VENQUE. Company. Hard cases, briefcases, flight case, Feather cases, waterproof cases, bags, backpack.
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VENQUE was founded by Canadian-based brothers Viktor and Simon. Veterans of the fashion industry, Viktor and Simon decided to pursue their passion project in early 2011 after years of working in top fashion design houses. Their goal was to craft the perfect backpack designed for urban trendsetters and commuters. Fast forward 3 years. With increasing demand, their single-item prototype quickly turned into a full collection of luxury travel, tech, and work accessories. Inspired by a combination of both the English and French - the two official languages of Canada - VENQUE represents the bridge between a minimalistic and functional approach to design that is equally informed by the natural resources and landscape of Canada, as it is by the modern work and travel life of Canadians. These contrasting elements form the core of the VENQUE brand, shaped by tradition and technology but always committed to artisanship, quality, detail and durability.
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