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The Chain Making Company James Slater (later to become Hans Renold Co.) introduced the roller into chain. Prior to this time transmission chain consisted of only pins and plates.
At the age of 21 Hans Renold, son of a burgher family in Aarau, Switzerland, came to England and found work in Manchester with a firm of machinery exporters. His independent and inventive spirit soon found expression in the purchase, in 1879, of a small textile-chain making business in Salford. In 1880 he invented bush roller chain and an industry was born.
Thus began the enterprise of which The Institution of Mechanical Engineers was to say in a memoir: "Few realise how extensive is the influence of Renold's inventiveness on both civil and industrial life throughout the world.
Hans Renold's vision was not restricted to the prospects in UK industry and over the following years he began the international expansion of his company.
The Hans Renold Co. was established following the purchase of the James Slater business. This makes Renold the oldest established transmission chain company still in existence in the world.
Hans Renold Co. introduced the patented feature of the solid bush. This was the origin of the bush roller chain, the design of which is still used today throughout the world.
A patent for the block chain was applied for by Hans Renold but he decided to openly give his idea to the cycle trade for all to freely manufacture. Undoubtedly he gained many friends by this charitable action.
Brampton Brothers Co., who later became part of the Coventry Chain Company (and ultimately Renold Chains Ltd.), experimented with self-lubricating bicycle chain.
Hans Renold Co. were riveting the bearing pins in the assembled chain.
Hans Renold Co. designed and manufactured a purpose built plate hole-punching machine.
Hans Renold Co. designed and manufactured a machine for the Dry Tumbling (Jingling) of chain components.
As early as 1893 Hans Renold Co. were using hardened components.
Hans Renold Co. designed and manufactured a machine for producing the Rotary Rivet on the ends of the chain bearing pins.
The need for an Inverted tooth (silent chain) was apparent to Hans Renold and this resulted in his patent of 1895. Although his design of chain was superseded in later years by the silent chain with rocker joints, he made an impact in the introduction of such a chain.
Hans Renold Co. designed and manufactured a machine for the Wet Tumbling (Jingling) of chain components.
Hans Renold Co. designed and manufactured a machine for the proof loading of their chain.
Hans Renold Co. introduced the 48 hour week when the general practice in engineering was 52 or more.
Hans Renold Co. introduced their patented feature of the end recess in the bearing pin.
Brampton Brothers Ltd. patented the integral bush/inner plate chain upon which so many cycle chains have been based.
Hans Renold Co. introduced a Works Canteen.
Hans Renold Co. introduced the round-ended necked (i.e. shouldered) bearing pin in their 1899 patent.
Hans Renold Co. designed and manufactured a Coning Machine.
Hans Renold Ltd. formed.
Hans Renold Ltd. introduced percussion testing on chain components.
Hans Renold Ltd. designed and manufactured a Semi Automatic Drifting Machine for use on assembled inner links.
Hans Renold Ltd. began supplying mortise block chains (and associated equipment) which were a notable part of the business for about 60 years.
During the construction of a new factory, rather than use belt drives from overhead lineshafts Hans Renold Ltd. designed, and installed, overhead chain drives.
Hans Renold Ltd. began designing and manufacturing special - purpose machines for the assembly of chains.
Hans Renold Ltd. began the manufacture of chain wheels.
Hans Renold Ltd. developed a machine for centreless grinding of bearing pins. This was long before centreless grinders became the factor in machine shop practice that they are now.
The Coventry Chain Company Ltd. (who later became part of the Renold group) patented the helical (spiral) roller formed by wire strip.
Hans Renold Ltd. developed a new tooth form for roller chain wheels.
Hans Renold Ltd. introduced Torsion Testing on chain components.
Hans Renold Ltd. (and its forerunners) began supplying transmission chain for Aircraft.
Hans Renold founded the Hans Renold Social Union.
Hans Renold Ltd. designed and manufactured a Tumbler (Jingler) for the blueing of chain plates. The blue plates being a feature of the Hans Renold chain for many years.
Hans Renold Ltd. began the process of end softening of bearing pins and only now are many of Renold Competitors beginning to incorporate this feature.
Hans Renold Ltd. supplied the chain for The Great Clock at the Palace of Westminster known more affectionately as Big Ben (which was incidentally built in 1856).
Hans Renold gave the world his improved sprocket tooth profile which, with slight modification, was adopted by the United States as their Standard profile.
Hans Renold Ltd. designed and manufactured a Fatigue Test Machine for the evaluation of chain fatigue strength.
Hans Renold Ltd. designed and patented their flexible chain coupling. A product that is still used today worldwide.
Around 1915 Hans Renold Ltd. were manufacturing high waisted chain plates. and chains with straight sided plates.
Hans Renold Ltd. designed and manufactured Running-in machine for their chain.
Hans Renold Ltd. introduced Stock Drives, something of which is taken for granted today.
Hans Renold Ltd. were supplying chain with Case Hardened pins.
Hans Renold Ltd. patented the segmental bush design of inverted tooth (silent) chain.
Around 1916 The Coventry Chain Company Ltd. developed and manufactured track chains for use on tank vehicles.
Hans Renold Ltd. were still leading the world by having coned (i.e. tapered) bush bores in 1917. The first coning machine being designed and manufactured in May 1900 (see above).
Hans Renold Ltd. manufactured extra strong chains for use on motor cycles
Renold Canada was formed and registered in 1920
Hans Renold Ltd. designed and manufactured a Bush Curling Machine.
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