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10 essential exercises to avoid back pain:
Did you know that around 80 percent of the population will suffer from low back pain at least once in their lifetime? The worst part is that it is intense pain that can be difficult to eliminate or alleviate without help.

While you can go to your doctor, massage therapist or chiropractor, did you know that you can also leave your wallet intact and help yourself?
There are endless exercises that you can do from the comfort of your home to relieve back pain, and at the same time contribute to your general health!
Now is the time to start. Be careful when doing numbers six and nine in front of your neighbors' eyes if you don't want to put on a show!
1. Hamstring stretches
The stretching of the hamstrings is one of the exercises that most benefits back pain. What's more, it is an exercise that you can do in many different ways. Whether you want to improve your thigh muscles or ease sciatica pain, try hamstring stretches.

Sit on the edge of your chair, stretch one leg out in front of you with your heel on the floor and push your stomach towards your thighs without moving your body. Hold for 30 seconds with each leg, repeating three times each.
2. Shoulder blade grips
If your back pain is becoming so severe and so regular that even your partner doesn't want to hear your complaints again, then it might be time to act with shoulder blade grips.

This discreet but effective exercise is one that you can do from the comfort of your chair. Start with a decent posture, then pull your shoulder blades off your back (like you're holding a chicken's wings back). Hold this position for about ten seconds, then release.
3. Weightlifting
Lifting weights is an exercise that you will want to discuss with your doctor first. It won't be helpful to everyone, and it could end up doing more harm than good, especially if you have acute back pain.

However, if you lift weights correctly, you shouldn't hurt your back, but rather help ease any chronic pain you're experiencing. Find out from your doctor if it's something you should try along with other types of exercise.

4. Knee to Chest Stretches
Did you know that exercise can be more than just something that makes you sweat and feel bad? When it comes to relieving back pain, you can rely on activities like knee-to-chest stretches to help you.

This exercise involves lying on your back (therefore not difficult), with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Bring one knee to your chest with your back pressed to the ground, then hold that position. Do it again with the other leg.

5. Bridges
Bridges help build a variety of muscles, which benefit more than just your back. It's also an exercise that can be fun while building muscles that you didn't think worked for you anymore!

Lie on the floor with your knees bent and your heels flat on the floor, pushing the floor with your palms upside down. Squeeze your glutes, lifting your hips up until, along with your knees, shoulders and hips, you have a "bridge" shape. Hold the pose for about five seconds before resting and repeating.

6. Cat stretch
You may want to close the curtains for this one as you can get some fun looks from your neighbors! Cat stretching, while a little unusual, is very beneficial for back pain. We can describe it below, or why not see what your cat is doing right now?

Get on your hands and knees, arch your back up, and then let it return to the ground. Repeat twice a day up to five times.

7. Partial abs
There are many things you can't do when you have back pain, like putting on your socks or even jumping out of bed with the enthusiasm you used to have. Partial crunches, however, are something you can do, and can be helpful in strengthening your stomach and back muscles.

Lie on the floor with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent. Cross your arms over your chest and move your body up so you feel the pressure on your abdomen. Repeat 10 times and then rest.

8. Knee rotations
If you want to relieve back pain without the need for medication, then it may be time to try knee rotations. While it is not the most elegant exercise, it is effective.

Lie on your back with a rolled towel under your head. Put your knees together, flexed, and place your chin under your neck. Roll to the side with your knees bent and together, then back to the center. Rinse and repeat!

9. Pelvic tilt
If you have blinds or curtains in your home, now is the time to use them. Time to try pelvic tilt to help with back pain, but be careful where you do it, as it seems to be a not-so-refined exercise!

Lie on your back, bend your knees with your feet firmly on the floor, and squeeze your stomach. Next, tilt your hips and pelvis upward, inhaling and exhaling. Try it ten times, twice a day.

10. sit on the wall
Sitting on the wall may seem easy to do, but it's harder than you think! You should stand approximately 10 inches away from a wall and lean against it. Lower your body until you are sitting against the wall, supporting yourself with your back and knees.

The best way to carry out this exercise is to pretend that there is a chair behind you. Hold the position for 10 seconds before taking a break.

Back pain is a real ... well, pain! There is no doubt about it. It can come when you least expect it, with your daily chores being an instigator or aggravating factor. However, you don't have to rely on a lot of pills, potions, and voodoo magic.

Instead, you can try a series of back exercises that work to strengthen muscles and ease pain. While you won't get points for elegance and class when you master the pelvic tilt, you will feel much better after doing it!


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