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The Netherworld Seven:
In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Anunnaki appear thus:
“The Flood: Nergal pull down the dams of the nether waters, Ninurta the war lord threw down the dykes, and the SEVEN judges of hell, THE ANUNNAKI, raised their torches lighting the land with their vivid fire.”

The “nether waters” represent the heavens, and the Anunnaki were called “the fates” and light-bearers of the night sky. They were the “seven judges of hell” and “seven nether spheres,” as Barbara G. Walker relates in her entry on Mary Magdalene (The Woman’s Encyclopedia, 614):

“The seven ‘devils’ exorcised from Mary Magdalene seem to have been the seven Maskim, or Anunnaki, Sumero-Akkadian spirits of the seven nether spheres, born of the goddess Mari. Their multiple birth was represented in her sacred dramas, which may account for their alleged emergence from Mary Magdalene. An Akkadian tablet said of them, ‘They are seven! In the depths of the ocean, they are seven! In the brilliance of the heavens, they are seven! They proceed from the ocean depths [Maria] from the hidden retreat!”

Walker also relates, in The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects, 13:

“A generally accepted view of the universe in antiquity was the doctrine of the planetary spheres, conceived as great crystal domes or inverted bowls nested inside one another over the earth, turning independently of one another at various rates, and emitting the ‘music of the spheres’ with their motions. The theory was evolved to explain the apparently erratic movement of planets against the background of the fixed stars. Reading from the innermost sphere outward, arranging them according to the days of the week, they were the spheres of the moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and the sun. Outermost was the eight sphere, the Empyrean, the home of fixed spheres and the ultimate God: the highest heaven.

“As a corollary to this theory, it was also assumed that there were seven nether spheres descending under the earth: the ‘seven hells’ to which Dumuzi and Inanna (or Tammuz and Ishtar) journeyed; whose seven gates were guarded by the seven Anunnaki or Maskim, the nether counterparts of the planetary spirits. According to an Akkadian magic tablet, ‘They proceed from the ocean depths, from the hidden retreat.’ From the ancient idea of the seven nether spheres, Dante took his vision of the descending circles of hell.’

“Early Christians taught that each human soul descends from heaven, picking up one of the seven deadly sins from each planetary sphere along the way: lust from Venus, anger from Mars, and so on. After death, the soul returned to the highest heaven, shedding the same sins one by one, while passing the ‘innkeeper’ of the spheres – providing, of course, that the soul was Christianized and therefore properly enlightened.”

When we study what the ancients said about them, we discover that the Anunnaki, et al., are part of the celestial mythos, not “aliens.” Here the Anunnaki are the “seven nether spheres” or mirror images of the seven “planets.” These seven judges are a common mythical motif, also found in Slavic/Serbian mythology, for example, where they are clearly identified as the planets:

“Among the Serbs the Sun was a young and handsome king. He lived in a kingdom of light and sat on a throne of gold and purple. At his side stood two beautiful virgins, Aurora of the Morning and Aurora of the Evening, seven judges (the planets) and seven ‘messengers’ who flew across the universe in the guise of ‘stars with tails’ (comets). Also present was the Sun’s ‘bald uncle, old Myesyats’ (or the moon).” New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology, 284

As we can see, the reality of this issue is much more colorful and luminous than a group of bizarre aliens terrorizing cavemen. This information is what the ancients themselves wrote. They did not write, “And so the Anunnaki were sky people from another planet who landed here and mated with humans, etc.” In fact, “Anunnaki” is a generic term for gods, especially secondary gods, and means “gods of heaven and earth,” not “those who from heaven to earth came.” “An” or “Anu” means “sky” and represents the name of the “god of heaven,” while “Ki” means “earth” and is the name of the earth goddess.

The Host of Heaven and Sons of God

As noted, the Anunnaki were numbered 900 as well, some of whom apparently represented the stars, i.e., the zodiac, or “heavenly host,” as worshipped by the Canaanites and Hebrews. In this regard, Benson writes in The History of God From Abraham to Moses:

“The Anunnaki were analogous to the ‘host of heaven’ of the Hebrews. Marduk allotted portions to the Anunnaki: ‘To the Anunnaki of heaven and earth [Marduk] had allotted their portions.’ Likewise, the Canaanite-Hebrew god El Elyon allotted portions to his sons: ‘When the Most High [Heb. Elyon] gave to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of men, he fixed the bounds of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God. For the LORDs portion is his people, Jacob [Israel] his allotted heritage.’ (Deuteronomy 32:8-9 RSV) These ‘sons of God’ in the following verse are also called the ‘host of heaven,’ to whom God divided to all the nations: ‘And lest you lift up your eyes to heaven, and when you see…all the host of heaven…which the LORD your God has divided to all nations under the whole heaven.’ (Deuteronomy 4:19 KJV) These gods were secondary gods: ‘For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords…’ (Deuteronomy 10:17 KJV) ‘O give thanks to the God of gods…’ (Psalm 136:2 KJV)”

Also, the biblical god Yahweh is not a person, alien or otherwise. “He” too is in large part a solar myth. Regarding Yahweh, the Catholic Encyclopedia says:

“It seems likely that the name of Ea, or Ya, or Aa, the oldest god of the Babylonian Pantheon, is connected with the name Jahve, Jahu, or Ja, of the Old Testament.”

The Babylonian “Ea” is equivalent to Enlil, whom, as we have seen, is a sun god.

(The following regarding Yahweh is an excerpt from The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold .)

Prior to being labeled Yahweh, the Israelite god was called “Baal.” signifying the sun in the Age of Taurus. When the sun passed into Aries, “the Lord’s” name was changed to the Egyptian Iao, which became YHWH, IEUE, Yahweh, Jahweh, Jehovah and Jah. This ancient name “IAO/Iao” represents the totality of “God,” as the “I” symbolizes unity, the “a” is the “alpha” or beginning, while the “o” is the “omega” or end.

In fact, the name Yahweh, Iao or any number of variants thereof can be found in several cultures:

“In Phoenicia the Sun was known as Adonis…identical with Iao, or, according to the Chinese faith, Yao (Jehovah), the Sun, who makes his appearance in the world ‘at midnight of the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth month.'”

YHWH/IEUE was additionally the Egyptian sun god Ra:

“Ra was the father in heaven, who has the title of ‘Huhi’ the eternal, from which the Hebrews derived the name ‘Ihuh.'”

Thus, the tetragrammaton or sacred name of God IAO/IEUE/YHWH is very old, pre-Israelite, and can be etymologically linked to numerous gods, even to “Jesus,” or “Yahushua,” whose name means “salvation” or “Iao/YHWH saves.”

Yahweh had yet another aspect to “his” persona, as at some early stage the “sacred tetragrammaton” of “God” was bi-gendered. As Walker states:

“Jewish mystical tradition viewed the original Jehovah as an androgyne, his/her name compounded as Jah (jod) and the pre-Hebraic name of Eve, Havah or Hawah, rendered he-vau-he- in Hebrew letters. The four letters together made the sacred tetragrammaton, YHWH, the secret name of God…. The Bible contains many plagiarized excerpts from earlier hymns and prayers to Ishtar and other Goddess figures, with the name of Yahweh substituted for that of the female deity.”

Thus, even Yahweh was at one time plural, but “he” eventually became an all-male, sky god. This singular Yahweh was a warrior god, representing the sun in Aries, which is ruled by the warlike Mars and symbolized by the Ram-the same symbolic ram “caught in a thicket” near Abraham and used by him as a replacement sacrifice for his son Isaac. This warrior god Yahweh was not only Jealous but Zealous, as his name is rendered in Young’s Literal Translation:

“…for ye do not bow yourselves to another god-for Jehovah, whose name [is] Zealous, is a zealous God.” (Exodus 34:14)

In fact, the same word in Hebrew is used for both jealous and zealous, although it is transliterated differently, “qanna” being jealous and “qana,” zealous. As El Elyon was but one of the Canaanite Elohim, the Most High God, so was “Yahweh,” as “El Qanna,” the Jealous/Zealous God, which is why in the Old Testament he keeps sticking his nose in and shouting at everyone. The title “Jealous/Zealous” is also appropriate for a god represented by a volcano, as was Yahweh by the smoky and fiery Mt. Sinai. Hence, Yahweh’s followers themselves were intolerant and hotheaded zealots.


There was in reality never any need for sci-fi explanation or speculation as to these various figures and their stories. Nor was there a need to take the Bible as a literal, historical document. Indeed, the behind-the-scenes elite have known the allegorical, mythical and astrological nature of the Bible and its characters from the beginning.

It is evident that the ancients recording these myths were in fact often smarter than they are given credit for by modern critics and researchers. They knew the difference between planets and people/aliens. The architecture, art, writings and traditions of these various ancient cultures, including Sumero-Babylon, India, Egypt, Chaldea, Phoenicia, Canaan, etc., show an advanced degree of civilization surpassing that which followed it. Such later degradation is particularly true when it comes to biblical peoples. The Bible, in fact, represents a dumbed-down version of the mythology of the aforementioned cultures. In reality, in terms of cosmic knowledge, in many important ways modern man has devolved. One of the major problems is the compulsive and irrational historicization and vulgarization of the planetary bodies and of the celestial mythos and ritual, a body of knowledge and wisdom concerning the cosmos and specifically the solar system, which filled the ancients with awe and reverence. This mythos and ritual is found worldwide, reflecting a global culture in ancient times. This body of knowledge is discovered in stone and story all over the world, reflected in the mysterious megalithic ruins.

To reduce this glory to a band of aliens and/or humans is a serious mistake, as it robs the ancients of intelligence and wisdom, among other things, including the quality of humanity itself. Furthermore, part of the brainwashing to get people to accept the story of Jesus Christ, for example—which is significantly the story of the sun—was to make “myths” appear to be foolish stories with no basis in reality. This mental programming or “meme” has been displayed abundantly, but the fact is that myths are not mere fantasies and hallucinations. They are stories designed to pass along vital information from generation to generation. It is easier to remember the “exploits” of the sun, moon and stars, for example, when they are personified and told in a fun story than when presented in a dry dissertation. It is only when the knowledge, or gnosis, has been lost that humans start believing these entities to be real people —and the gnosis was very effectively driven underground by organized religion, such that it was lost to the masses, who now must piece it together, often coming up with erroneous and inaccurate interpretations with occasional hits now and then.

by D.M. Murdock/Acharya S

Are the Anunnaki real? Are they aliens?


Anunnaki : historia wymyślona po to, by odwieść nas od prawdy.

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