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Bay tree, bay leaves, bay leaves: Laurel (Laurus nobilis):

The laurel tree is beautiful mainly because of its shiny leaves. Laurel hedges can be admired in southern Europe.
However, you have to be careful not to overdo it, because the aroma of fresh bay leaf, also called laurel, many times exceeds the smell of dried.
Bay leaves from your own tree? Instead of throwing dried bay leaves into stew, stew or soup, it is better to pick fresh from the tree standing in the apartment. Already one will add a beautiful aroma to the dish.
Who was in the south of Europe, perhaps admired the bay laurel trees or laurel shrubs forming dense, beautiful hedges. You can buy (or break) fresh leaves there. In stores, you can buy primarily dried leaves, which have a much weaker aroma.
Laurels, Laurels, grow wild and are cultivated throughout the Mediterranean region, but also in the southern part of Great Britain, where winters are mild, you can also find laurel hedges. They can grow there, because the temperature drops to zero, or even for a short time to several degrees of frost, the laurels are not afraid.

Winters with longer frosty periods, however, a laurel tree would not survive. Therefore, in a cold climate they must be grown in a pot. Of course, you can put it on the balcony, terrace or garden, remembering that it likes sunny and not very windy places. The laurel should not be hidden until winter. It is best to hibernate in a bright room at 2-4 degrees Celsius, for example on the veranda. At higher temperatures, in the order of 10-15 degrees Celsius, the room should be ventilated frequently. However, care must be taken that the plant does not stand directly in the range of cold air. It should also be watered moderately.
The laurel can usually be bought as a tree on a low trunk with a rounded, small crown. With its dark green, shiny leaves it looks nice in the room. You can also put it in the kitchen, if there is a suitable place. His leaves will be on hand during cooking. In the spring, the laurel tree will be additionally decorated with small yellow-green flowers. Every now and then you have to trim his crown slightly to keep it spherical. You should also remember to remove suckers appearing at the base of the stem. Even if the laurel is not formed as a ball, it is worth cutting it regularly - but remember that the cut should be very moderate, this can be done several times a year.

Laurel (Laurus nobilis):
The laurel does not shed leaves for the winter and can be obtained throughout the year. Young leaves are the most aromatic.
In summer, pests can attack him.
Wawrzyn likes a permeable but rich substrate, preferably with a neutral reaction, and regular watering. If in the summer we notice a sticky dark coating on its leaves, it will mean that it was attacked by pests, most likely shields and bowls.

The properties of the laurel:
Bay leaves not only improve the taste and aroma of dishes, but also have a positive effect on digestion, have cholagogue effect. That is why traditionally heavy foods were seasoned with them. Laur also stimulates circulation and has a beneficial effect on the work of the nervous system. Helps fight bacteria and fungi. It has a positive effect on the skin and hair. To use the health-promoting properties of the laurel, extracts are made of it.

Laurel wreaths adorned the heads of the winners and sages:
The ancient Greeks spoke of the mythical origin of laurel: the Daphne nymph was to turn into a laurel tree. He was dedicated to Apollo. The leaves of the winners and the wise men were decorated with its leaves. It was also believed that the leaves of this plant protect people from diseases and evil powers, and the house from lightning.

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Przetłumacz ten tekst na 91 języków
Procedura tłumaczenia na 91 języków została rozpoczęta. Masz wystarczającą ilość środków w wirtualnym portfelu: PULA . Uwaga! Proces tłumaczenia może trwać nawet kilkadziesiąt minut. Automat uzupełnia tylko puste tłumaczenia a omija tłumaczenia wcześniej dokonane. Nieprawidłowy użytkownik. Twój tekst jest właśnie tłumaczony. Twój tekst został już przetłumaczony wcześniej Nieprawidłowy tekst. Nie udało się pobrać ceny tłumaczenia. Niewystarczające środki. Przepraszamy - obecnie system nie działa. Spróbuj ponownie później Proszę się najpierw zalogować. Tłumaczenie zakończone - odśwież stronę.

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