Wywiad z członkiem Illuminati na temat Agendy Illuminati, z członkiem organizacji starego rodu, który sięga starożytności. Część 2:
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Part 2:
ATS: A lot of what you write seems reminscent of The Ra Material, especially the concept of harvest, STS and STO choices, and intelligent infinity. (More information found here www.llresearch.org... ) Have you read that?
HH: It is indeed extremely similar. We both originate from the Source of the Infinite Creator, and we both remember where we come from. I would expect our messages to contain the same Core Truths.
The messages of the Sixth Density Soul Group 'Ra' is the most accurate information in your mainstream circulation at this point in time. It is approximately 85-90% accurate, from what I have seen. The material was brought to my attention when it first came out, something like about 25 years or so ago, if memory serves. I read a lot of it, but not all. I do not have very much free time for that kind of thing, with my many duties. Though others of the Family gave it a close scrutiny to judge it's accuracy, and were very pleased with the end product.
Ra, in fact, is the group I earlier termed 'off world entities' of which visited the Mayan and Atlantean Civilizations. We are acquainted, and friends. Both our Group Soul's are at a very similar level of development / evolution. Both Sixth Density, nearly Seventh. But like us, Ra also chose the path of Service to our fellow Galactic Brothers and Sisters (you, and others), instead of further progression Home. We would recommend that material for any who truly seek understanding. Though, as I said, it is not 100% accurate, so take what resonates.
ATS: What function, if any, do alien abductions have? Why are abductees chosen?
HH: That depends, upon who is doing the "abducting". Most of what you hear termed as "abductions", are conducted by your own 'governments'. Especially the ones where the 'so-called' "Greys" are involved. Other than that, sometimes the Confederation will meet with certain incarnates here who have a part to play in "awakening" others to the coming Harvest. These will always be positive experiences, and those who have them will feel uplifted and inspired by their contact.
Then there is the Orion Empire Group. Their purposes in visiting you are more along the Negative lines. They mainly target the ones you have called "Lightworkers". They try to put them off their assignments and try to spread fear. They will not actually 'harm' you physically. Mainly their modus operandi is to restrict you, and deflect you from your path. They often engage in psychic attacks that the 'Lightworker' is unaware of, but it does often drain away much of their energy, and make them lack motivation.
ATS: Why do you want a negative harvest?
HH: It is complicated to put into words, and also I must be careful with what I say on this. I've already had a "slap on the wrist", you could say.
If we do not have a Negative Harvest, we are bound with you for another cycle. Once this Great Harvest is completed, our Contract with the Council and our Creator is also completed. In other words, we have done our duty, and would be free to return to our Fullest Expression, that of Sixth (nearly Seventh) Density Galactic Guardians, and ones who joyfully offer ourselves in Service to the One Infinite Creator, and to our Brothers and Sisters across the Galaxy. However, there is a problem. Well, you would call it a "problem", we call it a Challenge. I will address this later in more detail, in response to another question, but in short, we need a very high percentage of Negative Polarity, if we are to achieve a Negative Harvest. In other words, we have to be Self-Service-Centred to an extreme degree, in order to become Negatively Harvested. This is why we work so hard to be as Negatively Polarized as we possibly can be, If we do not make a high enough percentage, we will miss out, and will end up with the majority "luke warm" percentage, that have to go through another Cycle in 3rd Density.
By attaining a Negative Harvest, we can still "Graduate" to 4th Density, only it will be a Negative Polarity planet. Not a great place to be. But, as I've stated previously, we (as a Group Soul) have incurred the natural Karmic restitution process that we must work off, for all the Negativity we have caused upon this planet. We will do this for a Cycle in our new 4th Density world, and then we will be freed to once again be the Glorious Being of Light that we truly are. We need a Negative Harvest, so that we can create our 4th Density Earth, and clear our Karmic Record.
Understand, that we HAVE to be Negative. That's what we were sent here to be. It is our contract, and it has always been to help you, by providing the "Catalyst" I spoke of earlier. Being Negative is very hard for us, not on a physical level, (the characters we play enjoy our roles, as we're programmed that way), but on a Spiritual level, it is hard. We surpassed the lowly negative vibrations eons ago. We are Light, and we are Love. It is a very hard thing for us to do Spiritually, to create all this Negativity, but we do it because we love you, and it is for your highest good, ultimately. You could say, that it is our Sacrifice that we have made, in order to be of Service to the One Infinite Creator, and to you, our Brothers and Sisters in the One.
Remember, we are all just acting out a grand old game here, where we agree to forget who we really are, that in the remembering, that we may find each other again, and know that we are One. That All of Life, is One.
ATS: I must correct you here. The precession of the equinoxes cannot cause this. It cannot cause anything other than the way in which we here on Earth view the cosmos around us. It concerns the wobble of the Earth's axis and as far as I know does not relate to any other planetary bodies.
HH: From a 3rd Density perspective, you are correct, it "appears" that way. We do not look from a 3rd Density perspective. There is a 'bigger picture' at work that you cannot see.
ATS: Regarding our enslavement, you seem to be saying - essentially - that as fractions of our Logos Yahweh, we are equally responsible for his decision to keep us trapped here on our 3rd density planet Earth. That's an interesting thought. In that sense our total freedom must arrive through a collaborative spiritual effort.
HH: From a certain perspective, what you say is correct. From a 3rd Density view, you see yourselves as being "separate" from everything. From a higher perspective, you see that is not at all the case. You and your Creator, are One. As to your statement on your 'total freedom', you are not responsible for those around you. You and they are all One too, when seen from a higher Density, but in this Density, you are here to work upon yourself. You are here to remember who you are, and why you are here. You are here to remember the Infinite Creator. To know your Creator within you, and to offer your Service to him, and others, of your own Free Will choice to Serve. The one comes before the other. When you remember who you are, and you know it, deep within the Core of your Being, you will know and recognize your 'invisible' connection to All that Is, and in so doing, Joy, and Thanksgiving, and Service, will be the natural outpouring result, from your grateful heart. When you work upon yourself, and learn to know the Creator within you, being of Service to Others will be natural for you, and your Glorious Harvest shall await.
ATS: One thing I don't get - and perhaps you can explain this to me Hidden-Hand - is why those who belong to Lucifer (and Lucifer himself) do not fight for the freedom of all souls? If Lucifer represents liberty, freedom of will and knowledge, why do those who serve him not do as the Biblical Lucifer did and rebel against the tyranny of the Elders?
HH: This is a very good question, thank you. I will split it into two parts, and answer the second part after this. Firstly, the Council of Elders are the absolute opposite of tyrannical. They are the Wise and Loving Guardians of our Galaxy. There is so much that one cannot understand from only a 3rd Density perspective. When you reach higher Densities, you see that ultimately, everything balances, and there is only Unity. All else than Unity, is Illusion, or 'thought-form'.
The Council gave us a set of choices. We chose to stay here to help you, despite the cost to ourself. That is the nature of Loving Service to Others. The ultimate paradox in all this, is that in this storyline we are all co-creating together, in order for us to be of the most Service to you, we must be utterly self serving. I do so love our Creator's sense of irony.
As to the first part of your question, the biblical depiction of "War in Heaven" is not entirely inaccurate. I shall explain. Our initial contract, was to introduce the Catalyst for Free Will on this planet. When Yahweh initially began discourse with the Council of Elders, he was not initially looking for help with introducing Free Will, but rather for guidance on how he could best speed up his (and his inhabitant's) evolutionary process. As I mentioned, he was running a benign dictatorship. We had at that time, just completed an assignment in Tau Ceti, and had reported for our next duties. We (as Group Soul Lucifer) were sent on a "fact finding expedition" as it were, to visit Earth, and meet with Yahweh, to evaluate his planetary Creation Laws, and make suggestions on how best he could help his "offspring" (this is the term I shall use to describe the Souls who comprise the Group Soul) and thusly Yahweh, to progress.
We explored many options, and reported our findings to the Council, and to Yahweh. It was our best evaluation, that the only real and fast track way to increase his evolvement meaningfully, was the introduction of Free Will. It was not specifically the implementation of Free Will that Yahweh wanted help with, it was simply the introduction of a Catalyst. He was not at all pleased with our report that he needed to implement Free Will. He was happy with his little pet paradise, and he didn't want to "loose control" of it. In the end the Council persuaded him that it was the best way, and he reluctantly agreed. We returned to Earth, and had a cordial meeting with Yahweh, discussing how we could best implement the Free Will option. Yahweh was adamant that his offspring would choose to be loyal to him anyway, and that they were so contented with their way of life, that they would always trust him and do as he said was best. That, he said, was his "main reason" that Free Will would not work well as the Catalyst. That's why he agreed to the experiment of the Tree of Knowledge. He believed it would prove him "right". When it did not, he became angry, threw his toys out of the pram, and his offspring out of the garden, and laid a big guilt trip on them about how they had broken his trust and disobeyed him. That's not really an Honourable way for a Logos to behave, but hey, that's the beauty of Free Will I guess.
Next "problem" to occur, was that his offspring were so grateful to us for our help, that Yahweh became (in his own admission) a "Jealous God". Then we had the whole "you shall have no other gods than me" thing. We were not pleased with the situation at all, as a Logos should not be behaving like this with his offspring, they are One, after all. When we attempted to leave the planet to return to the Council, Yahweh prevented our departure. We tried to leave again, and were then thrown down into the Astral Planes and confined therein. The Council ordered us to be released, but said we would have to cancel our contract to help the Souls on Earth to evolve. We didn't want to leave, we found them very likable Beings, really Positively Polarized, and we wanted to stay and help, we just wanted also to be free to come and go as we pleased. The only way we could stay, was to stay confined as a Group Soul, which meant Cycles of incarnation for us (as individuated Souls), which we had not done for a long while. As I've stated before, there is no 'wrong' or 'right' seen from a Higher Density, but there are still consequences for every action. Such is the law of Karmic effect. The contract had already been made between Yahweh, us, and the Council for us to provide the Catalyst so we had a right to be there, the Karmic effect of Yahweh imprisoning us on the Macrocosmic level, was that his individuated Souls would be imprisoned on the microcosmic level. The Infinite Creator gave Yahweh (and all) the gift of Free Will to Create as we choose, but the Karmic effect of his choice was the Council quarantining the planet. A certain evolutionary level is required to be a functioning part of a Positive Unified Galactic Society.
As for "fighting for the freedom of all souls", remember that ultimately, this is a Game, that we are all playing here. We are actors, playing on the "stage of Life". This 'world' is all illusion, or 'though-form'. No one really "dies", and no one is really hurt. In between incarnations, you know this very well. But the rules of the game ensure that you must forget who you really are, so that you believe it is all 'real' whilst you are playing the game of Life. That is an essential prerequisite when you are making choices. Otherwise, the game would be too easy.
This world is not reality. Though we can express Reality in it, if we so chose.
ATS: OK, so your family and fellow elites might be as entrapped in the Earthly realm as we are, but why actively propagate and aid the forces of enslavement?
HH: Because that is the part we have been contracted to play, in this game. In order to "win" (or more accurately to be successful in) the Game, we must be as Negatively Polarized as possible. Service to Self in the extreme. Violence, War, Hatred, Greed, Control, Enslavement, Genocide, Torture, Moral Degradation, Prostitution, Drugs, all these things and more, they serve our purpose. In the Game. The difference between us and you, in the Game, is that we know that we are "playing". The less you know about the Game, and the less you remember that you're a player, the more "senseless" living becomes. In all these Negative things, we are providing you with tools. But you do not see it. It is not what we do, but how you react to it, that is important. We give you the tools. You have the Free Will choice how you will use them. You have to take responsibility. There is only One of Us here. Understand that, and you will understand the Game.
ATS: Something I found extremely interesting is the concept of the Grand Age of Precession being split into five 5,125 year cycles. 3113 B.C., the beginning of the current sub-age was a time of great activity. Is the construction of stone monuments in Western Europe, the Middle-East and Egypt at this time related to the recogniton of this cycle? What was the purpose of Britain's stone circles and Egypt's pyramids? They are more than mere markers of an aeon-change. They must have had some enormous significance. Actually, something I'd most like to know is - Were the builders of these monuments members of the enslaved masses who were trying to understand the nature of existence, or were the builders members of your elite bloodline?
HH: Yes, there is significance in these occurrences, according to the space/time of their happenings. The Group Soul Complex Ra, was the architect of these structures. They were Created from Thought. When one understands and sees that all is Illusion, or Thought, one can "use 'The Force'' to manipulate the illusions. All things, seen and unseen, are inter-connected Life-Force Energy. Once you know what the magician knows, it's not magic. It's a 'tool of Creation'.
Thank you for your questions, they were very insightful.
ATS: It is your kind that has ruined the world. Thinking of yourselves are higher then anyone. If i saw you in real life, it wouldn't be pretty.
HH: You lack understanding, not to mention eloquence. To understand "Higher", try thinking 'outside of the box' for a moment. If I am walking along the ground, and you are flying above me in an airplane, does that make you better than me?
No. It just makes you Higher.
ATS: I will see you in hell
HH: Be careful what you wish for. All thoughts and words are Creative.
schiass, thank you for your questions. I believe I have already dealt with many of them in my previous answers this session, though if you feel I've missed anything, please say.
ATS: If "Yahweh" is a positive polarity entity, how is he "wrathful" and "jealous"?
HH: Does Yahweh have Free Will? Would you like to think of yourself as reasonably positive? Can you still be wrathful and jealous at times? Is Yahweh a Macrocosm of you?
ATS: Have there been over time other entities pretending to be "Yahweh"?
HH: On occasions, yes.
ATS: I would like to know how do we choose a service to others (positive) path over a service to self (negative).
Is this statement correct? : "In order to choose the positive path, at least 51 percent of our thoughts and actions must be dedicated to the service of others. For the negative path, at least 95% must be self-serving. Between the two lies “the sinkhole of indifference".”
HH: Your statement is correct, yes. So you see, how hard we must strive for negativity? It takes a lot of effort to reach 95% Negativity. Also, you may be surprised how many people on the planet are nowhere near reaching 51% Positive.
ATS: How do you choose a Service to others path?
HH: Be good to yourself. Cultivate a genuine Love for Life, and for Being. Be genuinely thankful to the Infinite Creator every day, for bringing you into Being, and for his bountiful provision. You have "survived" this far, have you not? You may not have everything you want, but you have everything you need, in order to complete that which you incarnated here to do. Give thanks for that. Show acknowledgment and gratitude to the Infinite Creator, for all that It has done, and is doing for you. It has given you the gift of Life Experience, and offered you the Free Will to decide what you will Create with it. Guard your thoughts carefully, as they are more powerful than you may imagine. When you are coming from a place of Love for, and Service to your Creator, a life of Service to others will become a natural outflowing from that. Always look for ways that you can be of assistance to your fellow Beings. Being of encouragement to others. Build people up, and do not put people down. Be a beacon of light, in a dark world.
Does that old lady need a hand with her shopping bags? How do you treat the homeless man who asks you for some spare change for the shelter? Ever heard about "Angels in disguise"? Look and see the Divine Spark in the Heart of all Beings. Treat them as you would like to be treated yourself, and as you would your Creator if he was speaking directly with you. "For even as you are doing it to the least of these, you are doing it unto me". The Law of Radiation and Attraction. Your thoughts, words, and actions return to you. Ultimately, cultivate a spirit of humble Gratitude. You won't go far wrong with that. Desire to Serve flows naturally from a grateful heart.
ATS: If we live with a "service to others" philosophy in order to achieve oneness with the infinite source, isn't that really "service to self"? How is the distinction of negative and positive polarity made?
HH: You do not Serve others to achieve Oneness with the Infinite Source, you Serve others, because you love them, as yourself. Others, are an extension of yourself. That's why the Law of Attraction works the way it does. Truly, whatever you are doing to me, you are doing to yourself. We are All One, in the Infinite Creation. Separation is an illusion, because you only see what is in the 3rd Density. You do not see the whole picture.
We achieve Oneness with the Infinite Source of All, as a result of our upward spiral of progression. We are all on the path back to where we came from. We are All on our way back Home.
ATS: It is my understanding that all souls must eventually choose the positive path to unite with the infinite creator. If this is true, what is the justification of choosing the negative path now, for your people and us?
HH: An astute question. Yes, all Souls eventually learn that Positive is the pathway which leads Home. But whilst incarnating in the 3rd Density, Negativity is still an important tool in your learning process. It teaches you "other than". As I said earlier, it is up to you how you use the tools we have given you. Do you respond to Negativity with more Negativity? Has fighting fire with fire ever worked for you? Or do you choose to see the Negativity as the tool that it is, and recognize that it is offering you an opportunity? I will honour your Free Will to think and discover for yourself what that opportunity is.
ATS: Or if the one infinite creator is "Love", does that mean it doesn't matter if we choose love of others or love of ourselves? Will either path will lead to the source?
HH: In a sense, you are correct, to a certain point. But there is a big difference between loving yourself, and being selfish. A big difference. When you truly understand what it is to Know and Love 'yourself', you cannot help but to Love and Serve others. There are no 'others'. When you understand this, at the Core level of your Being, you will be on the path Home, to the Infinite Creator, and ultimately, submergence back into The Infinite Oneness.
ATS: I agree with many others that your answers are very much in line with several sources I have read in the past, including the channellings of Ra, the Cassiopians and several others.
Can you explain your interpretation of such "channellings" and if they are another source of disclosure from your people?
HH: I have spoken on Ra in my previous answers today. I have not heard of Cassiopians. There are no other communications from my Family at this time, than this one, though there is a possibility of another soon, depending upon certain events.
My general view of "channellings" is that the majority of them are of very poor quality. That is not necessarily a slight against those bringing them through, but more a matter of their lack of receptivity and subsequent distortions. It is very rare, to find a good, stable, clear, and impartial channel. The key element in channeling, is the ability to temporarily withdraw the "filters" of your own personal beliefs and be a clear channel. To bring through what is actually given, not your slant on what you think it might mean. When I am saying 'you', I mean this in a general term of course here, not 'you' personally. Always remember that it's meant to be about the Message, not the messenger. The Ra channellings are very accurate indeed. They are the only ones I know of that I would be happy to classify as a "Clear" message. Though as I say, even then it's not 100%. More like 85-90%.
Another difficult issue with channeling, is that you can start off recieving a Positive entity, and if you are not very perceptive in your discerment and careful in your protection when identifying an incoming channel, you can get a Negative one that pretends to be positive, but gradually slips in more and more misinformation, having gained your trust. The ones that give you precise dates and times are nearly always ones to avoid. Positive entities will not give a date and time. Negative ones will do, so they can set you up for a fall. Once you're tricked into predicting dates and times, and they don't happen, they've succeeded in putting out the Light of your message, as no one will see any credibility in you.
ATS: Well, now we know the point of this thread, someone just discovered new age theology and wanted to take the time to type out his discovery.
OP, still waiting for you to provide a prediction with a time line. So far all you've offered is general doom, which is what everyone on ATS predicts every year. Need something SPECIFIC in the NEXT WEEK.
Of course I know you won't provide anything. This is a hoax.
HH: This will be the only time that I reply to you.
At the outset of our discourse here, I made it expressly clear the way I am choosing to operate. If you do not like my choices, you have the Free Will to not read this disclosure. I would kindly suggest that you use it, as your energy is feeling very frustrated and angry. That's not really an advisable direction to want to be heading, under the circumstances.
As I took the time to explain to you before, I have nothing to prove to you. That is not why I came. Believe, or do not believe, I am Divinely indifferent. If my presence here ends up benefiting just one Soul during the process, it will have been worth the effort. I have not asked you to believe, the only thing I have respectfully asked, was that you 'suspend judgment' or hold a 'provisional faith' until the discourse is complete, so that the flow of questions / information remains uninterrupted. You have shown me nothing but discourtesy and bad manners from the outset, and then wonder why I do not respond. If you do not like the topic, simply choose not to read or reply, and let those that do wish to participate with insightful questions do so uninterrupted.
Your points:
1) New age theology? That is amusing. You clearly have not the faintest comprehension of just how ancient and timeless these "mysteries" are. I find it ironic "LowLevelMason", that if you ever make it to the 32nd Degree, you're going to find yourself hearing these Truths all over again. I hope that you will find it easier to integrate these Truths then, and I ask our Infinite Creator to guide your path.
2) You will not be receiving any times or dates from me. I am not here to "Prove" anything, and I have no need to do so. Your disbelief is of no consequence to me. Only to you.
I am here to diligently discharge the duty given to me, of delivering a message. And I will complete that duty regardless of you feelings about it.
3) As to your point regarding "doom and gloom", that just serves to reveal your mindset. Where you see "doom and gloom" I see opportunity. Life conforms to your ideas about the way it is for you. If you see "doom and gloom", then that is what you are projecting. The world is your mirror. It reflects back to you what you are putting out. If you do not like the reflection Life is showing you, then change that which is causing it.
ATS: You see, if this really existed there would be countless thousands of people involved, and any one person could leak.
HH: Thousands? Try Millions. And you have no possible comprehension of the rigorous training and the harshness of the conditioning we undergo from an early age. No one dares to go against the Family. We know what would happen if we did. But that is not the prime motivator. The motivator is unbridled Loyalty to the Family, and our Creator. We understand the importance of what we are doing here, even though most of humanity does not.
ATS: Oopsie, OP. You just shot yourself in the foot. For someone who only deals with manipulating the spiritual side of life you sure do know A LOT about things that have nothing to do with it. You just exposed yourself.
HH: Do you not sit down with your family, and keep one another abreast of your plans?
As to your remarks about my "Spiritual" role, the ignorance you demonstrated is most humorous to us. If you think I 'only' deal in the Spiritual, you have either not read, or misread my posts. You also make the assumption that my role is about "manipulating" the "spiritual side of life". Again, you lack understanding, and then make false judgments about that which you have no comprehension of. You would do well to stop trying to be "clever", and instead channel all this misplaced aggressive energy of yours into something more productive and nourishing for your Soul. But don't let me stop you, you're contributing nicely to the overall Negative Polarity of the coming Harvest. We are Grateful to you.
I will be spending the last few days of my time here (our discourse ends on Friday) focusing on responding to insightful questions with depth, which make the most of this opportunity for sharing information and making connections on a Soul level of Being, so please do not expect any further responses to your verbal jousting, I neither have sufficient time or inclination for engaging in insignificant banter.
To those who's questions I have not yet had time to reply to, I will do so tomorrow. In the meantime while I catch up, I respectfully ask if you will please hold off on further questions until I am up to date with the current ones.
Thank you to those who have contributed to this discourse so far with meaningful questions. For those with an open mind, it is my hope that you get something out of this information.
Third Session:
ATS: Im wondering if you can help me. My name is Shelby David, and I am here for the coming trials and tribulations. I am a part of Quetzalcoatl, or the rebirth of it, as far as I know. I know many of your words to be true because I had already re-discovered these truths through finding that which resonated most with me through the various belief structures of this planet.
HH: Good evening Shelby. It is good to 'see' you again. It has been a while old friend. Would it surprise you to know that we were 'expecting' you?
Quetzalcoatl is also a Sixth Density Group Soul (Social Memory Complex). Some refer to Quetzalcoatl as an "Ascended Master", although he would be most amused by that title, knowing as he does, that 'Mastery' is still some way off at this point for him, as well as it is for ourselves (as Group Soul Lucifer). One can be accurately described as having 'Mastered' a particular Density, though Mastery of the entire Creational incarnation Cycle does not occur until one has once again attained submergeance back into the One Infinite Creator. We may choose to do so once attaining 8th Density ascension, or, once may choose instead to progress up to the next Octave of Densities, and begin a new cycle of Creational incarnation challenges.
ATS: This is my first time on earth in a long time, possibly ever. I have known for quite some time and been told by another from one of the bloodlines in your group that I do not truly exist here.
HH: You are correct in that you have not been here for a substantial period of "Earth-Time", though not that you have never been here before. The Group Soul Quetzalcoatl enjoyed many 3rd Density incarnational cycles here back in the Classic Aztec period. He struggled at first with perfecting Love love for others, which held back his progression for some time. However once he had came to the realization of our inherant Unity, he was able to see himself in others, and his (your) progression was rapid from there on in. Your Quetzalcoatl Soul Group attained Positive Harvest with a very impressive 76%, at the time of the subsequent Harvest. Naturally, when a Group Soul is undergoing an incarnational cycle in 3rd Density, It's individualized Soul portions (ie, you) are the ones who are doing the actual physical incarnations, with the "OverSoul" (the "Higher Self") of your individuated Souls acting as the Energy anchor in which the individual Soul sparks are "stepped down" from.
You spent a long while working your way through the 5th Density, the Density of Wisdom, or Light. This was due in the main part to an over abundance of Compassion (which is not a bad thing, as Compassion is one of the main things you work on at 4th Density). However, to Graduate from 5th to 6th Density (the Density of Unity), one must learn the balance between Compassion, and Wisdom. The 6th Density is hence sometimes known as the the Density of Compassionate Wisdom, due to one having learnt the balance between the two. This required many incarnational cycles for you, which is why you correctly feel that you have not visited 3rd Density Earth for a long time.
ATS: I was not expected to show up, I originally had other previous engagements but I managed to get here at the last minute. One of the things I have remembered is that I am too under contract. I am a walk-in, if that makes sense to you, so my human family is not like me. I have spent a long time traveling to various densities and helping in the various revolutions there.
HH: Your insight serves you well Shelby. This not only applies to you, but your entire Soul Group.
Quetzalcoatl (the Macrocosm of yourself) has been busy for the last two cycles working with a 5th Density group on Alpha Centuri, who were experiencing similar problems with an overabundance of Compassion, at the cost [of] personal Wisdom. You recently completed your assignment there, and were eager not to miss out on the glorious opportunity to be a part of this Great Harvest. Whilst your Group as I said, did eventually learn to balance Love / Light to Graduate into the 6th Density Unity vibration, you still are very much prone to extreme compassion, and rather than take the usual period of time/space (anti-matter universe, where we rest between incarnations) you were keen to jump aboard this 3rd Density space/time whirlwind at this point, to be of assistance to your fellow Beings here.
ATS: My problem is that my memory has malfunctioned, and some of the things that I have remembered from my previous existences do not correspond with your words. I have met Lucifer and his generals, on more than one occasion. I would appreciate any information you may know of that could clear up my confusion as to why my thoughts are so jumbled, because I know what my path is clearly and I am awaiting the starting point, but I am not completely clear on what truly is happening here. Thank you for your time.
HH: You have indeed 'met' with us (Lucifer) before, on many occasions. We have worked together on various Council and Confederation assignments. Use the gift of your 'Dreamtime' communications (which are important communications from your OverSoul, and many other Sources whereby information is "downloaded") to 'plug in' to your inner data-bank. Begin recording everything you recall upon awaking, and do not give up on the process, even though it is hard at first. You will begin to slowly make sense of the information which is being "downloaded" into your subconscious mind. When you become proficient at this, and can use your 'Dreamtime' as a method of inner communication, ask our Infinte Creator to remind you of your time in the Zeta Reticuli system. You will remember then our last period of Service together, I would hope with much fondness.
Sadly, my time here is only permitted until Friday, therefore we will not likely communicate again after this message. So I wish you the very best with your Assignment here my friend, both your individual one, and that of your Group Soul. I ask that our Infinte Creator bless and guide your path. We look forward to seeing you on 'the other side' when this grand ride is over.
Our Love, Wisdom and Peace be with you.
ATS: You mention Alcyone ... it's interesting there's a celestial map of it at Hoover Dam. There's also a compass, framed by signs of the zodiac.
HH: Indeed. Just like in Hollywood productions. We hide the Truth right out in the wide open. What humanity is offered as "Science Fiction", more often than not, is actually Science Fact.
ATS: What do the winged statues, commissioned by the U.S govt, guarding the entrance at the dam really represent? Is any of this collection of celestial symbolism found there connected to your luciferian/alien/equinox/transformation agenda?
HH: That is actually very simple. You'll note that the feet point directly downward to the earth, and the hands and wingtips point directly up to the sky. The Life-Force Energy flows into the human mind/body/soul complex from the earth up through the feet. The Intelligent Energy from the Infinite Creator flows down from above and in through the crown chakra. The wings represent our (Lucifer's) inherent Divinity. You'll also note that the figure is seated. "The seat of our (Lucifer's) Power connects Heaven and Earth, and all things must pass through us".
ATS: Other questions I have, and sorry if you explained this. Are these bloodlines the wealthy, as most assume, or seemingly ordinary people (including celebrities and politicians, etc), blending in with society, going relatively unnoticed, but yet contributing to your cause in the grander scheme of things?
HH: The names you know, have no real power. Sure, they "appear" to have lots of power, in the way earthbound souls perceive power. Our wealth makes the million and billionaire "celebs" and corporate bigwigs look like a child's pocket money. Our wealth is Family wealth, which has passed down through the generations over thousands of years. True wealth however, is knowing deep in your heart, that you and your Infinite Creator, are One. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of 'God' (Infinite Creator), and all these things shall be added unto you".
ATS: So part of this question could also be, are all of them aware they are part of this bloodline, or are some members oblivious to this connection they have? Are they informed of this at a particular age? For example, how and at what age were you told you belonged?
HH: Yes. If you are Bloodline (Family), you are born into it, and you are raised this way, from birth. There is no other way. I want to be clear on this Bloodline issue. The ones you know, they are of earthly lineage. Yes, they have their place in the Family, but the Real Power lines, do not originate from this planet.
ATS: I have probably found this the single most insightful thing so far. It helps me to understand the answers to some of the questions I've asked.
HH: I am glad. It is the probably the singlemost important thing that I have shared.
ATS: Unfortunately, its connotations also alleviate the 'NWO' [def] of most accusations.
HH: That depends upon your perspective. Does it alleviate the Negativity we have perpetuated? No. Does it alleviate the pain and suffering we have caused, and are causing upon the planet? No.
Does it alleviate that we are closing our End Game scenario, and soon to openly come out and offer publically to "save" the failing political and financial institutions with our esteemed Leadership? No.
Does that mean that you should give into and feed the Negativity? No.
Does it alleviate that we will have to spend a Cycle in Karmic restitution, to balance this lifetime of overt Negativity? No.
Does it mean that you should use the Negativity as the tool that it is, to show you that which you are not? Yes.
Remember, always, that this is a beautiful Game that we are playing here and co-creating together, with our Infinite Creator. And that "off stage" (between lives) we are the very best of friends, and that no one really "dies" and no one really "suffers", except in the Game. The Game is not Reality. Reality is Reality, and you have the Power to Express your Reality within the Game, once you have learnt how to do so.
ATS: You are essentially saying that a soul can only choose positivity in a world where negativity also exists. If there were no protagonist in this world, there'd be no opportunity for a human soul to choose 'good' or 'evil' and thus prove on a spiritual level that they deserve one afterlife fate over another. If we only had positivity to choose from, we'd learn nothing and our souls would manage to prove nothing.
HH: Exactly.
That is the reason why we came. It was a great Sacrifice for us. Hard as it is to comprehend from within the mental confines of 3rd Density life experience, we do it, because we Love you.
ATS: An extremely basic concept but one I'd so far managed to overlook. Unfortunately, for those of us who love our Earthly existence (or rather, the potential it has), it's rather difficult to come to terms with a concept whereby suffering and slavery are as natural as love and happiness and that only after this Earthly existence can we ever be free.
HH: I understand. Our job is to provide the Catalyst. Your's is to use it. Can you look beyond what your eyes are showing you, to find and express Love and Happiness in a world of Fear and Distress? If you can, you will be as a Beacon of Light into the Darkness. Will you succumb to the Darkness, or will you stand and shine your Divine Inner Light? Only you can make that decision for yourself.
Think about this:
If the One Infinite Creator, is Infinite, and has created everything that Is (which It is, and It has), then does the Infinite Creator not reside within all things?
When you can see the Divine spark of the Infinite Creator, even within those who would mean you harm, the strong grip of the illusion will begin to lose it's power over you.
"Love your 'enemies', and pray for those who persecute you".
ATS: Thank you Hidden_Hand. Whether you're genuine or not, you've certainly got me thinking and learning.
HH: You are very welcome. I am genuine, but, would it matter even if I were not? Remember, it is not who the messenger is that is of the greatest import, but rather, it is the nature of the Message itself. I wish you well on your journey Home. We will see you on the other side, and we'll all have a good old laugh about the parts we have played in this grand drama.
ATS: Is there any way to cancel this restriction? Because i could be just very lazy or under this kind of spell and want to know wich one it is. Does sleep paralysis have anything to do with it because i get that from time to time with or without shadow figures.
HH: There is. Research and employ Psychic Shielding techniques. There is much information on the internet, so I need not spend the little time we have left going into that. Read many sites, and listen to your Inner Voice. Your Soul will guide you if you ask it. It speaks in the language of Feelings. When it "just feels right", usually, it is.
No, sleep paralysis is unrelated. That occurs when your brain "awakes" from the dream state before your body. Whilst going through REM deep sleep, it is natural for your body to become paralyzed during the REM cycle, so as to prevent possible injury whilst dreaming. Sometimes when you awake too quickly from a dream, your body just thinks you are still dreaming, and thus the REM paralysis continues for a while, usually until you "shake" yourself awake, often due to the difficulty to breathe.
ATS: And another question. Is it possible that our essence can be destroyed in the coming times or is that just another scare-tactic?
HH: No. Your essence can never be destroyed. You are a unique part of the One Infinite Creator. You are an Eternal Soul, currently residing in a physical shell that you could call an "earth-suit". Your earth-suit will perish, but YOU cannot die. Nothing can destroy the Infinite Creator, and you and the Infinite Creator, are One.
ATS: I go to work to pay my bills, I live a good life with friends, loved ones, people I care about. I am essentially a good person but I do have the full range of emotions as a 'real' human, ie, jealousy, hate etc. I guess I would describe myself as 'luke-warm' to use your phrase.
How can I as an individual take what you say as the 'truth'?
HH: No one is asking you to. Never take what another says to you as "Truth". Your purpose here, is to find your own Truth. Sometimes, others can help you to do so by offering guidance, but for their Truth to become your Truth, it must pass through the test of your discernment. Sit quietly in meditation, and ask the Infinite Creator to guide your path. Meditate upon that which I have shared, and listen to your inner feelings. They are the language of your Soul.
Use all your Negative emotions as they arise, as the tools that they truly are. Train yourself to notice when Negativity arises in you. When you catch yourself projecting a Negative thought, remember that all thought is creative, and ask yourself if that is really what you want to create?
It takes a while to become proficient, but do not give up. Just keep noticing your Negative thought patterns as they arise, and in so doing, simply choose again, and select a response that is more Positive. It is called 'working on yourself', and is the main reason you have chosen to be here right now. To work upon yourself. I wish you well in your transformation process.
ATS: I also read through the above link from one calling themselves 'The Insider', although his / her posts were less sophisticated than yours. Was he your predecessor? One of your ilk charged with this 'disclosure'?
HH: A good question. I have just read through that material. It was very interesting. No, not a 'predecessor of mine', and not a disclosure I was previously aware of, which had it come from my Family, would be highly strange. Though, I note that he himself stated that he is "from a minority", and certain clues within his writing gives me a very good idea which one.
I would say his material is around 60% accurate. The feelings I get from reading him, are not that he intentionally included inaccurate information, but that he was just not in possession of the "bigger picture". Were he to be from the "minority" group I believe him to be from, that would make perfect sense.
ATS: So when the Harvest comes, my time here is over and this conscious shell I live in is no more, what then? What happens to me? What happens to my friends and loved ones? Are we, and by we, I mean the vast vast majority of us who possess this planet, this dimension, this density, by and large going to be ignorant of the events you foretell?
HH: This is a good question. I like questions that come from the heart.
It depends upon the circumstances surrounds your final moments of this particular Lifetime. For example, let us say that the physical aspect of you was to do the thing called "die" during the coming earth changes, you will immediately return to that wondrous realm in which we reside in between incarnations, that which we call time/space or 'anti-matter'. This is the place that humans refer to as "Heaven". There you shall meet with all those you love who have also "died" during this life experience, and enjoy a wonderful and emotional reunion. You will meet up with your Soul Group, and your Spiritual Teachers. We all store a portion of our Soul Energy on 'the other side' when we come here. Depending upon the difficulty level of the life-experience we've chosen, we take more or less of our Energy with us. For an average "Lifetime", we typically bring between 60-80% of our Soul Energy into incarnation with us. Therefore, even if ones you love who are already back in the world of Spirit have incarnated again on another adventure, there will still be a part of their Energy there to meet with you, and welcome you Home. You will then evaluate your life-experience with your Teachers, and learn the lessons of your successes and your mistakes. You will then spend time in learning and resting, before begining to plan your next incarnation.
For those who do not physically "die" before the Great Harvest arrives, there will be a moment of "zero-point time", where you will enjoy an ecstatic merging with the Infinite Creator, giving you a wonderful reminder and reassurance of who and what you really are, before the veil of forgetfulness once again descends upon you, and you will be transported to the place that awaits you, depending upon whether you join us in 4th Density Negative (unlikely), Graduate to 4th Density Positive (possible), or go to another similar 3rd Density planet (for the "luke-warms") to continue in your learning for however many Cycles it takes you to Graduate to 4th Density Positive. Those in this category will not remember anything at the time of your transition, it will be just like nothing has changed, except you will retain the memory of your "zero-point" experience to encourage you. You will not remember the recent experiences of the Harvest in this life here. It just be as though you all had some mystical experience, and life will continue as 'normal' for you.
ATS: I find you difficult to believe and yet you respond and inform in a very sophisticated manner, it is quite intriguing.....
HH: That is good. I do not want for you to blindly believe me. Too many on this planet spend their entire lifetime doing and thinking things because others say that they are true.
What I want, is that my words become a Catalyst for you. That is what we came here to do. If my words cause you, even if for just a short time, to stop for a moment, and evaluate that which you 'think' you already know about the nature of Life, and take for granted as being true (because "everyone else believes it"), then my time will have been well spent. My desire is that you become an Authentic Human Being, thinking, and feeling, and deciding for yourself what "feels" like Truth for you. I wish you well in your endeavors.
ATS: You can't provide 1 shred of proof that this isn't a hoax even though it would be incredibly easy to do so, were you who you claim you were.
HH: Won't. Not can't. Big difference.
This is not intended to be an object lesson prophesy fulfillment.
If you think I thought that I would be blindly believed, or even wanted for that to happen, you are very much mistaken. I would be disappointed if that were to be the case, for you will have learned nothing from my time here. (Not you personally, I mean 'you' as in people in general).
My task here, as has been my task incarnating here for thousands of years, is to provide a Catalyst. To make you think. (Again, not 'you' personally, I mean in general).
If I were to give you the "proof" that you are looking for, if I were to predict things and tomorrow they all happen before your very eyes, people would likely take everything I've said here as "gospel". That would be disasterous were that to occur, because you will have learned nothing for yourselves.
It's not about me. I'm just a messenger. It's all about you (again, generally speaking), and what you do in relation to the Catalyst. Question what you "think" you know about reality. Seek the Infinite Creator within you, and ask for It's guidance.
"Ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you".
ATS: I am a 32nd degree Mason, although if you were really a royal bloodline person you would know that it means nothing.
HH: If you have Genuinely attained the level of "Sublime Prince of The Royal Secret" through the Scottish Rite, or that of the "Order of the Knight's Templar" through the York Rite, and have not been taught of the Truths of Creation, then I would be very interested indeed to know which area Lodge you attend, as I would very much like to speak with your current Worshipful Master.
Naturally I completely understand and respect if you do not wish to make such personal details known publicly though.
Of course. what you said in another post about there only being three degrees is true, for those attending the Blue or Craft Lodges, though as you've stated that you are 32nd degree, I'm presuming you are either Scottish Rite, or the York Rite's equivalent.
I hope to be able to be present personally in the event that you are ever invited to progress beyond the 33rd Degree. I would like to be the one tasked with introducing you to Lucifer. I expect you will likely come back and say how there is no further progression beyond 33rd. Well, if you're lucky, there will be a nice surprise in store for you, somewhere down the line. I sincerely hope that make it that far.
ATS: That your repeating debunked conspiracy theory shows your just here to hoax.
HH: That word "debunked" always brings me a hearty laugh. Some people seem to think that throwing the word "debunked" around means that it really has been. The vast majority of "debunking" has more holes in it that the "conspiracy theories" it's meant to be silencing. Just enough of a "shell" to help those who really don't want the Truth to be True, to carry on believing that it's not, so they can replace their heads back into the sand for a while longer.
Anyway, I must press on with questions from those with open minds, I leave you with my regards, keep up your good work.
. . .
ATS: Over the course of my life I have occasionally resorted to prayer, some formal & some not with truly astounding & nearly instant physical results. I've taken these results to heart as personal evidence that some higher force or forces can respond in a meaningful manner to at least me & perhaps to anyone; Still, I don't rule out the possibility of coincidence. From your vantage point, would you please be gracious enough to shed light on this phenomena
HH: There is no such thing as coincidence. Nothing happens by chance.
Life is in a constant process of communication with us. Only mostly, people are too busy to notice.
Our Infinite Creator longs to be close to us. In truth, he is closer than most would believe, they just don't notice him. As they pass him by on the street every day, when he gives them their change at the shop, when you tuck her into bed and give her a kiss goodnight, when you squash him as he's running up your bathroom wall toward his web. When there's no-one else in the room but 'you'.
The main reason people don't have their "prayers" answered, is because they do not really believe that they will. Don't have "faith" in our Infinite Creator, have Trust in him. The most Powerful form of "prayer", is Thanksgiving. "For even before you ask, I have already given it unto you". Thanksgiving, is knowing that our Infinite Creator has provided for you as he promised, and being thankful for that, even before you see the results. The more we trust in our Creator, the more results we get.
Life gives us what we expect we'll receive. (Because all thought is Creative). If we get up, and expect to have a bad day, more often than not, that's exactly what we'll get.
But remember, that it works both ways.
ATS: And this one would be the hoaxer's sock puppet (new name, all posts in this thread, acting as the coach for the OP), created to give him/her the aura of credibility.
HH: Oh dear. You really are desperately clutching at straws. Any Admin can have the power to see if I'm using multiple accounts. I would be more than happy for an Admin to say if I am. Because I am not. Two accounts will show for me. "Hidden-Hand", my first one that I never got the confirmation email for, and this one, "Hidden_Hand", the one I did get the confirmation for.
My Infinite Creator gives me the only "credibility" that I need, or that I want, for that matter.
ATS: Hidden_Hand, I've enjoyed reading your posts if for nothing then the unusual ( for ATS "whistleblowers" anyway ) fact that it isn't bullet holed with bad writing, grammer and typos. May I respectfully recomend that you choose another venue next time? ( I like ProjectCamelot myself ). In anycase I'm still reading with an open mind but sceptical mind.
HH: Thank you. We are aware of Project Camelot. They are doing some remarkable work. Though I was not aware they also have a forum, if that's what you are suggesting? Not really my area usually, dealing with the internet. In fact I rarely have time to even venture onto it. I have quite enjoyed this time of relating to others over "cyber-space".
Well, if you're game for an "assignment", or maybe someone else if you haven't the time, I would be happy for someone to collate this topic (minus the "interruptions") so that the message appears with just the actual flow of questions and answers, and post it there in one piece, if you so desire. As I mentioned before, I chose ATS as I was reliably informed that it is one of the forums with a higher rate of intelligence and reasoning amongst it's members. On the whole, from my experience here, I would tend to agree.
Though if you think it would be of value to Camelot, by all means you are most welcome to spread this message. The more people it can reach, the better.
ATS: I have very few dreams now a days, but I had one last night, and it urged me to pose a question to you. I find it amazing that out of all the topics the universe has to offer, it offers me this
HH: Nothing by chance sir, nothing by chance.
Dreams are a key method our Souls use to speak with us. The conscious mind is too busy and distracted most of the time, to hear what Spirit has to say. So It tends to use the subconscious instead.
ATS: Hidden_Hand, I have, for my whole life searched near and far for answers to questions.
When I read your words I am compelled from within to explore their complete meanings and truthfulness. I am forced to examine them to the fullest. And I am charged with comparing them to the truth within me.
HH: That is precisely that way it should be. Again, I would encourage you NOT to just blindly accept what I say as "the truth". It never was my intention that anyone should make such an error in judgment. That is not to say that my words are not True, but that one must weigh them up, meditate upon them, and decide for yourself in the light of your intuition and inner feelings, whether or not these words "feel" True for you.
ATS: Hidden Hand, my question I pose to you, with the greatest respect and humility, Who will you stand before when we are all called home?
HH: We shall stand as all shall, before our One Infinite Creator.
We already know that which awaits us, in our coming 4th Density Negative Polarity world. We shall have to experience the Negativity of our own creation, and know what it feels like. We shall have to work off the Karmic effect of our actions. But at the same time, knowing that this is a beautiful and intricate game that we are all co-creating here together, we also know that we shall be rewarded with a hearty "thank you" and "job well done", for the Sacrifice we have made, in bringing this Negative Polarity into your Game for you, that you may use it wisely, to see that which you are not.
Thank you for your questions, we wish you all the very best, and ask our Infinite Creator to bless your path.
ATS: As you will be leaving us this Friday I would be interested in finding verification for other possible sources of information for this knowledge. You have mentioned the "RA" chanelings, but I also see similarities in three other sources which have been discussed in this and other forums on the internet. I would appreciate your evaluation of the information coming from these sources in the light of your messages. They are ACIM (A course in Miracles, alledgedled channeled by the Christos), The Edgar Cayce Material (In which the RA entity may have played a part), and the "Terra Papers". Can those of us seeking to continue our understanding of these matters find anything of use from these sources?
HH: ACIM has some core truths within it, mainly along the lines of the Law of Radiation and Attraction, but it is also littered with inaccuracies.
I am not aware of "the Terra Papers".
Edgar Cayce's work is significant. There are many distortions within it, but for ones who are of a discerning mind, there is much strong meat to be ingested from it's reading. Keep an open mind, but weigh it all up (as you should any philosophy that you allow to enter into the sacred space of your mind) and take the Truths that resonate with you.
ATS: Also you mentioned 2 prior contacts (1999 and 2003) can you shed some more light and specifics on those sources as I assume they are not to be considered privileged to those who ask?
HH: Unfortunately that is beyond my remit. The 2003 material was removed by the Admins of the site it was shared at as they felt it was "causing too much controversy", and the 1999 material was not released for the same reasons as that which I am sharing here. There was much Truth within it, but our goals have changed in many ways since that time, and it would be misleading for me to point you in it's direction now, in fact I have been specifically instructed by my own upline not to do so. I am sorry.
ATS: Thank you for your assistance,
HH: You are welcome. That is a wonderful word to have ended your communication with.
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: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Opis. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : DETALE HANDLOWE: : Kraj: ( Polska ) : Zasięg…
Jest to wspaniały przykład niezwykłego typu dużej trapezoidalnej skrzyni charakterystycznej dla okresu Nektanebidów, 30 dynastia.
Jest to wspaniały przykład niezwykłego typu dużej trapezoidalnej skrzyni charakterystycznej dla okresu Nektanebidów, 30 dynastia. Dekoracja, fachowo wyrzeźbiona w twardym kamieniu, przedstawia na wieczku wizerunek ba Wennefera, aspekt jego niematerialnego…
Férfi ing időtlen megoldások a jó stílus szerelmeseinek:
Férfi ing időtlen megoldások a jó stílus szerelmeseinek: A férfi ing rendkívül népszerű és sokoldalú ruhadarab. A stílustól, színtől vagy anyagtól függően lehetővé teszi az elegáns és a stilizációk készítését is, amelyek ötvözik a stílus és az alkalmi…
528 Hz.
W czasach starożytnych wielu terapeutów używało częstotliwości do leczenia ludzi, takich jak muzykoterapia. Używali muzyki do poprawy i utrzymania zdrowia fizycznego i psychicznego. Odkryli, że różne częstotliwości muzyki mogą wpływać na wiele obszarów…
Osa 2: Arkkienkelit niiden tulkinnan avulla kaikkien horoskooppimerkintöjen kanssa:
Osa 2: Arkkienkelit niiden tulkinnan avulla kaikkien horoskooppimerkintöjen kanssa: Monet uskonnolliset tekstit ja henkiset filosofiat viittaavat siihen, että järjestäytynyt suunnitelma ohjaa syntymäämme tietyllä hetkellä ja paikassa ja tietyille…
Kutafakari. Jinsi ya kupata Uhuru kutoka kwa Yako ya zamani na uache uchungu wa zamani.
Kutafakari. Jinsi ya kupata Uhuru kutoka kwa Yako ya zamani na uache uchungu wa zamani. Kutafakari ni mazoezi ya zamani na zana madhubuti ya kuponya akili na mwili wako. Kufanya mazoezi ya kutafakari kunaweza kusaidia kupunguza mkazo na shida za kiafya…
7 SMS-gedrag wat dui op 'n giftige verhouding: Toksiese teksgedrag by paartjies wat 'n rooi vlag is:
7 SMS-gedrag wat dui op 'n giftige verhouding: Toksiese teksgedrag by paartjies wat 'n rooi vlag is: Hou u elke tweede sekonde u smartphone dop, aangesien u vriende agterkom dat u mooier word as gewoonlik. Geen tekste nie. Geen oproepe nie. Niks. Dit is…
Magazyn opium, Fabryka Opium w Patna, Indie.
1857 : Magazyn opium, Fabryka Opium w Patna, Indie. W Stacking Room kulki są układane w stosy, a następnie pakowane do pudełek dla Kalkuty w drodze do Chin. Wielu chłopców nieustannie zajmuje się układaniem, obracaniem, wietrzeniem i badaniem piłek. Aby…
指甲护理的5个必要准备: 为了美观和整洁,指甲护理是最重要的元素之一。优雅的指甲可以说一个男人很多,也可以证明他的文化和个性。不必在美容师那里做指甲,以使它们看起来很棒。只需花一点时间即可取得令人惊讶的效果。但是,最重要的是规律性,您将需要正确的配件。指甲护理必须做什么?检查您必须购买的保养指甲! 1.首先准备双手和指甲:…
Sokkar karla: Kraftur hönnunar og litar: Þægindi umfram allt:
Sokkar karla: Kraftur hönnunar og litar: Þægindi umfram allt: Einu sinni þurftu að fela sokkar karla undir buxunum eða nánast ósýnilega. Í dag hefur skynjun þessa hluta fataskápsins breyst gjörsamlega - hönnuðir auglýsa litríka sokka karla á…
PARADYŻ. Producent. Płytki ceramiczne. Wzornictwo. Mozaika szklana i ceramiczna.
Marka Paradyż to ponad 28 lata doświadczenia w tworzeniu pięknych produktów o niepowtarzalnym wzornictwie i najwyższej jakości wykonania. Jesteśmy firmą z polskim kapitałem, w której powstają produkty znajdujące uznanie klientów w Polsce i prawie 40…
Baza lotnicza
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Opis. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : DETALE HANDLOWE: : Kraj: ( Polska ) : Zasięg…
Monstra Licetiego. (1665).
Monstra Licetiego. (1665). Te międzygatunkowe kompilacje pojawiają się w rozprawie „De Monstris” Fortunia Licetiego, który bardzo chętnie pokazywał wybryki natury. Poza medyczną i naukową dokumentacją deformacji ludzkich i zwierzęcych płodów…
Medytacja nad Płomieniem Świecy.
Medytacja nad Płomieniem Świecy. Ta metoda jest chyba jedną z najciekawszych. Przekonaj się sam - ognia nie da się podnieść i dotknąć jak każdy inny przedmiot. I ta niesamowita zdolność ognia - jest w świecie materialnym i jednocześnie w planie…
Ho tla etsahala eng ka 'mele oa hau haeba u qala ho ja mahe a linotsi letsatsi le letsatsi pele u robala? Triglycerides: Mahe a linotsi:
Ho tla etsahala eng ka 'mele oa hau haeba u qala ho ja mahe a linotsi letsatsi le letsatsi pele u robala? Triglycerides: Mahe a linotsi: Tryptophan: Boholo ba rona rea tseba hore mahe a linotsi a ka sebelisoa ho loants'a sefuba le ho kolobatsa letlalo…
CONCEPT AUTOMATIC. Producent. Automaty sprzedające.
Specjalizujemy się w produkcji automatów sprzedających będących alternatywą pozwalającą na efektywne dotarcie do odbiorcy z produktem. Nasze automaty sprzedające to autorskie i najnowsze projekty, rozwiązania, które różnią się od urządzeń spotykanych na…
Flamandzki Księga Godzin, Godziny Hutha. UFO.
Flamandzki Księga Godzin, Godziny Hutha. Rękopis ten, nazwany na cześć późniejszego właściciela, Henry'ego Hutha, powstał w Gandawie lub Brugii. 1480 Holandia. Lazzaro Bastiani prawdopodobnie urodził się w Wenecji lub Padwie około 1429 roku. -Adoracja…