn't he have a master? Why doesn't he have a protector? Did he fail to his master? That is why we also feel compassion for Grendel.
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