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13 symptoms of coronavirus according to people who have recovered:
The coronavirus has mastered the whole world. People who survived coronavirus infection told about the symptoms that allowed them to do the test for the disease. It is very important to observe your body and the symptoms that occur in our body.
One symptom is tightness in the ears that makes them feel ready to fire:
Those who got the virus reported pain in the whole body, not only as a result of clogged sinuses, ears or nose, but also in the arms, legs and chest
We should remember to monitor changes in our body and not to underestimate cough or runny nose if we notice disturbing symptoms
Painful nasal sinuses:
Aching sinuses are nothing new, even with a common cold. However, Connor Reed, a British resident of the Chinese city of Wuhan, described very precisely how he had coronavirus infection. Connor, originally from North Wales, became infected with the virus in November 2019, a month before the Chinese authorities officially announced the explosion.
In his diary he wrote: '' This is not just a cold anymore. I have pain all the time, my head is cracking, my eyes are burning, my throat is squeezing. My sinuses are weak and my eardrums are about to burst. I know I shouldn't, but I massage the inner ear with cotton pads, trying to remove the pain. "
Ear pressure:
According to Connor, another symptom of coronavirus is tightness in the ears that makes them feel "ready to fire." In contrast, the actions of a sick patient should not reduce pain by putting objects in the ear.
In the case of colds or flu, we often have a sensation of a blocked ear, in which pain increases. This is usually due to obstructed ear tubules due to high pressure through a virus in your body.
Striking headache:
Severe, throbbing headache is a common symptom of a cold or flu. It can also be a sign of fatigue, dehydration and even a lack of iron in the body. Remember to drink a lot of water, rest and try to relax.
Burning eyes:
The best way to describe the burning sensation of your eyes is to compare it with the itching and irritation that you may encounter during hay fever or allergies. A similar type of irritation can occur when we are in the midst of smog, smoke, dust and even animals, if we suffer from allergies.
The only difference between these cases and the cases reported by patients with coronavirus is that the virus causes this symptom, not an external factor such as smoke or animals.
Swollen throat:
Patients infected with COVID-19 virus usually experience a mixture of flu and cold symptoms.
Body pain:
Often when getting the flu, we deal with pain in the whole body, even bones. Coronavirus causes the same symptoms.
Those who got the virus described pain in the whole body, not only as a result of clogged sinuses, ears or nose, but also in the arms, legs and chest.
Lungs that sound like a paper bag:
This type of sound can occur when small air bubbles in your lungs fill up with fluid as well as air that you breathe in and out. As a result of pneumonia, air bubbles can fill with fluid - a common symptom of coronavirus infection. If the breath seems wheezing, it can cause bronchitis.
Another symptom that accompanies all inflammations of our body is general fatigue. Let's remember that we should rest as much as possible and take care of hydration of our body.
Lack of Appetite:
Jaimuay also mentioned that she is unable to eat while suffering from coronavirus. Any weakness caused by a cold, flu or virus reduces people's appetite. Remember to try to maintain a basic daily norm in the level of calories supplied to our body, as this will help us fight the disease.
Fever is the first symptom that occurs in humans infected with coronavirus. For some people, this is the only coronavirus symptom they get.
Chest tightness and persistent cough:
Another of the most common symptoms is chest tightness and constant coughing.
Many scientists and healthcare professionals are alerting that drops passing through a cough or sneezing are the main cause of the virus spreading, which is why we need to pay so much attention to hand washing.
Jet lag:
One of the people infected with the COVID-19 virus told about Jet Lag-like symptoms, i.e. sleep problems with frequent time zone changes.
Fainting and weakness are symptoms like headache, sore throat and fatigue.


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