0 : Odsłon:
Effective January 2, 2013, all Quality Trailer Products and Century Wheel & Rim branches and manufacturing locations will be doing business as Rockwell American. This name change reflects the significant expansion in our manufactured product sales in recent years, and we view it as the culmination of our efforts to reposition the Company as an integrated supplier of manufactured and distributed trailer parts and services to trailer builders and the trailer aftermarket.
Going forward, Rockwell American will be used in all marketing and branding efforts and will bring all of our Company manufacturing divisions and sales branches under one name. Please note that this is a name change only; the Company’s legal name and structure will not change, nor has there been any change in ownership, management, or location(s).
One thing that will not change is our commitment to offer you, our valued customers, the most complete line of high quality trailer parts at the lowest possible price, along with world-class service that is local and customized to meet the needs of your business. Early on in our history, we adopted the tagline “Fast, Friendly and Flexible” as our customer service philosophy; it continues to be a challenge for each and every one of our employees to live up to in their daily relationships with your Companies.
Over the years, we have broadened our line of manufactured and distributed parts through targeted acquisitions, rigorous product development, and by constantly searching out the best quality suppliers of trailer parts in the industry. Today, in addition to stocking a full line of trailer parts through our wholly owned nationwide branch sales and distribution network, we manufacture and market the broadest line of axles, fenders and leaf springs in the industry at four facilities in the USA.
Whatever the size of your business, we believe that our unique combination of low cost manufacturing, local stocking and support, and nationwide parts distribution enables Rockwell American to to offer you the best possible pricing without sacrificing the local product support, parts inventory and service critical to your success.
: Business type:
: Main products:
: Annual turnover:
: Established:
: Certificates:
: Location:
: Owner:
: Number of employees:
: The largest sales areas:
: CE product certificates:
: Sales department:
: Contact: Send a message. Qa. (Write it in your native language.)
USA. Pheonix.
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