
0: Odsłon:

Part 3:

If one would genuinely live by it's essence, "to recognize and honour the divine spark within each of us" we would be in for a massively Positive Harvest.

Namasté to you too. We ask that our One Infinite Creator blesses you, and guides your path.

ATS: I wonder if Hidden_Hand has read something called The Law of One. I 've only picked through it (having just stumbled on it after reading these posts)...but it reads remarkably similar to H_H' s responses here. ...

So is this the hoax source, or is that book instead the "truth?" Maybe H_H could respond...?

HH: I have already made reference to this (The Ra material) earlier in the topic.

As I stated then, yes, it is the most accurate public information available in this world currently, and I strongly recommend it's reading, to anyone with an enquiring mind.

I read some, but not all of the books when they first came out, some 25 years or so ago, and it is very similar to the knowledge my Family has, and have passed down for many many generations.

It is approximately 85-90% accurate. The inaccuracies occurred when the channel was weak, and were not intentional. We know Ra (the entity) very well, and are happy that they are even now still working here on this planet "behind the scenes" to prepare for the Great Harvest.

I think I'm up to date with your questions now, if I have missed any (that are not unimportant ones, such as what car I drive for example) , then please let me know.

We have two sessions left together, and then I must take my leave. Will look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Fourth Session:

HH: Ok, as I stated, unfortunately my remaining time is shorter than planned. This was unforeseen and unavoidable. I will not have sufficient time to answer all of your questions, so I will for the most part, focus my remaining time with you, upon responding to those questions that I feel to be from the heart, ones asked by those who are genuinely looking to take something away with them of import from our discourse here together. My second focus will be upon answering other intelligent or insightful questions that can be used to further develop our discourse. I desire to impart as much as I am able with you, in the short time we have left. I will also, as far as possible, answer other questions that I feel are important in the grand scheme of things, meaning that even if the question seems to be from someone more intent on finding things to "debunk" , if that question ultimately still serves a greater purpose, I will do my best to reply.

Please bear in mind, that in light of the above, many of my answers will need to exercise more brevity that I would ideally like, though this is necessary, to respond to as many of you as I can..

Without further delay, I shall continue with our discourse:

ATS: Do you know me? Do you know who i'm? What part do i play in all this? When will i awake? Will i awake? Should i awake? I feel it in me, but i'm afraid to let it out? Help me!

HH: Do I "know" you, as the individuated human expression typing to me over cyberspace? No, I do not.

What part do you play in all this?

What part do you want to play? The choice, as always, is entirely yours. Whether you are consciously aware of it or not, you are co-creating the storyline on this planet. My advice, would be to do so consciously.

When will you awake?

When do you want to awake? Do you want to awake at all? If your answer to this question is "yes" , then use the Catalyst and tools we have provided for you. I have made many subtle, not so subtle, and even overtly blatant statements within this topic, as to how you may choose to do this.

"I feel it in me, but i'm afraid to let it out? Help me!"

Why are you afraid? Do not reply to that question, but rather, ask it to yourself, during your quiet time, where you work upon yourself. You do work upon yourself, don't you? If not, now would be a good time to start. Sit in silence. Switch off all non essential electrical appliances. Eg; leaving the refrigerator on, would probably be a good idea. (The electromagnetic field they create disturbs your brainwave patterns, and makes it difficult for your mind to achieve the deeper alpha and theta states conducive with relaxing deeply and hearing your inner voice) .

Ask your Infinite Creator to help you. Thank her, because you know that he will.

Be honest with yourself. Why are you afraid? Remember that this is a Game that you are playing, and that it is not Reality. When you find, and come to know your Creator living within you, you will know that there is nothing to fear.

Be the strong and courageous Soul that deep down, you know yourself to be. Do not hide your Inner Light. Trust yourself, and shine your light into the darkness.

We ask our One Infinite Creator to guide you, and illuminate your path.

ATS: Are the PTB [Powers That Be, Wes Penre's comment] focusing on creating a negative point in the universe to upset the balance of our universe?

HH: No.

ATS: Was the 911 ritual the creation of a star gate?

HH: No, it was a Ritual Human Sacrifice. That, and the obvious catalyst for the so called "War on Terror" .

ATS: So could the predictions of federation of light's "Goodchild" could have been true in a sense instead of a UFO or our understanding of a UFO could be light bearers influencing mankind ascend / descend to a higher/lower vibration status?

HH: She has a good heart. She just tuned into the "wrong channel" and listened to the wrong programme. I mentioned before, that if one does not exercise the appropriate protection, and discernment, what was initially a positive channel can very easily become unknowingly corrupted by a negative one. When they start giving you dates and times, you know that something is amiss. Giving dates and times that are not going to come to pass, succeeds in putting out the Light of the 'channeller' s message, by destroying the credibility of the messenger.

ATS: Is the creation of fear, terror, horror and suffering by your kind to create loosh emotions for feeding at the time of harvest?

HH: No.

ATS: Are the bloodlines that have been infused with the ancient wisdoms trying to become god’s themselves?

HH: There is no need to try. Humanity needs to grow beyond the stagnating concept of "gods" . The idea of "god" takes the Power out of your own hands, and places it upon some shadowy unknown figure, somewhere "out there" . In other words, outside of yourself. Instead of "god" , see "Creator" .

So, there is no need to "try" .

We already are Creators. And so are you. The only question is, will you Create Consciously, or sub-consciously?

ATS: What is 11.11?

HH: Think of it as an alarm clock. What are alarm clocks for?

ATS: Please explain how new born babies are infused with spirits after birth.

HH: They are not. A Soul enters into It's physical container usually long before the birthing process, sometimes later, but still before the actual birth..

ATS: Does a website like this serve the purpose of negative generating?

HH: That depends upon how you use it. It has the potential to be either negative or positive.

It is up to you how you use the potential.

ATS: What is wrong with having an ego and why do the new age religions try to suppress the ego? Without an ego is seems as though one can't ponder his own existence. Or in fact learn from the wealth of knowledge that we are searching for in making mistakes and correcting those mistakes.

HH: There is nothing "wrong" with having an ego.

Your ego is an excellent and invaluable tool. Yet, as with any tool, if you do not have it under control, it carries the potential to become dangerous, and do you and others much harm.

ATS: H.H., strangely, my concern is that I will be recycled back onto the wheel of life and be reborn with a new brain and lose everything I have so arduously learned in this life time.

HH: Your Soul remembers everything you've ever experienced. The only reason you don't remember it all now, is due to what we term the "veil of forgetfulness" . If you came into each new incarnation with access to your Soul memory, there's no point in your coming into space/time. It would be like playing a computer game with all the cheats. You wouldn't learn anything, and it takes the fun out of playing the game. Remember that this current physical body you carry around with you, is not who you are. It's just the vessel for your essence. Who you are, is Real, and cannot be destroyed. You will retain all your memories of this life experience once you pass onto the realm of time/space, or that which some call "Heaven" . space/time is illusion, time/space is Real. That Infinite Being living within and around your "body" , namely your Soul, is who you really are. The part of you that thinks, and feels, and loves. It will always be a part of you.

ATS: My dream is to be a master such as yourself.

HH: I am not a Master. I am a growing and evolving Soul, just as you are. We're just at different stages of our development. You will get to where you desire to be. It takes time and patience. Be sure to make time to enjoy the journey.

ATS: I endeavor each day to master myself and change. To develop a mind that has mastery over my body. I feel I have come so far in this life time and yet not far enough.

HH: You are on the right path, in that you are consciously choosing to work upon yourself. Many there are in this world, who are not even aware of such a concept. Remember though, that it is not only the mind you must develop, but also your Soul. Work with your feelings as well as your thoughts. Cultivate Compassion (as that is the main thing you will begin working with in 4th Density) . See yourself within all "others" , and treat "others" as you would like to be treated yourself. Then remember this one crucial thing:

There are no "others" .

ATS: My dream is to one day personally meet great masters like yourself and learn what you know.

HH: Then here is what you must do:

Go and find yourself a mirror. Gaze deeply into it, and then say this magic word:

"Hello" .

And you will indeed meet with us, back stage, once the game is over. When you see us "out of costume" you will recognize us as your age old friends.

ATS: Thank you for coming here and sharing your vast knowledge of the universe. I have much to ponder.

HH: You are welcome. Thank you for your questions. I feel the desire within you to progress. You have it Within yourSelf, to be all that you wish to become, and much more that you cannot yet even imagine.

We look forward to sitting down for a good old reminisce with you on the other side. In the meantime, keep Trusting in, and working upon yourself, and live each moment in Thanksgiving, to our One Infinite Creator.

May our Infinite Creator bless and guide your path.

ATS: Honored sir (or madam)

I wish to be the one to bring a new planetary energy system to the world. As it is assumed that the "families" have great knowledge, I humbly request access to this small bit of needed information.

A U2U message to set up a more secure route of communication would be splendid, I presume.

I am aware I can never be a "member" , but "acolyte" would suffice.

I am also aware a trade off would be in the offing, and discussions of such would be held with respect, though not with guaranteed acceptance.

I await your reply.

HH: I am sorry, that this is not possible. One is Born into the Family, and raised in a very specific and rigorous way, which engenders unwavering Loyalty. No matter how keen and sincere one may be to "join" us, we can only place our trust in those raised in our ways. I would not wish the conditioning process we go through on anyone, it can be grueling at times, and it is too late to begin the process once childhood has passed.

As for further communication, unfortunately this is also not possible or allowable for me.

I have given as much information as is permissible for me, during this discourse. There are many informational "gems" within these pages, for those who truly seek to develop themselves. Some are obvious, others are more subtle and multi-layered. Take them "within" , and ask your Infinite Creator to bring you insight.

We wish you well upon your journey, and look forward to seeing you at the "aftershow" party.

ATS: I'm still not clear on what this harvest is. A "harvest" means to reap what has been sown - by you!

HH: Not by us. We did not sow, our Infinite Creator did. We do not reap, our Infinite Creator does.

We help to prepare the Harvest, by separating the wheat from the chaff, for want of a more eloquent metaphor.

ATS: Will it be an instantaneous change, of which there will no longer exist the physical realm as we currently know it to be and are experiencing as an "illusion" ?

HH: I have already covered this elsewhere in the topic. I would encourage you to read through again, and find the information I have already presented on how the Harvest will occur, and what the different variations of experience will be.

ATS: Thank you for answering my previous questions. I have some more, if that's ok?

1. How can karma be overcome, if at all? Is there an end to the karmic cycle?
2. Is time really as we perceive it, or is it another 3D illusion?
3. Are your family members born with the knowledge of what they are and where they're from? If not, and it's all taught and passed down, have you ever doubted or questioned any of it?


HH: You are welcome.

1). No, Karma cannot be 'overcome' , it must be 'worked off' . In other words, if you've hurt someone, be it physically, emotionally, or however else, you will have to, at some future point, experience what that felt like for them. The Law of Karmic Effect is not a 'punishment' , it is a tool of learning, which is set in place to promote personal growth and development. If you have to feel the consequences of your actions, there is a higher likelihood of your choosing a different course, the next time around. It is also important to hold in mind that it works both ways. Seek therefore to ensure that the effect of your presence upon those 'others' whom you encounter upon your journey, are positive and beneficial.

1b). A Karmic Cycle is brought to completion once you have learned the lessons intended for you from it. If you keep repeating the same mistakes, you'll keep cycling until such a time as you get the message, and break the cycle. But yes, ultimately, all of us will learn that which we need to learn, and all of us will find our way Home. For some, it just takes longer than others.

2). Linear time is more accurately described as an intentional fabrication. The true nature of time, is cyclical. Though, remember also, that even cyclical time, is part of Creation, and Creation, beautiful as it may be, is also an Illusion, or more accurately, a Thought-Form of our Infinite Creator. Creation is not Real, but the Creator and Co-Creators of it, are.

3). This is an excellent question. I will devote some time to it:

Firstly, there is a distinction to be made. When I speak of Family in this particular reply, I am referring to the Power lines, ie; those that do not originate from this planet. The bloodlines that you know of, whilst they are a part of our extended Family, are not born with the same extent of (Spiritual/Esoteric) Power that we are, and in this response, I am referring to our True and Pure Family. We are not born with the same veil of forgetfulness as you are. The veil is still in place, but would be most accurately described as being somewhat "thinner" . We see the "invisible" connections of life which are hidden from you, because we retain access to more than just the 3rd Density perspective. Not dissimilar to the manner in which some people can see what you call auras. This is because you are working your way up, whereas we have chosen to step down, in order to help you. We could not do this as successfully if we had to forget all that we have learned. In other words, to you, everything "appears" as being "separate" . We see that this is not the case. We do not have 'direct' Soul Memory, as in the manner that you remember what you did yesterday, but we may access any portion of our Soul memory we so chose when we focus upon it, often in a meditative state. Personally, my experiences are different again, in other ways, due to my specialty in the Spiritual disciplines. But I will go into that in more detail later, in response to another question.

Yes, information is indeed passed down, though unlike for yourselves, any one of us may, with some effort, check the validity of that information from our Personal and Group Soul Memory. basically, where you see yourselves as "separate" human beings, we see and Know, that we are One.

ATS: Then I am glad I picked up on that particular point. I found it to be a real ray of light. Though, I'm unsure what to do with it. This information feels as though it should comfort me, and yet it 's difficult to feel comfortable knowing that ' evil', in part, makes us who we are. But thank you nonetheless.

HH: "Evil" is Not who you are. It is part of the complex series of illusions, that you use in 3rd Density, to show you who you are not. The further up through the Densities you work, the less Polarity plays an important part in the game. The Sixth Density, the Density of Unity, is the last level that Polarity is a factor, but even then, it factors in a very different way. Instead of balancing Positive / Negative, you will be balancing Love / Light, Compassion / Wisdom.

ATS: True, and I'm glad you pointed that out to me. I think what I really meant when I said you are "alleviated" is that your very essence is not 'evil' or corrupt. And this alleviates you from my perspective because I'd forged an idea of the ruling elite as being comprised of terminally corrupted souls.

HH: No Soul is terminally corrupted. Every Soul is a beautiful individuated portion of our One Infinite Creator. Souls play characters in the Game of Incarnation. Souls can play some really mean and nasty characters, but underneath the disguise, they will always be beautiful. Remember this, everytime one of these beautiful Souls 'mistreats' you as a part of their storyline. They're just playing their part, like any good actor does whilst on stage. Be thankful to them for their Sacrifice, and learn the lessons they are bringing to you.

ATS: You say we all mingle between incarnations but I suspect the nature of our perception and interaction in that realm is not comparable to our Earthly methods of interaction and therefore, as a united entity there 'll be no independent ' laughter' . I have a few (what I feel are probably final) questions for you:

HH: Not so. Think in terms of individuated Souls, who can see and understand that they are not separate, but interconnected. It is an illusion, that "space" is "empty" . You will still interact as an individual, yet at the same time, you will see how we are all One. It is difficult to explain in a way that makes 3rd Density sense. We just do not have the words or concepts to describe it.

We no longer need words where we are going.

ATS: 1) How do you know all this? And I really mean KNOW. Clearly you have been taught in great depth about the nature of existence. But how do you know this first hand? How is it more than faith for you? Have you been able to avoid 'forgetting' upon reincarnation?

HH: I have made reference to this, in my answer to the previous poster.

ATS: 2) You seem to be suggesting that your methods of physical enslavement are intended to force us into spiritual awakening. But if that is so, why are methods of spiritual suppression used against the general populace (chemicals, organised religion, sociological) ? I understand why you obstruct our material lives but not why you obstruct our spiritual development.

HH: Think of it as a "test" .

Have you ever noticed, how just when you 'think' you've found something that really "feels" like Truth for you, something will come along to make you doubt it? To make you doubt the truth, and in so doing, to also doubt yourself in believing it?

It happens all the time, in fact, almost every time you have some new revelation that gets you all excited. And it happens, quite by design. You cannot see this however, as it's happening beyond 3rd Density comprehension, in a realm where everything can be seen as adjoining and relating to everything else. Syncronicity. All a magical part of our Infinite Creator's ingenously Creative mind, and excellent sense of humour and irony.

Can you see how the "test" works?

Just when you find something that you've weighed up and dissected with your discernment, and decided to integrate it into your concept of "Truth" , along comes the challenge to your newfound beliefs. Usually in the form of an event, or something that 'others' may say to disuede you.

Your Spiritual development, like all other aspects of your progression, is something that you have to work for. How do you know if your newly discovered 'truth' is really True, if you're never tested on it.

The test, is this:

In the face of a challenge, who do you trust?

Do you trust what the "outside world" is showing you?

Or, do you hold fast to that which "feels" like Truth, deep within you?

That is something you can only answer for yourself.

I am sorry I do not have the time left to respond to all of your questions, so I selected the ones I felt to be the most important.

I have enjoyed our communication Cythraul, and am happy to have made your aquaintance.

Well, I must press on with more questions. I ask that our Infinite Creator bless and guide you on your path, and give you the Courage of your convictions.

Be well friend, I look forward to meeting up with you when we've completed the game.

ATS: I have one more question for you if i may.

What question has not been asked as of yet that is most important for us to know if any? And if there is any would you consider it asked now? Not sure if this one does any good but it stuck in my mind last night.

HH: An excellent, and incisive question to ask.

I think what I shall do, is to save this question, for the very end of our discourse.

It will be an effective way to bring our time together to a close.

ATS: Hidden_Hand, I know you're trying to focus on spiritual questions and questions about the density shift. But if you could detract for a moment to answer my questions about shape shifting I'd appreciate it.

HH: I will, but must be very brief, I am sorry.

Shapeshifting is not a "natural" phenomenon. "Shapeshifting" creatures / races do not exist, at least certainly not in any realm, Galaxy or Density we have ever experienced.

However, there are certain Rituals that when engaged in, enables this to take place.

It has to do with the fact that the body, as is true of all physical things, is not really solid. Sure, it looks and feels as if it is, but in actuality, all matter is composed of atomic and sub-atomic particles of Light, within molecules and compounds. As I say, I 'm being brief through necessity, and don' t have time to go into the science.

There are certain Rituals which when undertaken, allow for a range of 'manipulations' of the so-called 'solid' bodily mass to take place. I have seen some grotesque images in my time, which I really prefer not to dwell upon.

I trust that even if in some small way, this will have answered your query.

And this next question, I will have to finish on for tonight. I have somewhere I must be.

ATS: H_H, I wish to thank you for your enlightening words. It has been an utmost pleasure of mine to read what you have spoken.

I do however have a couple of questions..

As I look into myself, I see (feel) as though I am an old soul who has learned many things and possibilities, how are we to know how far along we have come in regards to obtaining a higher spiritual being during the coming Harvest?

HH: You are most welcome. Appreciation is always appreciated.

I am unsure whether your question refers to now, or once the Great Harvest is accomplished, I've already touched on what happens after in a few replies. so I'll go with the former.

As for now, there is a simple method to check upon your progress.

Despite what "appears" to being going on in "the world at large" , how loving and harmonious are your personal relationships?

Remember that the world, is your mirror. Casting back at you the reflection, of that which you have projected into it. How many arguments do you find yourself engaging in? Is there bitterness and acrimony within the ranks? Do you look at others, and think about how you would like to change them? Or, do you love them, and accept them as they are?

Loving and accepting someone, for who they are, is known as Unconditional Love. That is something you will spend much time working upon, when Graduating into 4th Density Positive. It's a good idea to get a headstart. Now, loving and accepting someone as they are, does not mean accepting abusive behavior. But, it does mean loving and accepting the person (Soul) , not the Soul's behavior. The behavior is not "who they are" , the Soul within, is who they are.

The quality of your relationships, is an excellent mirror, from which to gauge the quality of your output. Or, in other words, that which you are Creating.

Do you look at a person, and concentrate to a greater or lesser extent, upon the things that you dislike about them and wish would change, or the qualities that you like and admire in them?

Remember that we have said, that all thought, word, and deed, is Creative.

You get back Exactly what you send out.

So, when you send out the thought "Why is she so hard to live with? Why is he always behaving like this?

Ask yourself, what exactly are you doing?

Now focus here, as this is so obvious, you could miss it. And in fact, most do.

Take away the "question" from your sentence, and essentially, you are saying:

"She is so hard to live with" . "He is always behaving like this" .

Do you see what you are doing?

Remember, All thought is creative..

You have just created the very behaviour in that person, that you wish to change. Simply because you do not understand the Law of Radiation and Attraction.

Now, try an experiment:

Take someone in your life, that you love, but sometimes have trouble getting along with.

Think, about the thoughts you have projected about that person. The Negative thoughts. Ask yourself, does the behavior that you do not like in that person, in any way correspond to the thoughts you have been having about them? If you 're honest with yourself, it' s a strong bet that it does.

Sure, they must have behaved that way in the first place, to make you notice that you didn't like it, but, we all have off days sometimes. The more you focus on that behavior, the more you are going to see of it. It's just Life, doing what it does, and conforming to your expectations about the way it will be for you.

Now, having recognized this, what will you do about it?

Simply notice your Negative thoughts as they arise, literally, "catch yourself" as you are having them. And then, simply change your perspective. Focus instead, about the things you like about this person. How you love their smile, the sound of their happy laughter; the way they do such and such nice thing, how helpful and loving they can be. Keep putting those positive thoughts out. Persevere, as you may have a bit of negative work to undo first, but just keep catching yourself, and focusing on the positive..

Then prepare yourself for an "almost magical" transformation of your circumstances.

Always monitor your thoughts, and pay attention to their Quality; because what you think about, is directly related to what you will see around you, and what Life will show you. It is the difference between conscious, and subconscious Creation.

ATS: And what of our Loved Ones, or more appropriately, my soul mate who I Love dearly. Will I be able to take this new Journey of the Harvest alongside my Loved ones?

HH: That will depend upon whether or not you both Graduate, or have to repeat the cycle. Though rest assured, even if for one lifetime you were to be apart, you will always be together in time/space (between incarnations) and you will be able to plan many future 'lives' (incarnations) together.

ATS: And one more thing as I know there are others who are longing for questions answered..

Why do we Dream in Metaphors which make no sense?

HH: I do not have time left tonight to respond sufficiently, but the short version is that the Universal Mind speaks in Archetypal Imagery. In a similar way that the writing in some of our Oriental languages uses a system whereby a collection of words or meanings are contained within what is essentially a 'symbol' , so the Universal Mind uses Archetypes to communicate in Dreamtime. Just like understanding any new dialect, you just need to learn the language.

ATS: Thank you so very much H_H, I strongly wish I may meet you someday and have a good talk.

HH: You are very welcome, and it will happen as you wish.

Not now, in this lifetime, but soon, when we have finished playing this game together. No rush though friend, we've got all the time/space in the world. All the time/space in Creation actually.

I must go now for tonight. I shall do my best to reply to as many of you as I possibly can do tomorrow, before I must take my leave.

Goodnight to you all. I ask that our Infinite Creator bless and watch over you.

Fifth Session:

HH: This will be our last session together.

I will do my very best to pack in as much as we can.

I am sorry for those who must have missed my earlier post from yesterday which clearly stated that I already have more questions than I have time to answer, and that you have spent the time in writing our new ones. My time is so limited, I am unable to respond to you. I have a long journey I must make shortly, and cannot be late for it.

ATS: I have always been very confused and not clear on the subject of "god" , having been tossed around from religion to religion from my parents it is hard to discern which "god" to believe or have faith in. Should I keep on having faith in the fact that the world around me is "god" and that there is not one particular being that deserves this faith?

HH: Religion is either actually created, or at very least, heavily influenced by us. There is no such things as "god" . "God" is a human concept, which is a misunderstanding of the original concept of "Creator" . This is further confused, as there are many macrocosmic level Creators, or Logos, as has been explained previously. "God" implies some separate entity which is 'outside' of you, which you must supplicate to and worship. Our One Infinite Creator, and almost all of our Logos and sub-Logos', do not want your worship. They want you to understand Creation, and your place within it, as a Co-Creator. Ultimately, there is a "Supreme Being" , in the form of the One Infinite Creator, but we are all a part of It, rather than it's subjects. None of the names given for this "Supreme Being" by your religions are the true name, but they are indeed correct, in that there is One Supreme Being, namely the Infinite Creator. They just have different concepts about It, which spring from the texts their religion is based upon.

Do not 'worship' your Infinite Creator, but rather live in a state of Thanksgiving and Service to It, for bringing you into Being, and for this amazing Game It has Created, in which we may forget who we really are, in order to remember, and know ourself one again, as the Creator.

ATS: So basically the form that we have is actually just a body with bones and skin and so on and so forth, what matters is our soul or being that is inside us that makes us question and deal with our surroundings and life, so when we "die" the pain and suffering is just part of our human shell, and has nothing to do with our soul or being which will carry on into the next life or density?

HH: Indeed. 'pain' and 'suffering' are just aspects of the Game. They feel extremely real whilst we are playing the Game, and indeed they have to, in order to make you believe that the Game is real. No-one really "dies" . But rather, the 'matter' of human form is shed, much like the chrysalis of a caterpillar, when the butterfly emerges. Look upon physical incarnation as the chrysalis in which you may transform.

ATS: I feel as though I am like Shelby, but have lost my way, or I am just so confused and not in-tune with my inner-self that I can not figure out what is my purpose in this game. Is there anything you can shed upon this?

HH: Your purpose in the Game, is to work upon yourself. To grow, develop, and transform yourself into a more positive and loving being. You had certain goals that you planned to achieve before incarnating here, which is a main reason for the veil of forgetfulness being in place, because if you already knew what your goals were, the Game would be too easy.

Look at the things in your life that you most love to do. Ask yourself what makes you most happy. Experience these things as often as possible, as they will be related to some of the things you chose to put into your Soul contract to do here.

Also, look at the negative things, that often seem to recur during your lifetime. It will be highly likely that these are also things that you chose to come here to work upon. Let us say for example, that you chose to come here to work upon patience during this incarnation. You will likely find that you have a tendency towards impatience, and that life will often bring many experiences to you, in order to 'test' your patience. The idea being, that rather than losing your temper, you work upon your impatience, and resolve to become a more temperate and patient Soul.

This same analogy may be applied to all manner of circumstances in which life will test you. Look for and begin to identify any recurring issues you have, that you perhaps struggle to deal with, and seem to present themselves to you, time and time again. Perhaps anger, being abusive, selfishness, hatred, cynicism, and the list goes on. Whenever you find recurring circumstances, it is because you are being presented with opportunity after opportunity, to work upon these issues, until you get it right, and choose a way of behavior that is more Positive. Once you've successfully identified these issues within your life, worked upon them, and used them as the tools of transformation that they are, to improve the quality of your character, you will notice that these things seem to almost cease to appear in your life. You will still be presented with them at varying intervals, to check that you have not forgotten that which you have learned, but they will be fewer and far between.

I hope this may give you some clues as to how to identify the things you came here to do, and how to go about working upon yourself.

ATS: My life has been a troubled one for awhile now, having been so soaked and brainwashed into the human life form and way of life, but lately I feel as though I am starting to wake up and see things more clearly. Am I doomed because of the path I have taken for most of my life, or can I still save my "soul" ?

HH: You are not 'doomed' , and your Soul does not require 'salvation' . No-one's Soul does. There is nothing to 'save' it from. It is good to hear that you are awakening, and that is another reason why I am here at this time, speaking with you. Our Infinite Creator has many messengers, and he uses us all in our own unique ways, to help with the Awakening, and prepare as many as possible, for the coming Great Harvest.

But as I say, you are not 'doomed' , and there is nothing to save yourself from, except perhaps, from ignorance. And I do not mean that in an insulting way, but rather, ignorance as in a 'lack of understanding' . At the very worst, you will have to repeat as many 3rd Density Cycles as is necessary, in order for you to learn the things you need to learn, in order to progress and Graduate to 4th Density Positive. But one thing is for sure, you will get there in the end. All will find their way Home, to our Infinite Creator. Rest also assured, that you will not find yourself 'lost' in your cycling. At the end of each physical incarnation, as I've previously stated, you return to time/space, or that which has been described as "Heaven" , where you shall once again know yourself as you truly are, a unique and beautiful Soul, and a part of our Creator. You only forget who you are during incarnation. The object of the Game, is to wake up within the 'dream' , and in effect, become a 'Lucid Gamer' . To remember who you really are during the Game, and to then begin working upon the things you came here for. Re-reading this topic, with discernment, will provide you with plenty of clues on how you may choose to go about this.

ATS: Thank you for your time here with us, and I wish you the best, it has been a pleasure speaking with you and listening to your knowledge.

HH: We wish the same for you Brother, and ask that our Infinite Creator bless you and guide your path. See you when we get Home.

ATS: So, is the harvest an "all or nothing" event or will it be a mixed harvest—a few moving to fourth density, a few moving towards fourth density in service to self, the great majority repeating third density? And if only 94% go to fourth density negative, then you have to repeat 3rd density and try again for a 95% negative harvest? If so, then I would hate to imagine how much more negative your people would make the earth at that point.

I'm still confused about your part in this. In order for you to move on the 4th level, it must be a 95% negative harvest. In other words, to reward your people with 4th density, 95% of the human souls have to be (in the self-contemplation process) as far away from the "Infinite Source" as humanly possible. That just doesn't "feel" right to me.

HH: It does not 'feel' right to you, as it is not right. You have not entirely grasped the concept. I shall attempt to clarify.

The Harvest is Mixed. Those who are 51% or over on the Positive path will Graduate to 4th Density Positive. There you will work upon Love and Compassion, and it will be a very beautiful world to reside within for you. There will be very little negativity. Just a small enough amount that you can still use it to exercise your Free Will in choosing who you are not, but it will be so much more obvious than it is here, that the negativity is a tool to be used. You will see the interconnectedness of all things, and you will know that you are not 'separate' from one another, or from life Itself. You will not use words much, unless you choose to. Telepathy becomes the normal method of communication. Everything is open, and you cannot hide your thoughts from 'others' .

From that incarnation onwards, you will not have to experience 3rd Density incarnation again, unless you later choose to do so from Higher Densities, as we have done, in order to perfect the art of Service, or unless you somehow, in a 4th Density world of abundant love and beauty, inextricably manage to be 95% Negative at a time of future Harvest, and slide back down the snake, instead of ascending up the ladder, to use another 'Game' metaphor.

Back to 'this' current Great Harvest, we do not require a 95% Negative Harvest, as you have deducted. Instead, what we require, is for US to personally attain a 95% Negative Polarity for ourselves, not for you. WE must be 95% Negative (at least) , in order to Graduate to 4th Density Negative, and earn the opportunity to clear our Karmic Record, of all the Negativity we have Created on this planet, before returning to our rightful place as 6th Density Guardians of our Galaxy, and teachers of Wisdom to those in lower Densities that ask for our assistance. If we do not make it, we will remain trapped in the 3rd Density Cycle with all those between 94% Negative and 50% Positive (what I termed 'luke-warm's') , and have to continue to provide Negative Polarity for you. Harsh as it is, our only way out, is to be as Negative as possible, to Graduate. We cannot choose to be Positive, because that is not what we came here to do for you. That 's why I often have referred to all the horrible things we' ve done here, as our Sacrifice.

ATS: You said that the "lukewarm people" at the time of harvest would not notice anything has happened, but they'd be on a different planet. Do you mean that they 'd wake up with no memory of what has occurred but still be in the same physical body, or they' d wake up in a new physical body with no memory of any past life?

HH: There will be a short experience of 'zero-point time' , where you feel utterly "at One" with your Infinite Creator. It will be a feeling of blissful, ecstatic expansiveness and Unity, whilst your physical vehicles (bodies) are dissolved back into Light, and transported to your new environment. When that transition is complete, the 'zero-point time' will end, and you will 'appear' in your new 'game-zone' (planet) . You will look the same, think the same, feel the same, in fact, it will be just like you all had some mystical experience, and life will carry on as 'normal' for you. Same houses, family situations, jobs, friends, lovers. Everything will seem the same as before, you will not remember the Great Harvest or earth changes that occurred as the planet Earth heals and regenerates herself. But you will recall your 'mystical experience' and that will give you hope and a new opportunity to choose a more positive future for yourselves.

There will still be the same Negative Polarity to overcome, but if we are successful in our Negative Graduation, (which we shall be) others are standing by to take our places pulling the strings from "behind the scenes" . We have more than done our job, in discharging our Service to you. And we are tired. It is time for us to clear our Karmic Record, and return to being the Being of Light which is our True essence.

ATS: You keep saying help is available to those searching for truth, all we have to do is ask. What is the best way to go about this? I have never had the ability to remember any of my dreams.

HH: Read back, I have given guidance on dream recall previously. it takes practice, and is a slow process, but you have to start somewhere, Be patient with yourself.

ATS: What specifically can I do to receive guidance on how to reach the state where it is easier to discern truth from untruth?

HH: Work upon yourself. Go inside, in a state of meditative contemplation. Still your mind, that your Soul may have room in which to make It 's ' still-small voice' heard. Ask your Infinite Creator to help you, and listen to your inner voice. Be patient, it takes time to develop this inner communication, after a lifetime of neglect. When you persevere and keep working on yourself, gradually it will come to you, and when it does, you must learn to TRUST in your Inner Guidance, NO MATTER WHAT OTHERS MAY SAY. That is the ultimate test. To Trust what you know deep inside as your Truth, even when the whole world tells you that you are "wrong" . It is hard work, to Trust yourself when all those around you doubt you and call you crazy, but it is the job you came here to do.

The only real and lasting Truth, is a 'self-realized' one. Messengers can come and go, and show you Truth until they 're blue in the face, but it will not be Your Truth, until you have realized for yourself, deep within the Core of your Being, that it ' feels' True for you.

You should never accept something as true, just because someone tell you it is so. But when your inner voice guides you that a Truth is True, and you feel that old warm feeling of excitement welling up from somewhere deep within, that says "Yes! I knew it!" Hold on to that feeling, (feelings are the language of your Soul) and Guard it carefully, as you can be sure that your newfound beliefs will be challenged in many ways. It is designed this way, to test you. Your Inner Truth must be able to withstand the test of time, and will be given a thorough examination. Hold fast to it, so long as it is what you Know to be True deep within. Allow nothing or no-one 'outside' of you to pull you from your path, no matter how fiercely they contend with you. They are just doing their job, even if they may well not even be 'aware' that this is what they are in fact doing. They are performing an important service to you, and you should be grateful to them for that.

We wish you well on your journey, and ask our Infinite Creator to protect and guide you upon your path.

"arc de triumphe" :

I do not have the time to go into your many questions, so I will just select a few I can answer briefly, as I still have so many questions to get through.

ATS: Do the Orion/occultist groups specifically target civilizations before they become a social memory complex.

HH: Yes, but that does not make them immune to targeting others too, if they allow any chinks to appear in their armour. In short, the Orion Empire are 4th Density Negative. They are "lost" in the sense that they have drifted so far from their true nature, that despite many attempts, we have been unable to reach them, and help them to develop. They exist within their Group Soul Complex, mostly as a group of discarnate entities, within the Astral Planes of the planets they visit. They have no intention of 'returning Home' , and instead seek to feed off of Negative Energy, to keep themselves going, as they are disconnected from their inherent natural Life-Force, by refusing to abide by the Infinite Creator's Incarnational Principles.

The time we spend between lives in time/space, is intended to restore our Soul Energy from within, in order to continue our upward progression. They are essentially 'imprisoned' within the 4th Density Negative cycle, as there is no Negative Harvest beyond the 4th Density. So they spend their time traveling the Galaxy, basically 'using the dark side of the Force' (Negativity) to achieve their means. They will eventually be brought back before the One Infinite Creator, and dissolved back into the Intelligent infinity (Source of All) , though they are being given every chance for as long as possible, to learn the error of their ways, and return to seeking the Positive, and to begin their journey back Home. They main trouble is, they do not want to go Home. They see themselves as being 'gods' , and do not intend to submit to the authority of The One.

ATS: Why all the sudden ramping up of control mechanisms.

HH: The Great Harvest is fast approaching. Time to really bring on the Polar Extremes.

ATS: The Montauk Project....fact or fiction.

HH: The project is Fact. Though the publicly available information is in someways corrupted.

Go to: Część 4:

Go to: Part 2:

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