: Szukaj.

RENOLD. Company. Gearbox, car parts, gearcase.

  • : Data Publikacji.: 21-02-25

1864 The Chain Making Company James Slater (later to become Hans Renold Co.) introduced the roller into chain. Prior to this time transmission chain consisted of only pins and plates. 1873 At the age of 21 Hans Renold, son of a burgher family in Aarau,…

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ROBUSTGEAR. Company. Gearbox, car parts, gearcase.

  • : Data Publikacji.: 21-02-25

Robust Gear was founded in, August, 1985 by Tarsem (‘Sem’) Tak in the town of Oakville, Ontario. We are a close-knit family business. In 2008, Sem’s son, Anjan, joined the business as General Manager after completing his education at McMaster University…

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STOBER. Company. Gearbox, car parts, gearcase.

  • : Data Publikacji.: 21-02-25

STOBER produces the highest quality gearboxes in the world. With over 80 years of gearing experience, STOBER is the gold standard. We build and ship in one day, complete quotes within one hour, and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our motion…

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IGW. Company. Gearbox, car parts, gearcase.

  • : Data Publikacji.: 21-02-25

ABOUT US Where power meets precision  Our mission is to deliver premium transmission solutions for niche applications in the most demanding industries, all over the world. With 65 years of experience, we provide solutions to a broad range of industries;…

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IDCING. Company. Gearbox, car parts, gearcase.

  • : Data Publikacji.: 21-02-25

I truly appreciate the time that you & your staff took to show me around your shop, the process within it, and the efficient job tracking procedures that you utilize to manage it. I was very impressed with the quality of work that is performed there, as…

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BREVINI. Company. Gearbox, car parts, gearcase.

  • : Data Publikacji.: 21-02-25

Brevini Canada is one of Dana Brevini Service and Assembly centers worldwide, entering into Dana thanks to Brevini acquisition. This local facility is a real organized structure formed by a sales team with expertise on complete Dana Brevini Motion…

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CZĘŚCIHONKER. Firma. Skrzynie biegów.

  • : Data Publikacji.: 19-02-25

esteśmy częścią nowoczesnego, dynamicznie rozwijającego się przedsiębiorstwa. Wysoki poziom wiedzy oraz fachowość naszych pracowników w połączeniu z ich wieloletnim doświadczeniem w branży motoryzacyjnej, pozwala nam na rzetelną realizację oczekiwań…

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CEMASZ. Firma. Części do maszyn.

  • : Data Publikacji.: 19-02-25

O FIRMIE zapewniamy profesjonalną obsługę przyjmujemy wyzwania i realizujemy je szybko i sprawnie dbamy o zadowolenie naszych klientów części zamienne do maszyn budowlanych sprzedajemy od ponad 10 lat dysponujemy doświadczonym zespółem handlowców…

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