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The mystery ceremony of turning heads and sticking the body from many pieces. Mystery of Osiris. Tomb of Osiris. Beressos Assyria.

Westcar papyrus reports that the learned priest Djedi was able to swap any animal heads and people with their bodies. He did this between different species and types of animals. Despite the fact that the priest Djedi swapped people's heads and did it every time, Pharaoh Khufu, known as the Greek Cheops, issued an order prohibiting such practices. In Egypt, this religiously opposed the practice of creating natural hybrids between gods embodied in animals and people who, through sexual relations, created such divine hybrids. Sodomia, or mating with animals in public squares, was practiced religiously by the Egyptians and was a normal thing, despite the fact that in the Greek historian Herodotus was scandalous. In this way, the mummy of priestess Makare found together with the wrapped small mummy of a child with a baboon head and a large brain, shows that this priestess became pregnant with the baboon with whom she had sexual intercourse, as the personification of the deity Thot. In public squares, people mated with goats as the personifications of the deity Chnum.

It is not normally possible to get pregnant between species. and yet for some reason the priestess gave birth to a hybrid, although also she and the newborn baby with the head of the baboon died.

The Assyrians also created hybrids, and discussed creatures with lion heads and bodies stuck from other animals.

This is described by the Assyrian magician Beressos. They raised these animals and used them not only for religious purposes. Also in the oldest Jewish texts is described the era of humanity, where Sphinks were found everywhere on Earth, which had the heads and bodies of lions. This is also described by the learned Egyptian priest Manetho.

After the death of Osiris by his brother Seth and the pieces of Osiris being cut into pieces, darkness followed. Osiris, however, knew how to revive and defeat Seth. What does it mean?

Between 1999, the Chefren Pyramid and Sphinks, a vertical shaft down 29 meters deep was discovered in 1999. It leads to a chamber called the Osiris Chamber and there is a grave there, the sarcophagus of the Osiris the God of Fertility surrounded by four columns. Professor Stadelmann described his discovery in Sandpit von Royalty in early 1999: "I found a shaft, 29 meters vertically down, between the Pyramid of Chefren and Sphinks. At the bottom, which was filled with water, we found a burial chamber with four columns. In the center a large sarcophagus , as I expect, this is the tomb of Osiris, the god of fertility. "

Osiris's ceremony is a ceremony of transition between thought, soul, spirit, light body, spiritual id and personality, soul Ka. This is illustrated in the diagram with the slaves' heads separated and filled with their contents. Note the still full heads on the left and the empty heads on the right. snakes represent the causative force, maybe protective energy. It should be remembered that the direction of action is opposite to the direction of the faces of the drawn figures. This means that since the characters supporting the bowls are looking left, the action takes place from left to right. And since the figure hanging from the sky looks to the right, its action happens from right to left. You can see here the transfer of content with the help of human bodies without heads, which the figure hanging from the sky holds by the legs. instead of May heads, they sowed long necks or tubes.

The very figure of Osiris depicted on a throne with a curled, characteristic of gods or spiritual rulers has the crown of Osiris Afet in the form of two semicircular afet feathers. However, even the quartered body of Osiris had fertility properties, marked here as a phallus fertilizing the gathered women with semen. In the act of self-creation and rebirth, the procedure of the column of Jed is used, you can see the anch signs hanging on the shoulders of Ka by the column of Jed and the spirit of Id wandering on. This is a departure ceremony.

Head transplants in the 20th century Dr. Robert J White.

Ten aspekt Horusa odnosi się do jego narodzin i wychowania w tajemnicy przez jego matkę ISIS.

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