: Szukaj.

The Vatican's dark secrets:

  • : Data Publikacji.: 14-09-24

The Vatican's dark secrets: Scandals and intrigues overshadowed Benedict XVI's pontificate. His successor Pope Francis, who publicly denounces corruption and abuse of office, is also targeted. The theft of papal secret documents by Benedict's valet was…

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  • : Data Publikacji.: 14-09-24

MERNEPTAH STELE. Egypt, dated: 1208 BC Although not found in Israel the archaeological timeline of Israel could best start with the famous Merneptah stele. The stele (also named Israel stele) was discovered by Flinders Petrie in 1896 at Thebes, Egypt. Is…

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  • : Data Publikacji.: 14-09-24

CLEOPATRA VII. 69 BCE – 30 BCE One of the most well known people in history, Cleopatra VII was the last pharaoh of Egypt. She was a Macedonian Greek who ruled Egypt for nearly three decades. Known for her intelligence, she was her father’s favorite. She…

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Темные секреты Ватикана: Скандалы и интриги омрачали понтификат Бенедикта XVI.

  • : Data Publikacji.: 14-09-24

Темные секреты Ватикана: Скандалы и интриги омрачали понтификат Бенедикта XVI. Его преемник Папа Франциск, который публично осуждает коррупцию и злоупотребление служебным положением, также подвергается преследованиям. Кража папских секретных документов…

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