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bout Us
From a very modest Vancouver family business established in 1975, The Lighting Warehouse has evolved into Western Canada’s premier lighting showroom. Over 15,000 items from North America’s leading manufacturers are all beautifully displayed in our 15,000 sq.ft. showroom. The company was founded based on the principle of “treating people the same way we like to be treated when we go shopping.” Today, The Lighting Warehouse has second-generation family members working in the business, ensuring that this is still our number one priority.
The Lighting Warehouse has knowledgeable and experienced staff ready to serve you. Many of our sales associates are ALA (American Lighting Association) trained lighting specialists. Also Interior designers are available to help you with your projects. And we have sales associates who are fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese and Shanghainese.
Take a virtual tour of Our Store
Supporting the Community
Having successfully evoled from our humble beginnings has allowed us to give back to the community in a variety of ways by donating to local community hospitals and charities. These include St. Paul’s Hospital, Richmond Hospital, Lions Gate Hospital, Zajak Ranch for Children, Kiwanis Kids, Multiple Sclerosis Foundation of Canada, and many more. As our business continues to grow, we look forward to helping more charities in the future.
Whether you are a homeowner renovating or simply looking for a new lighting fixture, an interior designer or a contractor sourcing out lighting products, you will discover a wonderland of lighting at The Lighting Warehouse.
Our Lighting Selection
The Lighting Warehouse showroom houses Western Canada’s largest lighting selection. Our buyers attend all major North American lighting markets to ensure that we always have new products showcasing the latest trends, styles and colours on display. By viewing the fixtures in our showroom, you can be sure that their sizes, colours and textures are right for your home. We also carry ample warehouse inventory of everything that we display, facilitating immediate delivery of your purchases. On those rare occasions when we do not have stock, The Lighting Warehouse’s regular shipments from suppliers ensure prompt delivery.
We are Western Canada’s largest Schonbek© dealer in terms of sales, display, selection and inventory. Due to our huge volume and membership in the prestigious North Star Buying Group, we are able to negotiate special discounts from our suppliers to ensure that our prices are competitive. The Lighting Warehouse also offers specials and clearance products from manufacturers at deep discount prices.
We also have the largest selection of mirrors from simple to decorative. If you can’t find the size you need, we take custom orders at low warehouse prices. Also candlesticks, vases, clocks and occasional furniture grace our showroom to add those finishing touches to your home.
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Canada. 12420 Bridgeport Road. Richmond. B.C.
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