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The importance of appropriate insoles for diabetics.
Convincing someone that comfortable, well-fitting footwear significantly affects our health, well-being and comfort of movement is just as sterile as saying that the water is wet. This is the most normal obviousness in the world that everyone is aware of. For healthy people, comfortable footwear is first and foremost comfort, but for people suffering from diabetes this is a much more serious matter.
Diabetic foot syndrome is a complication of incorrectly treated diabetes.
Diabetic foot syndrome is a very serious condition affecting around 6-10% of diabetics. It is a complication of long-term, improperly treated diabetes, leading to deformity and necrosis of the foot, which in extreme, but unfortunately in quite frequent cases must be amputated. The direct cause of diabetic foot is long-lasting hyperglycemia, i.e. an increase in blood glucose levels above the acceptable norms, as a result of which the blood vessels of the foot are damaged, especially its arteries, which become less elastic and become overgrown. Without going into further details of the genesis of this disease, let us just add that its first visible and noticeable symptoms may be: weakening of sensation in the foot, tingling and burning sensation, clotting, swelling, ulcers, skin cracks, nail deformation, soft tissue atrophy and bruising the foot. Diabetic foot treatment is difficult and often inefficient. As usual, also here early prevention plays a very important role, which should consist in leveling blood sugar levels and proper foot care. The latter also depends on wearing the right footwear and appropriate health insoles.
Diabetic shoe insoles.
The condition described above makes diabetic feet very sensitive on one hand, and at the same time they feel less pressure on them; in the context of our argument it is primarily about the pressure of the sole of the shoe. While the pressure of the upper of the shoe on the top of the foot can be significantly minimized by choosing a looser footwear, it cannot be done with the sole of the foot, because the pressure exerted on it is caused by the whole body weight. The only solution that can be used in this situation is special elastic insoles. Of course, these are not typical refreshing, antiperspirant or flat-foot insoles or medical socks, but something of a completely different design. Diabetic foot, due to its above average sensitivity, requires special, very gentle treatment. Double-layer diabetic shoe inserts are appropriately profiled and constructed of dermatologically inert material and a soft and flexible layer of latex foam combined with cotton, delicate knitwear and are covered with a special antibacterial agent. These types of insoles effectively reduce and absorb the pressure of the sole of the shoe on the foot.
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